Age of Adepts

Chapter 0133

What happened in the depths of the volcano, no one knows.

However, the volcano World, which is completely violent, is no longer suitable for exploring treasure hunt, but it is something that people see. As a result, Grim was also in the resentful alien apprentice, and after leaving the mission, he secretly left Pamira Town.

When Grim returned to magic swamp as Pseudo-Adept, the entire Tower shook.

Once upon a time, the name Grim was so obscured in Tower apprentice that many people were unaware of his existence. But now with his strong rise, some of the powerhouses that he could only look forward to are now being left behind by him, becoming the most dejected group of people.

Just as some people still questioned the truth of the news, Kou Gen Adept, who represented Sarubo Clan, once again came to swamp Tower and summoned Grim at 5. Not surprisingly, Grim’s choice is the same as Mary’s, and they chose to serve 10 for Sarubo Clan in exchange for the necessary resources.

Of course, if Grim is confident of getting all the resources needed for the Official Adept ceremony, he can leave Sarubo Clan now and choose to be a vagrant. However, with the current development trend of Sandtalin, the policy of hostile suppression is generally adopted for stray Adept and apprentice without family affiliation. Therefore, Grim wants to successfully pass the apprentice period, and it is inevitable to join an Adept Family.

As for the Byron Family badge that Grim obtained at the Underground Cave, it only means that the Byron Family is willing to shelter him in the Dagon Region, not at all signing the Magic Contract officially joined the Byron Family.

After seeing Kou Gen Adept, Mary, who had been heard by Grim as soon as he returned, grabbed the home.

“Say, what did you do during this mission? How could you suddenly advance Pseudo-Adept?” With Mary knowing Grim’s, this guy didn’t have a smooth job to complete the task. A great moth.

Grim just laughed and didn’t speak, but when he reached out and wiped it on the table, it left the 1 big 4 small five dark red mysterious spar.

“What is this?” Mary curiously reached out to the biggest one, but in the moment the little hand touched the mysterious spar, she jerked back.

A light sound, a cluster of flames on the mysterious spar, fiercely burning her fingers.

Even with the Constitution of Mary vampire, the fingers that touched the spar became dark. However, she did not care about this, the hand swayed gently, and as the scorch disappeared, the fingers became fresh and white again.

Mary didn’t make a rush, but she thought about it.

Just now it was not driven by outsiders, nor was it a sort of sorcerer array effect, but the spontaneous protective instinct of this spar. It is as if… it seems that it also has a sense of consciousness!

“What is this?” Mary asked again, and looked at the wrong Grim, revealing a pair of sharp canine teeth, a big bit of a bite.

“Second Grade Crystal Core!” Grim’s face showed a weird smile, a word.

Mary’s delicate red lips muttered a few times, and then suddenly woke up: “Second Grade Crystal Core? You killed the Second Grade monster? Where is the body? Is the blood extracted? Come on… Tell me soon. !”

“Hey…” Grim said with a speechless voice: “I want to meet the Second Grade monster. Do you think I can still come back alive?”

“This is also true!” Mary’s laughed, somewhat awesome for his lost self-control.

Who told her that she was in the most important transition period of vampire’s life, who told her to upgrade the fastest method is to suck the power of the powerhouse. These two add up, enough to make Mary become nervous, and when you hear the powerful creature message, you can’t help but stir up!

Of course, now that Grim is in the eyes of Mary, he is barely able to be included in the powerhouse. But what Mary said was a slap in the face, and Grim wouldn’t let her smoke her own blood. Because according to the inductive analysis of the chip, any individual who has been smothered by vampire will have different levels of damage.

And these losses are probably the key to vampire’s ability to evolve Vampire!

The popular point is that if Grim lets Mary use his blood, he is likely to drop the attribute, and he is the most important attribute of Constitution and Spirit. At this point, the Underground Cave Tiriel bloodline apprentice is the most typical example.

The original guy had reached the peak of his apprentice, and the Adept ceremony was about to be held, but it was defeated by Grim’s Magic Puppet. And this kind of injury will make him recover for a week or two at most. However, the feedback from the other family indicates that the Tiriel Pseudo-Adept Spiritual Force has experienced a recession. Although it has not fallen below the 20 point, it is enough to affect his normal promotion.

Therefore, combining a large number of blood cases, Grim has reason to suspect that the vampire family can strengthen themselves and weaken the enemy by sucking blood to the bloodline factor of the blood body. Imagine, in this case, how can Grim dare to let Mary suck his blood!

