A hand stretched out from under the small table and placed on Li Bai's waist, Ziyu pinched her throat and said.

 “Brother Bai, I’ll be embarrassed!”

“Hahaha, food and **** are also human nature. We are husband and wife, so why should we be embarrassed?”


Hearing this, Miao Ming spat out a mouthful of crumbled steamed buns, quickly picked up his bags and fled.

 “Hahaha, I scared you away now, you are so cowardly!”

The two of them scared the outsiders away by playing pranks, and continued to eat meat and steamed buns leisurely, and then conjured up two bowls of clear porridge.

 After the meal, two bunches of dewy grapes are served. This is the benefit of not being around outsiders.

The grape skin is the black donkey that went into its mouth. The black donkey from space has a much higher IQ than its peers. It was the champion donkey that stood out after three rounds of competitions.

 His endurance, IQ, and force are all of the highest quality. He looks like an ordinary strong donkey, but he has a hidden secret.

Otherwise, how can an ordinary donkey be assigned to work for two masters? The first of the five pets will not agree.


 Ziyu naturally didn’t need to take action to clean up the mess after dinner. Even if she wanted to take action, Libai would beat her to it.

The bright moonlight shines down, the hot air blows through the earthy smell, and the frogs in the fields chirp.

 It adds a bit of wildness to the camp under the campfire.

 The playful Ziyu and Libai each held a lantern, a small bamboo basket hanging on their waist, and a thin wire with a hook in their hands.

 Before leaving, Ziyu released a white drift that was as black as ink all over his body. After resting at night, this guy had to take on the responsibility of guarding.

 “Just wire won’t do it!

I think I need to get some bait. How can the eel be as stupid as you said? We are not Jiang Taigong fishing. "

Ziyu, who has not fished eels for many years, has long forgotten what it is like to catch eels, and rarely even eats it after entering the palace.

 “I haven’t returned them all yet!

 At least you know what bait to use. The most convenient bait for fishing eels is of course earthworms in the ground.

You should still remember that black thing! "After finishing speaking, Li Bai did not forget to remind him.

“Stop, stop, stop talking about that.

  It makes me sick even thinking about it now, and I don’t know how I could eat it at that time. "

 When I thought about the people passing by, I immediately felt sick and retched.

“When I was a child, I often didn’t have enough to eat, and I was always being robbed of food. If I was really hungry, I would go digging for food.

  Until one day, I beat the boy who was robbing me of my meal to a **** head and gave him a mouthful of earthworms. The days of eating earthworms ended.

 Let me eat it now, I absolutely cannot accept it. "

Ziyu shook her head, she didn't want to use earthworms to catch eels, she would rather catch grasshoppers in the grass.

“If you are not ruthless, you will not be stable. You must remember this at all times.

My Yu'er suffered so much when she was a child, and this life is God's compensation for you.

 And I am the gift that makes up for it. "

Shameless Li Bai never forgets to remind him of his existence, for fear that Ziyu will forget him the next second.


 You are the thickest-skinned in the world. The older you get, the more shameless you become. You are not ashamed of yourself every day.

The suffering I endured in the orphanage for ten years is not as great as the suffering I endured in one year of being taken away by you.

 Forget it, let’s not talk about the past.

 On a hot day, there may be eels in the rice fields, and there may be another long thing! "

“Yes, if we encounter them, we’ll catch them together. Then we’ll catch a few frogs, and we’ll have a big fight between dragons and phoenixes.”

The two people who were chattering non-stop heard a splashing sound of falling water as soon as they arrived at the edge of the rice field.

In a large rice field where only frogs could be heard chirping, there was no night watchman, and there was not even a person looking after eels in this area. “Life is getting better now, and no one cares about the wild animals in the fields.

 In the past, it was hard to see a single wild vegetable on the roadside. Sure enough, people became lazy as soon as they got rich.

 The ancients sincerely did not deceive me! "

Ziyu, who was secretly proud, shook her head while holding the lantern, somewhat like a saint.

 “Hahaha, it’s all the emperors and saints who make sure the people have enough to eat.” Li Bai immediately flattered him.

“That is, who is the emperor? There is no one before or after.

 With the assistance of the national advisor, he is certainly a wise king.

 The National Preceptor is quite good! Working hard for the emperor without complaint is something that must be affirmed. "

 “You still have some conscience, knowing that the Imperial Master works hard without complaining.” Li Bai turned his head and bit his ear lightly and said.

“It’s my honor to have my heart fall on you for the rest of my life!”

 “Let’s just say, don’t move your hands or feet, you won’t be able to catch the eel yet.”

Ziyu bit the man back, and Libai obeyed the order happily after receiving the response.

 The two of them used their own baits one after the other and squatted in front of the promising eel hole to wait.

Under the light, the eel head peeked out from the cave entrance to enjoy the cool air, blowing bubbles and tentatively approaching little by little.

   "咻""bited the grasshopper's leg, and the wide-eyed Ziyu suddenly lifted up.

 “Hahaha, catch one, catch one.”

Ziyu screamed with excitement, holding the eel high in the air.

An khaki thumb-thick soft object, with its body twisted at ninety degrees, trying desperately to break free from the iron hook, but the harder it struggled, the deeper it got stuck.

“Hahaha, I also caught one, it’s thicker than yours.”

Not to be outdone, Libai also raised his harvest high to show off the results to Ziyu.

  The pair of kings who were once aloof and arrogant looked like children who had caught prey for the first time.

 The field life, which they had not experienced for a long time, brought great pleasure to the two of them.

Walked tirelessly around the rice fields, not stopping until the two bamboo baskets on his waist were full and he had another basket in his hands.

On the way back, they caught two more cauliflower snakes enjoying the shade. The rich harvest was an unprecedented satisfaction for the two of them.

“Lao Bai, stir-fried shredded eel, braised eel segments, roasted eel, and dry pot frog.”

 It’s not yet dawn, and Ziyu has already started to name the dishes.

 A person who can’t be pampered so much that he only knows how to eat really can’t make any delicious dishes other than telling him the names of the dishes.

 When I first arrived here, I had forgotten about my hard-working spirit and half-to-sixth percentile cooking skills.

 This was also the result Libai wanted after pampering her for many years.

Only Ziyu, who only knows how to stretch out her hands when clothes come, and open her hands when rice comes, can't live without him.

As a national master, Li Bai would still occasionally go to the kitchen in the palace and prepare some food for Ziyu with his own hands.

 Cooking skills have also improved greatly under the guidance of Chef Qiu.

Not to mention the level of chef Qiu, but the chef of a restaurant is completely fine.

 This is also an important reason why he dared to sneak out alone with Ziyu, so opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of all this. We’ll eat wherever we go.

 As long as I can find the ingredients, I promise to cook something delicious for you. Working with Chef Qiu is not for nothing.

 To capture a woman’s heart, you must first capture her stomach. I have done this very well.

 That’s right, daughter-in-law! "Li Bai said authentically.

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