“Hahaha, the emperor never harms women from good families, it’s all because the emperor thinks it’s fun.”

Gao Feng wiped the tears from his face and defended with a smile.

“My daughter-in-law doesn’t even have a chance to prevent the emperor from harming her! Our women all regard the emperor as a role model. She only needs three sticks of incense a day.”

"Yes, yes, the emperor is not only a role model for women, but also a role model for us men."

“No, please don’t let them use three sticks of incense a day. I still want to live a good life with the emperor for a few more decades.

 As long as you have an emperor in your heart, don't deal with the imaginary ones, she doesn't like it! "

Li Bai repeatedly waved his hands to stop him, wondering what the families of his subordinates were thinking. Sending incense was the treatment given to the dead.

 He and his wife are still alive and well, but they cannot afford the incense offerings.

“Be sure to tell the imperial advisor that the women in the family will not do anything the emperor does not like.”

Gao Feng hurriedly agreed. Since the emperor didn't like it, he absolutely couldn't do it. Respect for the emperor was engraved in the bones of many people.

Especially for this group of people who join in conquering the world, the emperor and the national master are undoubtedly their reborn parents to them.


Since Libai personally went to Luokou City to fight, the Northern Alliance's little attack was simply not enough.

The people guarding Hewan Mansion were watching with eager eyes, waiting for an order from Luokou City before they would rush into the rear of the Mangshan tribe to seize the territory.

The people of Xinhewan Prefecture are also warlike. All the people are on horseback and guarding the border with weapons. Their ancestors are a people who ride on horseback and prefer to be brave and warlike.

The people who dared to emigrate as a whole did not dare to take that step if they were not bloody. Now that they saw the invasion of foreign enemies, they took the initiative to guard the borders.

The Northern Alliance, which retreated twenty miles, saw that Luokou City was a hard nut to crack.

I had to put their eyes on the obviously weak Hewanfu. I do n’t know if it ’s the intention of Daxia or because of the vast area and the lack of distribution of the forces. Hewanfu did not build a city wall.

Mi Liang thought he had found Daxia's weak point. After a few days of repairs, he regained his strength and launched an attack on the border of Hewan Prefecture.

 When they faced Sodan and Bulu, and when they faced the Northern Alliance with a large number of people, there was a manpower gap of several times.

  It was obvious that they were outmatched and retreated step by step. How could the Northern Alliance, which was on the rise, let go of such a good opportunity to attack.

Seeing the Daxia people fleeing in all directions, the Northern Alliance rushed across the border in a swarm.


“Catch alive, catch alive, the woman on the horse is mine.”

 “Seize the leader and reward five hundred sheep.”

Mi Liang saw that the situation was one-sided, so he waved his sword excitedly and shouted.

He has not experienced this blood-boiling sense of victory for a long time. Now he can kill the people of Daxia and flee in panic, and he can steal the show in front of the other two tribes.



 After a series of sounds, a chasm suddenly appeared on the flat ground, and countless Northern Alliance soldiers and horses fell into the chasm.

The stragglers who had just fled suddenly turned their horses and fired ignited rockets towards the chasm.


A raging fire with explosive sounds ignited from the trench, and the people whose stomachs were pierced by sharp spines let out shrill screams.

Some people who tried to climb up by stepping on the bodies of their companions were pulled down into the ditch by the raging fire, and each one of them struggled continuously.


Mi Liang, who couldn't stop the car, was still in shock. He didn't understand how he was ambushed and attacked by fire.

 Hearing the miserable cries of pain from his subordinates, Mi Liang's eyes were scarlet.

 “The Great Xia Kingdom has bullied others too much, retreat!”

Mi Liang made up his mind and decided to keep Qingshan as long as he was not afraid of running out of firewood. He turned around and ran away.     “咻…咻…”

The rain of arrows, as dense as locusts, crossed the chasm and shot at Mi Liang's Mangshan tribe. The Daxia soldiers who came from Luokou City on the side cut off Mi Liang's retreat to the Mangshan tribe.

 “Kill, leave no one behind!”

Li Bai rushed toward Mi Liang with his spear raised. The soldiers behind him rushed over like tigers descending the mountain. The ones who fell at the end of the team were the silver armor team and two snow wolves.

The Northern Alliance was in retreat and was irreversibly defeated. Those who were still alive only wished they had lost two legs.

At Luokou City, under the leadership of Li Bai, 20,000 cavalry crushed the 100,000 troops of the Northern Alliance.


A month later, Mi Liang, who was on the run, fled with hundreds of defeated troops to the northernmost part of the Mangshan tribe's lair.

Arctic Village.

The temperature here is low all year round. In late December, it was already freezing and snowy, and the entire territory was covered with thick ice and snow.

Mi Liang's troops were short of food and clothing. Even the last horses were eaten. It could be said that they were completely out of ammunition and food.

Li Bai, who was following behind, followed slowly with 5,000 cavalry, and the logistics were slowly and continuously transported over a long line from behind. The logistics support alone included 20,000 horses.

Mi Liang, who was in a desperate situation, knew that his life was about to end here. Now he was the meat on the chopping block of the Great Xia Kingdom's National Preceptor.

Being chased here was a complete cat-and-mouse game, because there were many opportunities to kill him, but they were let go time and time again.

Mi Liang deeply understands how cruel the process from hope to despair is.

These are things that people cannot bear at all. If he could do it all over again, he would take the initiative to stay away from Daxia.

Future generations will never set foot on the border of Great Xia, let alone think of an invasion. It would be like asking for death.

Mi Liang, who has no fighting spirit at all, just wants the other party to give him a happy ending.

 Living is really too painful for him.

 Let him commit suicide and he doesn’t have the courage. To put it bluntly, he still wants to live.

 Otherwise, we would not be struggling until now. It would be too late to realize this.


Li Bai and others all wore sheepskin jackets snatched from the Mangshan tribe, roasted mutton around the campfire, and ate it, ignoring the defenseless Mi Liang and others.

  Chasing someone thousands of miles across the border, I definitely have to take a long walk before going back.

Although it is freezing cold in Arctic Village, white foxes are abundant here, and their white and smooth fur is an excellent fur for keeping warm.

The man who had already hunted two white foxes was very interested in it and wanted to hunt a few more and go back to make a white fox cloak for his beloved wife.

If it weren't for this purpose, he wouldn't have come so far, let alone let Mi Liangsuo live for such a long time.

Li Bai glanced at the white snow around him and whispered.

“It’s time to go back. When we arrive in Yundu, it will be almost Chinese New Year, and my family is still waiting for us to go back safely.

 Gaofeng, take action! "Libai, who was munching on the roasted mutton, gave the order lightly.

 I saw Gao Feng and others throwing down the sheep bones in their hands, holding up their swords and rushing toward Mi Liang and others.


 A unilateral massacre was staged, and no one who had suffered deeply from the Northern Alliance thought of leaving a life for the Northern Alliance.

They firmly believe in the emperor’s words that those who are not of my race will have different minds. Only by cutting off the roots can we return our great rivers and mountains.

Hundreds of exhausted Northern Alliance remnants were slaughtered in the blink of an eye, and Gao Feng's leaders quickly dug holes and buried them.

 Since they followed the imperial army to kill the enemy, they have been doing this job a lot.

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