After exchanging messages, Mary rushed into the mission hall to find the apprentice mission that suits him. Grim returned to his home and began listening to the work report of goblin businessman Kabi.

In the nearly 3 months that Grim left, swamp Tower began to become active with the injection of external information and resources, no longer as deep as before. Kabi also supported Mary in the back and opened the first goblin store in the Tower.

There are not many products to choose from in the store, but they are all rare resources that are difficult to find outside. In addition, Kabi recently launched the idea of ​​low rank apprentice in the group, and began to buy low-priced Witchcraft materials and common resources that they could not use.

However, such a small shop wants to be fully operational, and it needs a steady stream of high-end goods, otherwise it will be difficult to attract Apprentices.

After listening to Kabi’s report, Grim was satisfied with the nodded, and released a lot of magic gems and materials from the storage belt, including the underground fire diamond. After all, compared to the apprentice that wandered around the volcano World in the day, Grim went deep into the lava sea many times, and the chances of hitting the high rank magic gems were much higher than they were.

Most of the fire diamonds and magical gems on the periphery are also washed out from the lava sea during the active period of the volcano. After the capture and screening of the flame creative layer, the color can of course not be too good. The fire diamond that Grim brought back from the lava sea is the top grade fire diamond of the fist size. There is even a giant fire diamond under the human skull that was thrown by Grim to Kabi, asking it to find ways to sculpt into a jade pillow.

After that, Grim will meditation on it, and the effect will be better!

When Kabi happily left his pocket, Grim’s smile gradually receded and began to seriously consider an extremely important message.

Just within the 3 months that Grim left, the Adept Anderson publicly announced that Evil Insects Entik was his own disciple. And according to Kabi, Evil Insects Entik has been in the Adept Tower 5 building almost every day, and he doesn’t know what he is doing with Adept Anderson!

In the face of the two enemies that may merge, Grim’s joy of just getting advanced Pseudo-Adept is also disappeared, and once again feels the urgency of waiting for it. Advanced Sorceress Queen, with the protection of the family contract, Adept Anderson may not know how to be himself, but it is possible to do some secrets in the dark.

He is so close to the Evil Insects Entik, is he trying to use his hand to deal with himself?

Grim smiled a bit.

Since he has thoroughly understood the interests of Adept Anderson and Mary, he knows that he will cause Adept Anderson’s disgust sooner or later. Just did not expect that the enemy’s movements are so fast, so urgent!

In these sinister Adept eyes, all apprentices are just a bunch of materials to walk. If it weren’t for the Adept high-levels that constrained their behavior, I am afraid that this group of selfish people couldn’t accommodate the new Adept to compete with them for scarce resources.

But no matter how the enemy plans to calculate, as long as their progress is always faster than they expected, then any dangers and traps will be disappeared and it is difficult to shake their way forward.

After Grim Fully Analyze had it all, he immediately gave him a long work plan for the rest of the time. Under his arrangement, I am afraid that during the past six months, his daily time is full, and it is difficult to find any leisure.

In this mysterious Other World, in order to save his life, Grim also took all the energy and time to study and study in Witchcraft.


Goblin Kabi’s room.

Upon returning from the owner’s home, Kabi is caught in an infinite enthusiasm!

Every time you take out a magical gem from the lumbar sac of the sac, it will dance with joy and excitement. After repeated kisses, it will take out the detection of Magic wand to check the attribute and quality of the gem.

Looking at the higher and higher gems piled up in front of me, Kabi didn’t mention how beautiful it was. At this moment, it can’t wait to run to the owner again, to kiss the master’s toe with enthusiasm. Perhaps this is the only way to let the owner truly understand Kabi’s enthusiasm and loyalty!

However, in this process of pleasure, there has also been a small twist.

Kabi found a fist-sized mysterious white stone in the gem pile thrown by the owner. No matter what method it uses to detect, it can’t detect its attribute, and it can’t confirm which magic gem or material or magic beast egg it is!

Even after detecting the Magic wand detection, the feedback is just a simple message like “Other World unknown item”. Since the detection of Magic wand is an item rather than a creature, it means that it is not a magic beast. Since the owner puts it in the gem heap, it definitely means that it is worth a lot.

The most important thing about goblin Kabi is the “Other World” in the news.

Is this a mysterious gem from a different plane?

Kabi scratched his head and threw the mysterious white stone on the table and turned to handle other gems.

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