Chapter 712 is in control, but reversed

   "Why is it Zhou Qihong?" Ouyang Qian got up from the bed with an ugly face: "Where did that foreigner get the money for Zhou Qihong?"

   Zhou Qihong and Lawyer Li are both leaders in serious cases.

  Ouyang Qian is the chairman of Tianyi. There are many famous lawyers in China who will not know.

   It's not surprising that she hired lawyer Li for her daughter. How could that ghost guy afford Zhou Qihong to defend him?

   Lawyer Li added: "I don't know the specific situation, but the staff of the police station told me that Zhou Qihong was inside."

   For lawyer Li, the defense lawyer of the other party is Zhou Qihong, which is enough to give him a headache.

   Originally, the foreigner couldn't afford a lawyer. The police accused Li Shengxia of being the mastermind of the abduction and trafficking case with insufficient evidence. He was the lawyer's home when he went to court.

   Attorney Li has analyzed the case and has promised Ouyang Qian that Li Shengxia will be fine. As for the foreigner, if he is punished for several crimes, he is sure to let the other party go to prison for decades.

The blending of    Zhou Qihong is equivalent to complicating things.

   As the defendant's defense lawyer, Zhou Qihong naturally wanted to help the foreigner win the lawsuit, and would definitely involve Li Shengxia again.

  Ouyang Qian hung up the phone, and Li Shengxia looked solemn on the bed: "How could Zhou Qihong take this case?"

"Lawyer Li has already gone in to ask." Ouyang Qian said, fearing that her eldest daughter was overthinking, she firmly held Li Shengxia's hand: "The police have insufficient evidence at present, even if the ghost guy finds Zhou Qihong? What if Lawyer Li If one person can't handle it alone, we will find a team of lawyers, and I don't believe that we can't let that ghost guy sit in jail!"

   Half an hour later, lawyer Li called again.

   Attorney Li told Ouyang Qian: "Zhou Qihong said it was legal aid, but he didn't disclose more."

   "Legal aid?" Ouyang Qian didn't believe it at all: "How could he be so kind-hearted as a lawyer who doesn't take civil cases under 100,000 on weekdays?"

   There are two criminal cases against that foreigner. Zhou Qihong gave him legal aid only after he was full. He could not get a penny, and it might take months or even years for it.

   "Zhou Qihong has gone to the detention center to see that foreigner."

   Attorney Li's voice was a bit solemn: "Based on my understanding of Zhou Qihong's actions, he will not let the opportunity of dragging Miss Li into the water go unused."

  To be a lawyer is to use money to help people fight disasters.

   As for the means to eliminate disasters, it may not be obvious.

  Ouyang Qian tightened her left hand on her elbow, which was clearly under her control, but now there has been a big reversal.

   After finishing the call with Lawyer Li, Ouyang Qian immediately called the secretary: "You help me ask Su Lu from Sullivan Law Firm and say that I want to invite him to dinner tonight."

  Sullivan Law Firm is a partnership between Zhou Qihong and Sullivan.

   When Ouyang Qian hung up the phone, Li Shengxia had already said, "The best way now is to make Zhou Qihong my defense lawyer."

  Ouyang Qian understood what her daughter meant.

   In the end, it’s just a matter of spending millions more.

Ouyang Qian sat back by the bedside and comforted Li Shengxia with the words: "don't worry about the case, Mom has already contacted a plastic surgery hospital in South Korea for you. When you can walk down the ground, we will go to South Korea. The doctor has seen your medical records. , to be sure that your face will not leave scars after surgery."

   Hearing this, Li Shengxia's face improved, and he did not forget to tell his mother: "Before we leave, you should pay attention to Yuan'er. For the Fu family, it is best to have a result in the near future."

   A secretary who was in charge of looking for a beauty hospital and got a kickback: (* ̄︶ ̄)…



   (end of this chapter)

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