This roar made everyone outside flip up. Even the secret guards hiding in the dark appeared, nervously guarding the outside, and looked anxiously towards the imperial study room.

The nervous Shaoyao checked her pulse again and again, her eyes flashed with ecstasy, but in order to be more sure, she gave up her position to Dr. Xiao.

“Mr. Xiao, please check the emperor’s pulse carefully. I’m not sure.”

Physician Xiao, who was so anxious that his forehead was sweating. When he heard that even the grandmother beside the emperor was not sure, his sweat flowed faster and his heart became even more panicked.

 Take a few deep breaths, then put your clean hands forward to feel your pulse.

 After rinsing your mouth, drink half a glass of warm water from Ziyu, not caring about it.

“Mr. Xiao, don’t listen to what Shaoyao says, it’s not that serious.


Master, don’t move, don’t move!

Slowly put down your steps. I beg you, grandma, you are a double body now, so you must not make any big movements! "

The spirit that had been sluggish just now suddenly recovered, and he stood up and took a step forward.

Who knows which corner hides someone with hostile intentions? The safety of the emperor is the top priority of the entire palace.

 The emperor, who was held in the palm of the entire palace, felt like he was walking on thin ice in the face of everyone's caution.

Since the Imperial Preceptor was not in the palace, for the emperor's safety, he simply moved to the gatehouse of Yangxin Hall.

Shaoyao was so frightened by her master's loud movements that she knelt on her knees. She stepped forward and hugged Ziyu's legs with a begging look on her face.

“Emperor, your health is of paramount importance. Doctor Xiao is begging you.”

But Ziyu’s favorite fish has become a banned item because she can’t smell the fish at all.


Weichen will prescribe a pair of anti-fetal medicine, take care of yourself, and discuss the prescription with Aunt Shaoyao. "

She has no time and is afraid that she will not be able to take care of her. She must not make any mistakes.

Like a person who has just woken up from a dream, he carefully closes and closes the windows, for fear of startling the little prince whom he has never met before, and causing him to dislike him when he grows up.

 “No way! Here it is!”

This is a great thing for the whole country to celebrate. Grandma's great-grandson, you have finally found your way home! "

Those who have no other choice can only use the meat in their stomachs to threaten a group of people who dare not make a sound while walking.

“Shaoyao, if you continue to be so careful, I’m afraid the little prince won’t be able to see everyone, and he will have to say goodbye to all of you.”

 Ziyu, who seemed like a normal person, didn't take her pregnancy seriously at all, and still did what she should do every day.


Even Bai Piao and Jin Diao's family stayed two feet away from Ziyu day and night, and they even stayed outside the door during office hours to prevent outsiders from getting close.

 The people around her and the Yuan family all carefully protected her. She was not allowed to touch or move.

I took another thin quilt and put it on my legs. I felt that there was no heat in the room. I turned around and saw that the door and window were wide open, and I said anxiously.

And the royal pharmacy in the palace is the most important place to control, and every medicinal material must be strictly controlled.

"Hurry up and close the doors and windows. The heat in the room has run away. What should I do if the emperor and the little prince are freezing!"

Grandma Yuan was so happy that she wiped away tears and smiled again. She carefully helped Ziyu onto the chair and sat down.


 “Grandma, I’m really fine.

“Emperor, you have to tell Manager Qiu about this. Only after he knows it can he rearrange the palace defenses.

Ziyu, a first-time mother in two generations, did not dare to be careless. Besides, she had no experience in raising children.

 A group of people who were still in dementia now completely woke up, and there was a surge of ecstasy in their hearts.


Master, please don’t say such things. Your mother will be held responsible for her life. "

His face turned pale with fright, and his soul was about to leave his body.

   What's wrong with her is that she never takes medicine, and even the national preceptor follows her.

 “Okay, everyone, get down!”

"Bah, bah, bah! The emperor must not talk nonsense. You are a person who wants to live a long life, how can you say such nonsense."

 Six years!

 Having been looking forward to the news of the little prince for six years, this huge surprise almost knocked everyone unconscious.

 Since learning that the emperor was pregnant, Manager Qiu suddenly became ten years younger.

Made Ziyu feel nervous, but this is definitely not the life she wants.

Grandma Yuan, who was so anxious that she kept wiping away tears, was already blaming herself.

 Ziyu looked at a group of cautious people and shook her head. It was not that serious.

Hearing Ziyu say "die, die, die", he stomped his feet, fearing that his regret would get on Ziyu.

There are some things that we have to be careful about, and we still have to be careful. "Shaoyao said sincerely.

Everyone was grinning stupidly. You looked at me and I looked at you, not knowing what to do.

 The little guy in her belly is no bigger than a tadpole, so he knows nothing.

I believe that Li Bai definitely doesn’t know about things she doesn’t understand. Even if he knew, he wouldn’t have anywhere to buy medicine!

 When the two imperial doctors heard what the emperor said, they immediately felt very dizzy, because they all knew that the emperor did not like to take medicine.

Ziyu couldn't do anything about this, because people wouldn't listen to anything she said, and she even claimed it was for the safety of the little prince.

“Emperor, you have been overworked and are not suitable for maintaining your health.

General Manager Qiu simply ordered General Manager Sheng that no fish were allowed to be purchased in the palace, and all the fish raised in the greenhouse were also removed.

Physician Xiao, who was chasing the pulse, was so anxious that he knelt on the ground, clasped his hands and said sincerely.

He's not going to die, so why are he holding on? "

I am indeed a little tired during this period. I will be fine after a few days of rest. Everyone else will go down and do their own thing.

 It is a pity that Libai was unable to know the news in time when he went on the expedition.

Once you smell that smell, you will vomit to the point of vomiting and your face will be as pale as paper.

“Okay, don’t kneel down, just keep doing the same as before.

Ziyu can only chase people away, but she can't stand being surrounded by people. She is not a giant panda in the zoo. When only Shaoyao and Doctor Xiao were left in the royal study, Ziyu said to them.

As the chief physician of the emperor and the imperial preceptor, Dr. Xiao knew that his role was not as great as that of peony, so he did not dare to make decisions without authorization.

 They don’t need others to deal with them, but they themselves have to commit suicide.

“Okay, just read the prescription and take as little medicine as possible.”

I just remember that pregnant women in later generations had to go to the hospital to register and undergo many examinations. It was unclear what trace elements they needed to supplement.



 “Hey, it’s good to have it…it’s good to have it!

  Returning to the magnolia, pandan, and vanilla serving beside her, she knelt in a row with the peony.

"Don't spread this matter to others for now. I'm in good health and there will be no problem."

The four nuns looked at the master with tears in their eyes, because what he said was literally killing them.

 If you don’t believe it, I’ll show it to you! "

Now that the Imperial Preceptor is not in Yundu, the problem of drinking medicine gives them a headache.

Not knowing how the man would react, Ziyu expressed that she wanted to see how the silly man behaved.

Ziyu touched her flat belly. She thought the child would come after many years, but she didn't expect it to come so suddenly.

Ziyu, who was wearing a big cloak, saw that the doors and windows were wide open, and the strong fishy smell had long been gone from the house.

 I really can't stand how cautious you are, and it's not a big deal.

There are still seven or eight months left before I am born. You want to see me lose my appetite and become seriously ill because of this. "

Ziyu had no choice but to use her own body as an excuse.

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