After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 696: The abducted Tang Xiaoli, smiling

   Chapter 696 The kidnapped Tang Xiaoli, smiling

Knowing that the perpetrator and the victim conspired to abduct and sell a girl to be a dancer in Las Vegas, the matter is accidentally revealed, and the two sides have infighted and hurt each other. The two police officers who interrogated Ethan looked at each other, not knowing how to summarize this case.

   In the end, both of them are criminals, and the victim is someone else.

  Ethan sat on the other side of the table, his handcuffed hands clenched tightly, his expression nervous: "Comrade police, you must protect me. If necessary, I can appear in court to identify Li Shengxia!"

   The two policemen opposite: "..."

   This case attracted public attention, and the police launched an investigation overnight. According to the suspect's account, Tang Li also received a call from the police.

   The next morning, Tang Li, accompanied by Yu Sui, went to the police station to assist in the investigation.

   There are also reporters squatting in front of the police station.

   Even if Tang Li was wearing a mask, he was still recognized.

   No matter how much the reporter chased and asked, Tang Li didn't say anything. He got off the nanny's car and covered half of his face with his hands.

   Even so, the appearance of Tang Li is enough to create a lot of topics.

  Tang Li recorded a statement at the police station.

   In her confession, she described in detail the process of getting to know Ethan, including several subsequent contacts.

   When the policewoman asked her if she knew Li Shengxia, Tang Li paused for a moment, and then said, "I lived in the capital after my mother died and lived in a relative's house. Speaking of which, I should call Li Shengxia a sister."

   When asked if he had any unpleasantness with Li Shengxia, Tang Li replied: "Eldest sister is usually very kind to me and brings me gifts every time I go abroad, but... I don't have a good relationship with Yuan'er."

  Who is Yuan'er in Tang Li's mouth, the police naturally know.

   After coming out of the interrogation room, Tang Li immediately sent a message to Li Wenyan.

   Li Wenyan was in the hospital when he received the text message.

  Tang Li said in a text message that the police asked her to record a statement in the morning, and kept asking her how her relationship with Li Shengxia was. She didn't know what happened, so she could only try to be nice.

   Li Wenyan already knew what was going on.

   Last night, the police came to the hospital.

   also turned Li Shengxia from a victim to a suspect in the trafficking case.

   The target of the abduction is actually Tang Li!

   After listening to Li Wenyan, his face turned red and white, if it wasn't for the occasion, he would have had an attack long ago!

   Now seeing Tang Li's text message and learning that she was not talking nonsense at the police station, Li Wenyan's expression softened and he dialed the phone.

  This phone call is mostly meant to appease.

"The person who stabbed your eldest sister has a relationship with your eldest sister. A few years ago, your eldest sister went to Las Vegas for vacation. Through a friend's introduction, she met this American named Ethan. He claimed to be from a famous family, but he was actually a local If the members of a famous fraud gang were not investigated by the police, your eldest sister and aunt would still be kept in the dark."

  Tang Li sat in the nanny's car, listening to Li Wenyan's protection, his lips curved slightly: "It turned out to be an organized fraud gang, no wonder they can deceive aunt and eldest sister."

Li Wenyan added: "His deception in your school was exposed, and he entangled your eldest sister and asked your eldest sister to come forward to help him settle the trouble in the country. Your eldest sister did not agree, and he held a grudge, so it happened yesterday morning. Son."

   In a few words, Li Shengxia became a victim again.

  Tang Li didn't take Li Wenyan's words, he just said: "I'm a public figure now, and it's not convenient to visit the eldest sister. Dad will bring it to the eldest sister for me."

   (end of this chapter)

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