1155. Chapter 1152 1153: Forced

Social company headquarters.

The CEO sat in the chair of the conference room as if he was an enemy.

Both are shareholders of social companies.

Two years ago, in another headquarters building, they also had a squabble because they wanted to close the alien account. At that time, the CEO did not agree to close the refusal and cooperate with the FBI. At that time, the shareholders unanimously opposed that he could not offend the FBI, and the result and the dissident The end of the game is the entire company building is exploded!

The company had to relocate its headquarters. At that time, the social support data was lost, the company’s stock fell, and everything was still vivid.

Today, however, calls from the military require them to close the alien public account.

This fuck is a hot potato.

The CEO said that the egg hurts!

“Off… or not?” The CEO smiled and spread his hands and asked several of the directors present.

The expressions of several directors are as uncomfortable as eating dead flies.

Last time, if they were willing to listen to the CEO, the headquarters might not be bombed, and the stock would not fall.

However, in recent years, it has not been able to restore vitality, and fuck is coming again!

If it doesn’t matter, it will offend the military, and it is still the popular Morgan family.

But if you shut it, who knows what this stranger’s anger will do to them?

“Talk about it, if you offend the military, what will we end?” A director suddenly had a thought to ask the person sitting.

At this time, a director said: “Frankly, they have offended the military, and they will not send troops around us. At the end of the day, in taxation, we will stare at our loopholes.”

“Positive solution, then, what is the end of the offense?”

Everyone is silent.

Because it goes without saying!

“It is said that because Silicon Valley has intervened in the event of genetic technology, Chris has killed more than 20 of the top billionaires in Silicon Valley and went to jail. To be honest, there is a shadow of aliens behind us. We must offend the strangers at this time. I think everyone is It is very clear that after all, there is a festival between us. If we come again, I don’t know if we will be in the world.” The CEO said with a headache.

The biggest director, took a deep breath: “So… agree with the military plan, please raise your hand.”

No one raised his hand at the scene.

“That is opposed to closing the alien account, please raise your hand.” After the big director finished, he raised his hand first. Sometimes, you can use money to do things, but for strangers, you can’t do things with money, or even give up your life. If you choose one of them, the fool will choose to oppose the military.

At this moment, the CEO secretary walked in and said with a tablet: “The alien account has updated a status.”

Several people took it and looked at it.

Then I saw that the account has updated three photos.

They are: Statham, Benjamin, and Haber.

The text says: No matter who caught them, let them go. After today, if you delay a day, you will die alone!

The social CEO leaned back in the chair: “They are still doing things, telling all employees, we don’t participate, don’t discuss, don’t touch on this!”

Secretary nodded, go on schedule.

Now, as three or four years ago, the aliens came again, as long as they intervened to question them, just as they did in the past, as the diplomats of the country.

There are a lot of media in the world concerned about the trend of different accounts. When the foreign visitors openly ask the three people, the media will investigate the identity and background of the three people.

very powerful!

First of all, let’s not say that they are the identity of the alien members, that is, they have their own backgrounds.

Benjamin, the inventor of the new vaccine, is behind the scenes of the American society, and the former king of Dubai, Haber.

The media was too excited. In the past, the foreigner had once publicly wanted a woman to go to England. At that time, there was a series of major event items in the UK. Later, the woman was rescued, and the incident was gone. It was once a humiliating incident in the face of the British nation.

Nowadays, it is estimated that someone is going to suffer.

The Morgan team leader looked at the news reports and did not take care of it: “I want to create public opinion to put pressure on me? Everyone knows that I caught the three people. This time, I will break the myths and legends of the strangers. Be locked up by me, come on, let me out of the ghosts, see if I don’t kill you.”

At this time, his eldest son, Buren, came in and said to him: “Father, is there something?”

“This month, don’t go out for the time being, let’s go through this limelight. I have to see, can they enter the military area to kill people?” Morgan Old Patriarch said.

“Okay, I will inform you.”

After the eldest son goes out, call his other brothers and sisters, and then contact one, one to three generations, and let everyone go home.

However, the second son of Buren is busy with one thing and does not win back.

He is eyeing the land and industry in Las Vegas.

He likes to gamble, so he wants to use the interest hobby as his investment project, and he is Morgan Clansman, who has handed over the acquisition plan to the four gangs six times.

The market price of 80% was acquired.

Very strong.

The general acquisition of a health company or industry is a premium of 120%~150%. He is good, and he also deducted 20% forcibly.

However, this sixth time, the four bosses still refused him. As a last resort, the third generation of Morgans decided to see the four bosses and let them know what is strong!

He directly wore a military uniform and took a group of men into the manor of the four bosses, behind them were soldiers surrounded by manors.

The four bosses are drinking tea, and they are very dissatisfied with their faces.

“Weber Young Master, what do you mean by this?”

Weber Morgan swayed in and saw the four bosses standing up with a strange face. He laughed: “There are few meanings. I know that all four of you are just there, come over and have some wine, let’s talk?”

All the four bosses were shot by soldiers with their heads.

Where is this special talk, it is about the order.

The four bosses looked at each other, and Sal told me not to act blindly without thinking. He smiled at Weber Young Master and said, “What are you talking about?”

“You also know that any industry, a single big one, will cause public anger. Monopoly is the most shameful, and several people are right?” Weber looked toward towards four people.

The four bosses did not speak, nor did they notdded.

Weber laughed, who wouldn’t smile at this time to look at his face, he understood, but he never thought that these four people would give him a smile.

“The Morgan family, when did you start to get involved in the financial industry?” Sarpi smiled, not ironic, somewhat ironic.

Webber took a pistol from his waist and slammed it on the table and asked, “Can’t you?”

“Weber Young Master, have something to say directly.” A boss simply went to the showdown.

“Cheer.” Weber nodded: “Then let me talk about it, I want half of your gambling business, and I don’t pay for it.”

Thrall: “But you know, we don’t lack money, we don’t plan to sell.”

“Do you understand what you are saying?” Weber’s face was cold: “I said, I am weighing the problem of putting aside your monopoly. I know what you are doing here. But one hand covering the heavens Very bad, we promised that the people did not agree, so come over and talk to you. Talk about it, the four bosses are still the boss, can’t talk about it, the word boss will no longer exist.”

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