After the war, Daxia Kingdom once again launched comprehensive construction.

As the saying goes, if you want to get rich, build roads first. This will not only invigorate the economy, but more importantly, it will facilitate the military deployment of various governments.

  Convenient transportation can effectively shorten the journey on the road.


When Daxia ushered in its first nationwide harvest, with the joint efforts of people across the country, the main transportation lines in various prefectures were opened.

The food and money spent were all subsidized by Ziyu's private treasury, otherwise how could it have achieved such great results.

At its speed, even Ziyu and Libai, who were emperors and national advisors, were greatly shocked by the power and enthusiasm of the people.

  With the people who come here to sell grain, you can chat with them whether you know them or not, and you are not afraid of being targeted for their money bags.

 What is even more attractive is the legendary love story between the two.

“It’s the same in our family. The harvest from one acre is equivalent to the original three acres. We can’t finish all the fine grains at home.”

Now, knowing that the Great Xia Kingdom is profitable, the Mangshan tribe has started a business without capital.

With a loud bang, a group of people ran to the agricultural bank run by the imperial court, and one after another took out the small notebooks and private seals they had prepared.

  At dusk, while the villagers are taking a rest after their meals, they open up the field and play for a while, which makes the people's blood boil.

 Old farmer A held a bag full of copper coins, shook it twice and put it to his ear to hear the sound.

 Because once people know about it, there is no need for the emperor or the state minister to take action, and the neighbors or neighbors will come to the door of his house every day to criticize him.

Mi Liang, who had tasted the benefits of the alliance, sent a message to Zong Fu, the leader of the Xiangluo tribe, and Di Ming, the leader of the Yincang tribe, with his own soldiers.

 Here and outside, we all make money. "


 Mi Liang, the leader of the Mangshan tribe who has not yet formally entered into conflict with Daxia, has become somewhat inflated since defeating Xiao Yuanliang.

It is also the legend that people like to listen to most after dinner.

The face on his face showed satisfaction that he had never seen before. He was probably happier than he was when he got a new wife.

 Today, it only takes seven days to get there.

 After the harvest in Daxia, towns all over the country were talking about the same thing.

How many women are moving, but no one will be able to rush the head of the Philippines, and the favors of the country.

 While grazing cattle, the prime-age men also served as border guards, because as long as they served as guards, they would receive a food subsidy.

 In just one year, every family's warehouse was full of food, and the people felt satisfied and happy as never before.

In good harvest years, unscrupulous merchants will lower the price to one penny or two pounds, which has never been better for us.

“The emperor returned She’s seeds to us. Without high-quality seeds, there will be no good harvest. Our family is prepared to use the seeds given by the emperor every year.”

"My men and eldest son are both soldiers of the emperor, so I also want to sell more grain." "I have to sell the grain. How can I eat it all if I don't sell it? Go save the money!"

  When returning the seeds sent from the government, each family also took the initiative to sell the cleaned grain to the government-run granary.


In the minds of the people of Daxia, the emperor and the national advisor are sacred and inviolable, as noble as gods.

 Once upon a time, it took half a month for the postmen to deliver official documents from Yundu to the southernmost city of Andong.

 Let’s not talk about anything else. Take road construction as an example. In the past, laborers were sent.

In the event of an emergency military situation, the golden eagle can deliver the message for up to two days, which greatly shortens the delay and is more conducive to military mobilization and message delivery.

In Hewan Prefecture, where everyone is good at riding, martial arts training has become a craze since the autumn harvest, and some women have also actively participated in training.

 When I saw the amount of money clearly recorded on it, even if it was only a few hundred copper coins, I laughed so hard that I couldn't even see it.

 The emperor and the imperial advisor started from scratch and defeated three countries to create the Great Xia Kingdom. This has become a legend in the mouths of storytellers and is widely circulated in major teahouses.

The cattle and sheep they raise can be sent to Yundu to be sold at a good price, and the family wealth of the people of Hewan Prefecture is getting stronger.

 Old Farmer B also held a bag of copper coins and shook them. Two old farmers in their fifties fully reflected the current level of satisfaction of the people with their current lives.

 Let no one blaspheme!

 The current Daxia Kingdom can be said to be happy and harmonious with everyone working together.

 With a fixed residence, they no longer need to wander around. The elderly and children stay in the village and make a living by farming.

 The reason why they were so active was because they heard the legendary stories about the emperor and the imperial master of Daxia.

 It is very helpful for Yundu to understand the situation in various places, and can quickly mobilize the resources of various governments.

It is simply impossible to ask the government to provide food and money. " said the young scholar who came together to sell grain.

However, the Mangshan tribe knew that it would not be easy to win with the strength of one tribe against Daxia.

The south has two unbeatable harvests and no taxes.

 For the nomadic grassland tribes, winter is the most difficult season, and many tribesmen will die of hunger and cold.

 There is often an old man who likes to talk about ancient times in the village. After listening to the stories in the tea house,

Sodan and others who have settled down in Hewan Mansion have fully integrated into the life of Bactria and have become even more passionate about this vast land.

 “Hahaha, the days are getting more and more promising now.”

The Mangshan tribe, which was watching with eager eyes, learned that the country of Daxia had a good harvest, and their thoughts became more active.

“This is all because our country in Daxia is good, and the emperor and the state teachers love the people like sons.

“The emperor is so kind to us, but my family has no other abilities, so we can still do it by selling more grain to the granary.”

 A conspiracy gradually sprouted under the common interests.

  We have to deal with all the shriveled shells, and we also have to deduct water and so on. Anyway, it is not as good as ours.


Xiao Yuanliang used to be a bad wolf among the tribes on the grassland, but he was defeated miserably by their alliance.

Each person is provided with thirty liters of grain subsidy per month, with coarse and fine grains accounting for half each. This measure makes the people of Xinhewan very enthusiastic.

Some people even wish that the whole family would go to the border to guard the border, so that the whole family would not have to worry about food and drink.

 “Hahaha, my family is the same.”


 The simple people used their diligence and enthusiasm to repay the stability that Great Xia had given them.

 Now selling to the granary costs two cents per catty, and the income has doubled, not to mention the grain output has more than doubled.

Ziyu was moved by the simplicity of the people, and agreed with Libai that the money and food were well spent.


“That’s not the case. In the past, those wealthy families collected grain, and the good ones cost a penny per catty.

When the imperial court bestows blessings on the people, the common people also use their most simple actions to repay the imperial court.

 Their faces are always smiling all day long, because nothing can make them more secure than having food at home.

Even three-year-old children know that the emperor and the national preceptor are good emperors who allow them to have enough to eat and to enter the academy when they grow up.

 After many people learned the true identity of the emperor, the first thing they prayed for was to ask Bodhisattva to bless the emperor to give birth to a prince and princess as soon as possible.

In their understanding, only when an emperor who cares for the people is in power can their descendants live a good life.

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