The Kingdom of Daxia ushered in the first New Year, and people spontaneously took to the streets to clear the snow.

 There are those skilled people who are building snowmen and ice lanterns on the street, hanging lanterns and pasting couplets and Chinese characters on their doorsteps.

On the lively streets, there are an endless stream of vendors selling snacks, shouting and greetings overlapping.

 It is festive and full of life. You can buy your children’s favorite food with just a few copper coins, and laughter echoes in the streets for a long time.

Yundu City is not the only one with such a lively scene, all major cities have the same atmosphere.

 The patrolling government officials and soldiers had their hands stuffed with food from the people, and some even had the word "福" hanging on their bodies.


  “O evil obstacle, evil obstacle!

 Xiao Hongyuan, who was waiting for Queen Mei to bring back good news, had a dull New Year. He had no interest in the delicacies on the table and lost interest in the implementation of the new law.

Ma Weiyuan, who finally understood, looked far-reaching at Bailidu, a country that would soon disappear from the world.   …

Xiao Hongyuan thought about it for a while, and then wrote a letter about how to deal with the Mei family and sent it to Daxia Kingdom.

An Wuzui quickly told what happened in the palace, and even elaborated on Queen Mei's shameless behavior.

An Wu, who didn't read much, racked his brains to come up with a few smooth words, and wanted to say a few more words to relieve the resentment in his heart.


Mrs. Mei Miao Junxin, who could not stand the humiliation, would never have thought in ten thousand years that she would guard the Mei family conscientiously all her life.

Mei Yizhen, who was kneeling in the courtyard, completely hated Mei Ziyu, but he was unable to step her into the quagmire.

A somewhat embarrassed guard of honor entered the city with a slumped head. The secret guard responsible for escorting the people stood at the gate of the city and took out a trumpet and sang loudly.

 Lao San, the good daughter you raised has harmed the Mei family. You are the sinners of the Mei family.



 No wonder the master disowns them. Having such relatives is worse than having nothing, not even the Snow Wolf clan. "

Because of the appearance of Ziyu, the development of the Mei family was blocked, and the royal relatives in high positions fell into dust in the blink of an eye.

 The dignitaries in high positions and the lofty emperor cannot see how the poor people live.

Since the retreat, many poor people have lost their source of livelihood and can only live with the few grains and money they have at home.

Seeing the old man with white beard and hair, he was cursing to the sky and the earth. All the vicious words came from the mouth of this hypocrite.

Since eating a piece of meat can starve a family for three days, many families are reluctant to waste copper coins for a mouthful of meat.

“Mei Ziying was demoted to a commoner and worked as a servant in the clothing bureau!”

"What kind of thing dared to bully the master when he was a child? If I met him, he would have to give me his bald head to those evil women."

 There will never be a chance to turn around, and it may even endanger your life.

“Second brother, I haven’t even finished shouting, and in a hurry, I forgot all the words I thought about on the way.

The Mei family, which was hit hard, not only received the edict of being demoted, but also received the original words sent back by Aunt Mei.

He wrote three edicts with an angry pen and threw them to the **** who was kneeling on the ground and dared not speak.

 You will end up being divorced when you are approaching old age, and you will have no one to rely on and no support for you.

“Mei Miao, you have no good intentions, you have no way to educate your children, and you allow your children and grandchildren to harm the younger generation.

Mei Yizhen, who had nowhere to vent his anger, divorced his wife angrily, and divorced the elderly Miao Yunxin from the Mei family.

  In Bailidu, which is in seclusion, festive days like the Chinese New Year are the most difficult times for the poor people.

 Having brought such misfortune to the Mei family, I now leave you to return to the Miao family and have nothing to do with the Mei family from now on. "

Fed up with a group of people making mistakes on the road, An Wu wanted to tell all the scandals about these people to the people of Bailidu.

An Wu turned to look at the city gate that Bailidu was slowly closing, and said angrily.

  I pointed at the sky and cursed the ground, but I didn't get so angry that I vomited blood. Maybe it was because the resentment in my heart had dissipated a little.

“I see, I didn’t expect the Mei family to be so shameless. No wonder the emperor doesn’t recognize them.


 If it were me, I wouldn't recognize them. It's the emperor's mercy that I didn't take revenge on them one by one. "

  “Bah! Bitch, a **** who succeeds more than fails.

“Mei Ji is removed from his position as imperial physician and is not allowed to move around the palace!”

The old man who has regained his sense slightly has a ferocious face. He is no longer the kind old man. He is full of cruelty towards the third wife.

  Isn’t the honor I gave her enough? When I go out, I just want to climb another high branch, without looking at my own ruined appearance.

“Queen Mei of the Southern Kingdom was disrespectful in the imperial palace of Daxia, defied the imperial authority, was incompetent in her duties, and was coquettish…”

 God, why don’t you come and strike that rebellious and unfilial beast to death with a thunderbolt! "

The clever An Er saw that the soldiers guarding the city looked wrong at the two of them, so he quickly grabbed An Wu and ran out of the city gate.

It would be great if my eldest brother was here. He has read more poems and books than us. He would definitely be embarrassed to death by that **** queen. "

 The two masters were finally free and could not cause any trouble to them. If they did, they would have to wait until the New Year was over.

 “What’s wrong, who is bullying whom?”

Before returning to the palace, Mei Ziying received the edict of being demoted. She was so angry that she vomited blood and fell to the ground unconscious.

  "The position of General Mei Honglang will be removed, and he will never be able to serve as an official in the court."

She looked at the reproachful eyes of her children and grandchildren, and her old heart hit the bottom, and she accused angrily.

Ma Weiyuan, who wanted to gain some advantage but got nothing, looked at the closed city gate unkindly.

The two of them were not afraid that the city guards would fight with them, but they didn't want to cause trouble during the New Year.

  “Well, you are a Mei Yizhen, but now you think I am old and useless.

 “An Wu, hurry up and leave!”

Failing to achieve his wish, Xiao Hongyuan angrily smashed everything that could be smashed in the imperial study room.

I really thought I would like her just because she was a man, come on! "

  In the first month of the year, poor families salivate from the uninterrupted smell of meat in the city. When people in twos and threes squat on the street and mutter, the city gate of Bailidu opens again.

 What happened at the gate of Baili Capital City had already reached Xiao Hongyuan’s ears before Queen Mei entered the palace.

 “Hello, General Ma!

Who else can it be? The Mei family!

When the master was young, the family would bully the master with all their strength. They were a bunch of wolf-hearted things.



 The prices in the city, with the city gates closed, have risen to a level that ordinary people cannot afford.

You want to push me out as a shield. Who agreed not to take that dead girl back and educate her in the first place?

If you hadn't been a hindrance, that dead girl would have stayed by your side to educate her, and nothing like what happened today would have happened..."

The old couple of the Mei family, who were trying to blame each other, didn't care about their face at all at this time, pointing at each other's noses like shrews and yelling curses.

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