Age of Adepts

Chapter 0369

Within the Tower, it was a battle rumble.

Outside the Tower, the anxiously waiting for the Sorceresses is a bit boring!

Destiny Tower has only been in a short four hours from start to close, and since then there has been no movement.

But the sky is not calm.

From time to time, there will be a magnificent glare from the sky, and then silently immersed in the tall tower of Destiny Tower.

This also caught the attention of Grim’s.

Just now he also secretly did some experiments, whether it is Spiritual Force or elemental magic, it is difficult to cover the mysterious strength of the entire Destiny Tower through that layer. Even the Raging Flame Tyrant, whose core of consciousness has branded his soul, has lost all connections, not to mention communicating with Alice.

The pair of black cymbals from the Knight plane resonated with crystal, and Grim also secretly handed it to Alice, hoping to keep in touch through this. Unfortunately, the resonant crystal, which claims to penetrate the plane barrier, is also ineffective!

But just on the defensive Destiny Tower, the colorful glare from the sky is straightforward, how can you not surprise Grim!

“These stupid guys, since they have become the carrier of fate, are still thinking about resisting their own destiny. I thought that hiding far enough away from Struggle of Destiny?jié jié jié… The result is that I lost the last chance. Oh, stupid…” An old Sorceress with aquiline nose and a hollow eye socket looked up at a glare across his head and couldn’t help but sneer.

Grim listens to his ears, his body trembles, and when he looks up at these colorful lights, his feelings are completely different from before.

This…not what Witchcraft is, but…but each and everyone’s living life!

Seriously, when the Struggle of Destiny was opened, the number of people who rushed to Destiny Tower was less than 150. So the whole Adept Continent has only a lot of people who have awakened their fate innate talent?

Do not!

According to Grim’s contact with the few Death Witch, it was learned that every time the Sorceress faction of the inheritance was cut off, there would be at least three-four hundred candidates. This means that Destiny Tower is coming to participate in the Struggle of Destiny’s awakener’s total number of 1/3.

So can they keep themselves alive if they are far away?

Looking at the colorful lights that cut across the sky, Grim was silent.

No matter where you are hiding, no matter how powerful you are, when Destiny Tower is closed, all fate awakeners who are not present will suffer the Backlash of the Plane Principle. Innate talent, which used to bring you unlimited scenery and glory, has become your life-threatening poison at this moment.

At this moment, in the secret corners of Adept Continent, there are countless fate awakeners in painful mourning, desperately begging for something.

But useless.

An inexplicable natural law flame spread from the depth of one’s soul, burning her body, flesh, Skeleton, internal organs… everything was burned to ashes. All the flesh and blood essences and souls were tempering into a mysterious substance, then attached to the Strength of Destiny and sent to Destiny Tower.

Such a scene occurs frequently in various regions, no one can intervene, and no one dares to intervene.

Those who gave up the Struggle of Destiny also gave up the last chance to struggle. At the moment Destiny Tower closed the gate, all the awakeners who stayed outside could not escape the backlash of the law of fate, turned into the most pure nourishment, and sent it to the core of Destiny Tower, waiting for the birth of the new Destiny Sorceress.

Why is every new birth of Destiny Sorceress so fast and secure? Why is the new Destiny Sorceress so concerned by the various Sorceress factions?

This is the reason!

With these nutrients as food, any new Destiny Sorceress can emerge as the powerhouse of Second Grade and even Third Grade in the shortest time. As for the ability to return to the ranks of Fourth Grade Sorceress, it depends on the innate talent of the parties.

However, the guy who can become Destiny Sorceress will also lack innate talent?

This is a very funny question in itself!

So the new Destiny Sorceress will definitely be a Fourth Grade powerhouse, just a matter of time. For the future Fourth Grade powerhouse, even the Sorceress Council should give each other the most basic respect and appropriate and necessary power.

This also means that after the Struggle of Destiny, Alice is very likely to become a high rank Sorceress that even Grim can only look up to. At that time, the relationship between the two people is very likely to have a huge reversal.

It wasn’t Alice who needed Grim’s strength, but Grim needed to hold Alice’s ‘thick thigh’ tight!

I have to say that Grim’s eyes are still quite accurate.

Since hearing the Struggle of Destiny for the first time from the drug lord Endor, he has been reviewing historical data and has rummaged through all the information he could find about Struggle of Destiny and Destiny Sorceress. Since then, he has developed the idea of ​​taking shortcuts and taking shortcuts.

One-time investment, lifetime reward!

