When Xiao Hongyuan thought of sending a group of refugees to Daxia Bay, his heart was filled with joy. He not only favored Daxia Bay, but also solved the practical problems of the southern country.

“Hahaha, I’m really anxious. In the end, those people are still the people of the Southern Kingdom.

 I am really worried that they can have enough to eat!

 Alas, it is not easy to be a wise king in a prosperous age! "

Xiao Hongyuan, who felt that he had done another good deed that would go down in history, clapped his hands proudly.

The waiting **** immediately went downstairs and heard a beautiful lady who was good at opera singing and dancing in the imperial study room.

 How happy!


Only such people can settle down in Daxia Bay and be allocated land and have the right to live there. Lin Si said seriously.

 The purpose of redeeming followers is entirely to keep the subordinates’ hearts warm.

 Come on, come on, brothers are paid, and all participants will have a share!

  Don’t say I didn’t remind you, run faster next time you encounter something like this. "

The general suffered the worst, and his subordinates were powerless to help. Daxiawan really didn’t treat us as human beings! "

“Hahaha, making money feels so good!

The maid, who was implicated for no reason, fell out and hit the pillar in the corridor, and boiling water splashed on her face.


 “General, we like to make money!”

 His family members were all descendants of the Mei family, and were soon sold to the most miserable and poorest places.

   When hitting the board, you will not be soft-hearted. It took half an hour for the sound of the board to stop. The two women were already mutilated and made no sound.

Who knows how the people of Daxiawan will mistreat the general? You see, the injuries on my subordinates were all caused by the master of Purple Fort.

A group of terrified refugees thought they would never see the sun again and were deeply afraid that they would escape from the wolf's den and fall into the bandit's den again.

 Pozi Yi looked around, turned around and whispered to her.

The urgent news interrupted the conversation between the Southern Emperor and the father-in-law. Xiao Hongyuan went to handle military affairs as a matter of course. The neglected father-in-law reluctantly gritted his teeth and left.

 Those who participated received ten taels of silver notes, which was equivalent to ten months’ pay for new recruits.

I saw a group of people in ragged clothes. After confirming that this was the truth, they hugged each other and cried. The sound of crying like a desperate place is really sad.

 “Let’s go to the palace with me to meet the emperor!”

It is said that the young lady’s husband’s family is very powerful and he is a great hero who captured Baili City…”

“I’m reporting to the abbot that the general is still waiting for the silver to redeem the person. One more day of delay will result in more than ten thousand taels of silver.

 “You don’t know this!

I heard that the young lady and the young master from the third room were missing. The old man sent people to invite them several times, but there was no reply.

He was so stupid that when he was detained, he was asked to redeem him with money.

Xiao Hongyuan, who failed to steal the chicken but lost the rice, looked at the abbot with a sinister look after hearing the confrontation between the abbot and Nie Kun.


The two women knelt down and kowtowed to beg for mercy. The government was always kind to the servants, and the most they would give was twenty slaps.

Mei Ji strode out aggressively, but the maid who brought tea blocked his way and kicked her without saying a word.

 “What does it mean to be the head of the state!”

Roche shouted again and looked at the group of servants following him with an unfriendly expression.

 “It’s the opposite, it’s really the opposite!”

 For their guards who came out of Daxia Bay, it was only equivalent to one month's salary.

 But now it’s their lives!

"Anyone who comes here will be dragged down and beaten to death with a stick. Anyone who dares to talk about the master's family affairs will be beaten to death."

Xiao Hongyuan tried his best to suppress his anger. He didn't expect that there were such stupid people in the world who couldn't even handle a small thing well.

The effect of Guozhangfu's trick is very obvious, and it effectively prevents laziness and gossip among the servants, but it has been copied by people who are interested.   …

“Come here, take these refugees to work as coolies for five copper coins per liter of black face per day.”

“The court you believe in has given up on you the moment it sent you away.

 But it has extraordinary significance to them, because it is purely money earned by themselves, and many people are prepared to keep it as family heirlooms.

If possible, Mei Ji only wants to redeem Mei Honglang alone, and the refugees are not his responsibility at all.

  "Drag them on, why are you just standing there stupidly? Do you want to be punished for them?"

  "Madam, please spare your life, I was confused for a moment, and I will never dare to do it again!"

Pozi A sighed and asked someone to help the maid down. No matter how much she did, she didn't dare to do anything.

To make matters worse, the maid suddenly fainted from the pain. The women who were guarding the corridor lowered their heads, and waited until the father-in-law had gone far before they dared to step forward and help the maid up.


It took a while for a group of people to react. They were afraid that their ears had heard wrongly, so they whispered unconfidently.

After paying the ransom, Meiji only took away the general of the auxiliary state and his entourage. This alone cost one hundred thousand taels of silver, and the heartache was as painful as tearing out his flesh.

Who cares about their life and death!


Luo Hao, who left two thousand taels of silver for himself, deliberately waved his hand in disdain with a dark face, and went to Zhang Yuansi with a huge sum of money to claim credit.

 “Woo~wow, we are willing to stay as coolies!”

 One was excited when talking, and the other was amused when listening. The two women put their heads together and completely forgot about their own responsibilities.

 “Coolie? A liter of black noodles?”

Nie Kun, who followed him personally, had no choice but to find another way and go to the abbot of the state to make a comprehensive notice of the cause and effect of the incident.

Luo Hao, who was swinging a stack of banknotes, looked like a bandit leader with joy on his brows.

 “Yes, ma’am!”

 “Alas, a good face is ruined!”

 When you perform well and wash away the identity of a coolie, you can get one liter of wheat and twenty copper coins a day for your work.

At this time, the big things were not as serious as the military situation. I thought that the proud eldest son was still being detained in Daxia Bay.

The maid and the mother-in-law who woke up from drinking immediately pushed the two talkative women away, fearing that they would almost be punished for following them.

Mei Ji, the head of state, had no choice but to bear the pain and go to Xingyuan Mansion in Daxia Bay with the ransom.

Mei Ji stood up and even cursed loudly. If Ziyu were in front of her, he would definitely cook her flesh and boil her bones, but it would not relieve the bad anger in her chest.

Unexpectedly, the two women on duty dared to talk nonsense, so they immediately shouted loudly.

If he really takes money to redeem people, how can he, the dignified Southern Emperor, lose his face!

  The personal entourage in return, without the leadership of the general of the auxiliary country, is not qualified to enter the palace even if he gets the waist card.

Mrs. Mei, Mrs. Luo, learned that her eldest son had sent someone to deliver a letter. She had not seen the person sent over for a long time, so she hurriedly brought someone to the front yard to find out.


  "Well, I don't know what's going on in the house. The master has always been unhappy these days." Po A and Po B said in a low voice.

Nie Kun burst into tears, crying so sincerely that it undoubtedly added fuel to Mei Ji's anger.

“Yes, you heard it right, our coolies in Daxia Bay are paid.

“Report, urgent military situation in the border town!”

 Going back will only lead to death, but staying and working hard will lead to a happy life.

Now queuing for registration, remember not to sneak and slip, such people will be expelled from Daxia Bay and never hire. "

Lin Si’s impassioned speech made this group of refugees suddenly convinced of him.

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