Chapter 125 High-energy dense graviton shield technology

Storms are coming for a while.

Sam Nation sent countless fleets to search the sea in the name of exercises.

But how big the sea is, and the situation in the sea is extremely complicated.

No matter how their sonar detects it or how the positioning system monitors it, they will never find the spacecraft’s track.

They are extremely anxious!

Can’t release a spacecraft revelation to the world!

I can only swallow this bitter fruit into my stomach.

Notify all the intelligence agencies in their country and collect all information about this.

Now there is no value in covering up.

The spaceship has disappeared, so what good is it to cover it up?

In addition to searching for spaceships.

They sent another investigation team to the underground laboratory for finishing work.

After arriving there, they knew that the severity of the matter was far beyond their imagination.

There is a living Shura hell killing field.

The rebellious Brody and Jayden killed all the investigators once.

Even the biochemical epidemic prevention team of hundreds of people failed to escape, with most of the casualties.

They are very clever. They did not have any contact with the front-line troops at all. They moved very quickly, and it only took less than twenty minutes to kill the entire laboratory.

In such a short time, the troops outside did not react at all, and they had already escaped.

Moreover, one of these two people is proficient in scientific and technological achievements, and the other is proficient in military structure.

In cooperation with each other, the laboratory is simply useless to them.

Through the monitoring, they could see that each of these two men was so powerful that even ordinary blades could not cause them harm, and every time they were injured, they did not have the slightest pain on their faces.

The whole person is like a super soldier.

In addition, they also took away part of the scientific research results.

What made them even more distressed was that according to the survivors’ description, the spacecraft had harvested a large number of divine potions.

All disappeared now.

I am afraid they were also taken away.

Only the divine potion that was found together was left.

Moreover, the weird changes in their bodies should probably come from the potion of the gods.

This matter was reported urgently.

Begin to use the power of the whole country to find these two people.

As long as the other party can cast aside the dark, they can ignore the previous suspicion, even if the other party kills so many people, they can forgive and even promise high positions.

Because the potion of the gods is too precious, if everyone who takes the potion of life can be as invincible as they are, then they can form the most powerful army in the world.

If equipped with the latest weapons, then the gods are almost blocking the killing of the gods and Buddhas. There is no other force in this world that can stop them.

They must control this force.

For this they can agree to all requirements.

What’s more, maybe it has the effect of prolonging life.

Just what many big guys behind the scenes need.

In addition, the discovery of extraterrestrial creatures in spacecraft was also listed as the first priority, and dozens of exploration vehicles were sent to explore the solar system and the Milky Way.

They faintly felt a little uneasy.

Especially in the spacecraft, the discovery of alien creatures made them extremely uneasy.

More than ten exploration vehicles took their missions to alien planets.

This time there was a lot of noise.

The spacecraft escaped, and alien creatures appeared, everything seemed unknown and unpredictable.

There is no point in concealing it.

And there are so many scientists who know what happened.

You can’t hide it.

Paper can’t keep the fire!

Country Sam notified all the events to the other five countries.

Hold an emergency meeting.

What no one thought of, this meeting was just a prologue.

Although they were a little worried, they still felt that the alien creatures were too far away from them.

When the eyebrows are not on fire, the sense of urgency is not so strong!

But what they don’t know is.

What happened next will completely shock the world.

Time is slow but it seems so fast.

Everything is like a lazy pastime in the summer afternoon.

People always like those new things.

It’s like a visit from an alien.

It is flooded with major forums and online media.

Some people even think that this is the best time to come into contact with alien creatures, and they can try to communicate with them and acquire their technology.

By that time, “Earth” will have undergone earth-shaking changes, and they will also benefit from it.

But only people at the national level will know.

This kind of thing may never happen.

The relationship between nations is determined by interests.

Of course, the relationship between planets and planets can only be determined by interests.

There is no free lunch in the world.

No one likes friends for nothing.

As far as aliens are concerned, they may be just an ant under their feet, which can be trampled to death at will.

Just as it is impossible for humans to be friends with ants on the roadside, the best relationship is that they have nothing to do with each other. If the ants only do something unhappy to humans, they will be destroyed.

They are the same for aliens!

How can I imagine it so beautiful!

A little carelessness is a disaster!

And the other party has already had a great killing intent on them, I am afraid that the next days will not be peaceful!

None of this has anything to do with Ye Jin.

He still didn’t know that alien creatures had been exposed in the outside world.

Focus only on the things in front of you.

And the fusion fission hybrid reactor has all been completed, and is constantly improving and eliminating loopholes.

At that time, it can be directly put into use, and it will explode with unprecedented power.

This is a huge advancement and leap forward in human technology.

His value is becoming more and more important.

But the more important his value is, the more it has become a thorn in the eyes of many people.

Even if it is for balance, it won’t let him live in this world.

What’s more, there are so many valuable things in him.

No matter how strong Xia Guo is, I am afraid that it will not be able to stop countries from all over the world from uniting.

This will be an unprecedented crisis.

Xia Guo could not stop before the will of the whole world, and could only regress.

And Ye Jin is just an ordinary person, no matter how much he possesses, he is just a mortal fetus.

How could it be possible to resist the persecution of the whole world.

He now has more and more gold bricks swaying the market, and the more he attracts countless greedy eyes.

While Ye Jin was gossiping about spaceships all over the world, he was still studying frantically in the library.

Through constant exercise, his talent value increased rapidly, and more and more points of light were lit in his mind.

When he lit up all the lights of the defense system, his mind finally ushered in the key defensive technology.

He breathed out slowly.

Finally succeeded.

The hard work has paid off, and the crazy sports that have been going on for days have finally gotten the rewards it should have!

He savors the future technology in his mind.

“High-energy dense graviton shield technology!”

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