904. 902 chapter 903: If you must die, that person is me

His problem is very heavy, Xu Cheng bit his teeth: “Of course! Go, now I will take you out!”

At this time, the four-legged Hughes looked at the sky and saw a missile falling down in an arc in the sky. He lightly smiled: “You will all die!”

Then he never moved again.

Xu Cheng and Chekhov ultrasound also felt unidentified objects with different heads at the same time.

The two looked up!

“It’s a missile!”

A few of them were killed in the battlefield. At this time, they have forgotten to run. Their expertise has recognized that this is a satellite missile. It has already destroyed this area and watched the missile less than 2 minutes. To land and detonate, some people in the venue do not want to run, choose to stand and die.

“British is really good at heart, in order to completely kill us, do not hesitate to detonate such missiles outside the city of London, it is estimated that at least five years can not clean up the nuclear radiation.” Chekhov a bitter smile.

Desai looked toward the sky and said: “Nothing, the aliens are not extinct, and we have companions who will continue to struggle with our mission.”

Vala showed her strange tattoo on her shoulder and kissed it: “I loved this tattoo, so the death method is very strong!”

Mario didn’t know what he was thinking. He suddenly put Xu Cheng under his body, and Vala used to protect Xu Cheng from underneath.

“You are two crazy? What are you doing?” Xu Cheng did not understand.

Mario gritted his teeth: “Head, you can’t die! You are the leader. As long as you are alive, there is hope in everything. I am thick and rough, and I can see if I can resist some explosions.”

Vala nodded echoed: “I have scales, can be lower than a point, Mario is right, Brother Cheng, you are the hope of our aliens, but also the root cause, you have to survive!”

The other brothers came around to encircle Xu Cheng and wanted to use his body to resist some of the explosion.

Lin Chuxue stood by and watched the scene, his eyes were a little red, and he was moved and proud of Xu Cheng’s presence.

Xu Cheng said: “Get out!”

He did not choose to live in this way.

He pushed Mario and Vara, who had seized him, and almost lifted the two men and said, “I will not be happy if I survive!”

“Brother Cheng!” At this time, Chekhov moved towards him and said: “You know what you mean.”

“I know!” Xu Cheng also said: “But I don’t choose this. Even if it is sacrificed, the one who sacrificed must be me. I took you out of the mercenary. I promised you, bring you. Spicy and spicy, if you train you just to die for me, then I am not a person!”

At this time, Lin Chuxue came over and held down Xu Cheng.

Xu Cheng was shocked: “Do you even have to do this?”

Lin Chuxue cried and begged: “Don’t let down the hearts of so many people.”

Xu Cheng was angry, and after shaking everyone away, he saw that the missile had reached the sky above him. He said to everyone: “If the first one is to sacrifice today, then this person can only be me.”

Mario, Chekhov and the others perceive what, each and everyone’s face suddenly changed.

I saw Xu Cheng suddenly bent over his knees, and then others rushed over 100 meters like a cannonball.

“Brother Cheng !”

“Xu Cheng!” Lin Chuxue clutched Xu Cheng’s hand and suddenly fell, her hysterical shouting: “Xu Cheng!”

Everyone below knows his intentions.

He wants to attack the missile in the air to detonate it in the sky!

This kind of large-scale lethality will be in the air!

Xu Cheng rushed to the sky and the whole person greeted the missile. He used his own body to fully open the tortoise shell and the missile for a collision.

Hong long!

A cloud of mushrooms was ignited over the entire city of London.

Most of the tall buildings and glass in the city of London are clearly feeling the shock!

Far away, from the urban area, you can see that the mushroom cloud in the sunset is like the end, the citizens are lonely one’s head out of fear.

Outside the area of ​​the explosion, surrounded by 10,000 people, the reporters and the public have stepped on the spot.

The Prime Minister’s Office also saw this group of mushroom clouds, and several high-level faces of MI6.

“The missile was successfully detonated.”

The phone hit the round table, and the African chiefs, Rockefeller, and Morgan all breathed a sigh of relief.

“The rest of the remaining aliens will be handed over to the three of you. If it can be returned, it is best for us. After all, they are a group of brave and special forces!” Rockefeller had only three Knights behind him.

Three people nodded.

Morgan’s mouth lightly smiled: “So, I have to go to the United States, ready to enter the mercenary. This war has been waiting for too long, no longer fight, our party will have a crisis of trust next time.”

Just as the London headquarters cheered, a technician said without a reason: “Sir, the missiles did not detonate on the ground, but detonated within the range of two hundred meters in the air.”

“What do you mean?”

“The formidable power of the detonation may be greatly discounted, but I think that the damn should be dead, but for the sake of safety, a team of elite teams will be sent to the scene of the explosion to recognize the body.”

Several high-level nodded: “Hurry up and see.”

on site.

The elite special forces of the 50 people have put on anti-virus masks, armed with good spear and armed with various weapons, moved toward the explosion area.

Inside the four-kilometer explosion, Lin Chuxue woke up in a severe cough. All around was a smoked sand. She climbed up and looked for people. All around the woods, all of them were gone, and they didn’t turn into deserts.

Lin Chuxue saw a pile of soil in the sand, and she ran over to plan the soil, and finally dug out the Chekhov, and then in all around, Lin Chuxue continued to dig, and dug other members one after another. Come out, just the moment of the explosion, everyone was drowned by the sand. Almost everyone was shocked by the shock wave to make the brain suffocate for a short time.

After Lin Chuxue wakes up Desai and the others, everyone seems to be exhausted head and face filthy with grime, and even the face is full of dirty people who can’t recognize anyone, Lin Chuxue this time, everywhere Looking around, my lips are white and I am looking for something.

“Xu Cheng ?Xu Cheng?” She had already exhausted all her strengths. At this time, she looked for Xu Cheng’s silhouette in the ruins of the plains of Pingyang.

Chekhov, Desai, and Vala all cried quietly.

In fact, you don’t have to find it and you know the result.

But Lin Chuxue looks like them very much.

“Sister-in-law…” Mario lay on the floor and looked at Lin Chuxue’s silhouette, full of powerlessness.

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