Advanced Players in Arc

Chapter 26 The Completed

Dong Chen despised them in his heart, and then said to them with a smile: Why are you all looking at me like this? Do you feel that you are full? Haha!

When several people heard this, they immediately became angry and began to use vicious words to attack Dong Chen.

Ahem, it's okay. Why didn't Brother Dong come back yesterday? Did he spend the night outside? Hehe!

Yes, that's right, why didn't you come back?

Yes, there must be an affair!

Brother Dong, tell me. Does it look good? Is it comfortable?

That's right, I'm being hidden and tucked in. When will I have the baby?

Hey! You sluts, I don't want to talk to you! I feel dirty even talking to you! Go, go, go, and while you're gone, just wear your underpants and show off!

Dong Chen rushed them to make the bed and wash up. He looked at his broken computer. It had been two days and he forgot to bring it with him every time.

He took his laptop and opened it, and began to search for some information about personal aircraft. He already had a rough idea in his mind, and when he was in the radiation world, he had searched for arc jet systems, where he was a researcher specializing in jet power. This place has a lot of good stuff.

Now he is searching for some information about personal aircraft, just to see if the whims of earthlings can give him some better inspiration, or he wants to find some earthly elements to make his flying skateboard not too exotic.

Oh, it's so boring! Why do I feel more bored the faster I graduate?

Li Xiang muttered while wiping his face.

Brother Dong, why do you think this is happening?

Dong Chen glanced at him and said, You are just free!

No, I've finished writing my thesis and finishing my graduation project, so I have nothing left to do! Liu Jingshou said after making his own bed.

I said, you are not all idle, right? If you are all so idle, there is an aircraft carnival next week that you can go to.

Brother Dong, I'm not idle. I also want to be a model for the girl who designs clothes! As soon as Dong Chen finished speaking, Mu Xiaoji raised his hand in an exaggerated manner to answer.

Then get out of here and do whatever you have to do!

Uh, hehe... Mu Xiaoji retreated in defeat.

You're talking about the two days next weekend? But that's useless, there are still more than ten days. Li Xiang asked as soon as Mu Xiaoji was defeated.

I didn't say you should go as tourists. You can bring your works with you. Ten days is enough for you to buy parts and save an aircraft. Then you will have something to do.

If you still have time, you can attend the Capital Comic Expo in more than twenty days and the Magic City Comic Expo in a month. If you feel that you can do it, you can also participate in the National College Student Robot Competition in more than a month. The school's Robot Association is not I'm currently working on a key problem, and there are various science and technology exhibitions. You can participate in this exhibition or that exhibition until you vomit! Otherwise, go traveling. If not, find a job. Enter the society in advance and stay in the dormitory every day. If you can't be idle, Well!

Dong Chen told them a lot of things that they could do, which were all activities that they could participate in and were relatively new to, and finally used a killer weapon to find a job.

Hehe, it's true what you said. I've been studying in this city for four years and I haven't participated in this aircraft carnival once. So brothers, why don't we just participate? We'll save ourselves from growing hair in the dormitory.

Li Xiang listened to Dong Chen's words, smiled hehe and suggested.

That's fine. Since I have nothing to do, I might as well participate in such an activity before graduation.

Everything else is fine. How can we help the Robot Association?

It's stupid, let's do the appearance design. An awesome robot must have an awesome appearance design. Otherwise, how can it be done if the strength doesn't match the appearance? You have to know, the rule of the game: appearance equals combat effectiveness!

That's right, that's right. Come and join. I will go to the Robot Association tomorrow to recommend myself. Haha, let's have some fun before graduation!

Well, let's join as a group and buy parts now. Xiao Jiji is no exception. Why are you being a model for a girl? You are breaking away from the organization!

No, I'm almost successful, I...

Before Mu Xiaoji could finish speaking, Li Xiang interrupted him and said, It's just because you are about to succeed that I have to stop you! Haha!


That's right!

After a while of laughter, everyone decided to participate in the aircraft carnival together, planning to have a good time before graduation. Mu Xiaoji should also be a model. Anyway, it is very fast to buy parts and save drones by yourself, and it is not like starting from scratch. Started doing it, now it’s almost all modular.

After that, everyone started to look at parts online, and then discussed what to buy. Although everyone was studying art, as contemporary college students, they are too embarrassed to talk to people without any non-professional hobbies, so for model aircraft parts or drones I still have some understanding of the parts and stuff, but besides, I really don’t understand it, because it’s Dong Chen.

While everyone was choosing parts, Zhang Chengming discovered that Dong Chen had not chosen parts, so he asked: Old Dong, why didn't you buy it? Did you buy it a long time ago?

Oh, I can't buy the parts I want. I plan to make it myself.

Everyone also noticed their conversation, and they were not surprised to hear Dong Chen say this. Who is the real big man?

In this way, the day was spent making plans and buying parts.

At seven o'clock the next morning, Dong Chen woke up on time and started running as usual. However, after running more than ten laps today, it still had no effect. At most, even if he warmed up, he felt that it had no effect and simply stopped running.

It seems that running can really only be regarded as a hobby in the future. If you want to exercise, you can only do high-intensity exercise, but your high-intensity exercise must be amazing.

Alas, this is the disadvantage of being too physically fit.


After bringing breakfast to my roommates, I took the broken computer and went straight to my studio.

My power armor is completed. Although it does not meet my original design requirements, it is still completed. Then I need to make a final test video. Although Liu Changfeng and the others have already uploaded the video, their manufacturing post I still need to finish it off, and I also need to upload it to my own ABC video site. As an UP owner, I am already very lazy, and my update frequency is really...slow enough.

Turn on the camera, aim it at the power armor, and then conduct opening and closing tests, internal displays, action tests, etc., and record them one by one.

Then I imported all the videos into the computer. While editing, I also found the video I recorded when I traveled through the last time. I watched the strange scene of the arc light curtain appearing and disappearing, and watched myself walking into and out of the arc light curtain. The action is still very emotional in my heart.

I originally wanted to keep this video as a souvenir, but after thinking about it I deleted it because leaving it behind would be a hidden danger after all.

After deleting the time-travel video, I also added the video of making the nuclear fusion core. After cutting out some redundant shots, I added a shocking BGM and it was complete.

While waiting for the video to be rendered, I used the parts I brought back to upgrade the machine tool and 3D printer. It was said to be modification, but in fact it was just replacing the original parts with parts and tools made in the Fallout world.

After replacing all the parts, the video was rendered. I logged in to my ABC website account and uploaded the video. When I uploaded the video, I found that I hadn’t seen it for a few days and that my number of fans had increased from tens of thousands to more than 200,000. !

I go? ! Why are there suddenly so many?

Could it be because of Liu Changfeng and the others in the past two days? This is really unexpected. The circle of the rich second generation is so big.

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