Once the gambling wins, there is a high rank Sorceress cover, so the future fate will not mention more comfortable!

Even if the gambling loses, the loss is nothing but something outside the body. I am the registered Adept of the Sandtalin Region Sarubo Clan. Although the Northern Witch is arrogant, I still want to kill myself. As long as they don’t resist, even if they catch themselves into the Sorceress Parliament, they will only be off for a few years, letting him bleed once.

After all, the Adept he killed was an active provocation, and it wasn’t part of Northern Witch, so taking off the Witch of Deceit, the Sorceress Council really didn’t have to die with it on this matter!

Moreover, Grim has already planned it.

If it really fails, then he will take the last Void Stone to redeem. Anyway, Alice’s plan failed, and his plane conquest had a huge irreparable omission, and the Void Stone lost its meaning.

It was because of this, so in the previous interaction with Alice, Grim could not take the smuggling of the half-master’s master, but instead expressed Alice’s feelings everywhere and treated her equally. So don’t mess up the relationship between him and Alice!

The fragile master-servant contract is probably dismissed at the moment Alice succeeds!

The powerful Destiny Sorceress will be in the front of a First Grade male Fire Sorcerer? Think of it like this, but once you want to put it into practice, I am afraid that the entire Sorceress Council, where the feminist is supreme, will be able to swallow Grim.

So in the previous interaction, Grim always treated Alice as a ‘friend’. Although this feeling seems hypocritical, it is accompanied by a sincere hypocrisy.

Will Alice become Second Grade or Third Grade Destiny Sorceress? The first thing she won’t meet is to make herself a meat sauce? After she became Destiny Sorceress, how much more can she invest in her previous emotional investment?

One thing that couldn’t be fully controlled was flowing through Grim’s heart, and it made his waits longer and more horrible…


With the loud bang of oh la la, the spider beast forcibly smashed the wall of the Witchcraft hall and rushed into the illusion of a strange rune.

The ocean of light in the hall suddenly disappeared, and the Witchcraft rune etched on the floor, walls and ceilings burst, which made the Sorcersesses one by one immersed in another World break free.

At the moment when the illusion disappeared, nearly half of the apprentice and 2 Sorceress in the Sorceress group slid softly and lost their lives. The rest of the guys, either painful screaming, or screaming, or desperately attacking the side of the body, apparently the repercussions that the illusion brought to them are difficult to get rid of in a short time.

In the crowd, a goddess who looks ordinary and has a normal body shape is leaning on the side of a young Sorceress, one hand presses her mouth, and one hand gently cuts with an ordinary dagger. Her throat.

What is very strange is that the goddess of the girl clearly does not have any strength, and the dying young Sorceress is full of powerful elemental aura. But… but she seems to have given up all resistance, even let the goddess girl quietly kill herself.

Many Sorceress have just got rid of the illusion, the Spirit shock has not completely calmed down, glanced around squinting at the scene that is fascinating, but has not yet figured out the truth of the matter.

“It’s her! Kill her!” Alice’s sharp voice came from the spider beast.

Next moment, the huge all-metal spider beasts swept a lot of metal joints, carrying a powerful metal humming, and swooping the goddess in the crowd with an unstoppable attitude.

While fluttering forward, the spider beast raises his body high, and the front of the hive re-emerges a multi-colored energy ray, and a pair of huge worms fiercely stab it.

At this time, the violent Sorceress Sophia and Ice and Frost Dancer Xue Fu just passed through the large hole, and the eyes fell on the Shenyin girl for the first time.

For those who have a Strength of Destiny below 10, the Shenyin girl is almost a completely transparent presence. Even if their eyes saw her, their hearts would automatically ignore her under the cover of fate.

But for those who have a fate over 10, the goddess is just like a moon, and no one can ignore her existence. Therefore, when the Xue Fu three people entered the hall, they could no longer see others in their eyes. They were completely attracted by this mysterious girl who was full of strange appearances but strange and full of strange atmosphere.

“Kill her!” Shenyin girl raised her head, a pair of dark, deep eyes flashed with wisdom of the light of the light, pointing to Alice’s body of this spider beast, low shouted: “She is this illusion Instructor, we work together to kill her!”

Surprisingly, her voice was calm and waveless, clearly not aware of the existence of any alien force, but inexplicably infected all the Sorceress around her body.

Just after getting rid of the Slaughter illusion, Spirit’s surviving eight-sorcer Sorceress has not yet fully calmed down. At the same time, the Sorcerer Staff or Magic wand has been raised at the same time. The Witchcraft frenzy has been overturned by the spiders and beasts.

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