Ace Hollywood

Chapter 389: Pirate Tide

On July 3, Disney held the world premiere of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" at Disneyland in California. All flew to the UK that night, and the London premiere was on the 4th - in order to wait for Daniel's itinerary, it should have been last month. The premiere held in the latter half of the year had to be postponed until this time, and Daniel could imagine how upset Disney was. network

However, the premiere is still quite grand - as the most watched commercial blockbuster this year, the first film has a global box office of 800 million, earning Daniel an Oscar winner, and cultivating a group of captain fans who can be compared with magic fans. . No matter from which point of view, this "Pirates of the Caribbean: Gathering of Souls" will be the most likely work to break the 1 billion global box office.

And what is unusual is that dd Pictures actually owns 30% of the profits - this may be one of the things that Robert Iger regrets most. The lack of confidence in the film directly led him to give up the acquisition of dd's investment rights in the series, so that when "Pirates 1" hit the box office, it was impossible to get this right from Daniel again - unless Disney took out The billion-level price tag, but because Disney has not negotiated at all, this amount is just a media speculation.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and his family attended the premiere -- his term ends in 2008, in what was seen as a sign of his intention to return to Hollywood after leaving office.

Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley, the two supporting roles are now well-known actors in Hollywood, especially Keira, who has been nominated for the Golden Globe Award and Oscar for "Pride and Prejudice", and now has "Pride and Prejudice". The position of the first heroine of the "Pirates" series, her commercial value and the value of literary films. They have all been recognized to a certain extent, and they are already quasi-first-line actresses. It only takes a little time. Perhaps it is a more representative work, and it can be promoted to a coffee. As for Orlando. Aside from "Pirates," there aren't too many attempts worth mentioning, other than to keep his current status -- a bit like Daniel at the end of "Gladiator." Daniel has Oscar and Golden Globe Best Supporting Actor blessings, while Orlando has 800 million box office and series backing. You can say half a catty. However, the development potential is not the same - Orlando will continue to go down if there is no breakthrough, and Daniel had a promising future at that time, sitting and watching "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy" sweep the global box office.


When "Pirates 2" on the 7th was officially released simultaneously in multiple ticket warehouses around the world, the entire Hollywood couldn't help but feel that it was difficult to understand.

"Bad Teacher", "High School Musical" and "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", after the start of the summer season. Daniel has never left the cinema. Maybe he invested in it, maybe he starred in it, but the topic is always about him, and his name always appears in the reports.

In response to the exclamations of the media.

Daniel updated a rare long article on his f2f.

"I've seen, or heard, the assertion a lot lately—'Daniel hangs like a ghost over Hollywood in the summer.' I have to deny the compliment or the accusation. In fact, in Hollywood Among the major producers, MGM and dd have not yet entered the normal production period, and we have no distinction between important projects and secondary projects. At the moment of rebuilding the reputation of MGM, we attach importance to each work, which is Severely limits the number of productions at MGM. Maybe in a year or two. We'll have more releases, and the publicity resources and attention they get may be negligible, but at that time, MGM was a full-fledged franchise. studio.

So why, instead, am I considered to 'shroud' the whole of Hollywood? I think this should be completely blamed on me, because I am an actor, so no matter the various works I invested in, produced, participated in, starred in, you are all counted on my head - this is not reasonable, at least " Bad Teacher belongs to Jack and Cameron. "High School Musical" should also be attributed to Kenny and the group of cuties.

Daniel doesn't hang over Hollywood, but I do take pride in being able to invest in, produce and participate in so many great ones. It's my pleasure to love a movie. Also my pursuit. Thank you for making this dream come true with me. "

Daniel's denial won't make the story go away, but it's enough that Triver will make a part of the media willing to follow Daniel's will. In America, never try to unify opinion - unless you really offend the underlying principles, and as a rule, there are no fundamental principles! Even if it is really heinous things like racial discrimination, it will not necessarily offend all the media, at least some conservative media who believe in white supremacy will express their views openly and secretly.

But Daniel, who needs to step up the pace of publicity around the world, doesn't have much energy to deal with the situation.

Overall, it didn't do any serious harm either.


Before the release of "Pirates 2", critics generally believed that it could smash 70 million in the first weekend and three days, only slightly higher than "High School Musical". The reason is not pale, July 4th is the Day of the American Revolution, the so-called battleground of the military. But "Pirates 2" obviously missed this point, handing over the schedule to "High School Musical", "Bad Teacher", "Superman Returns" and "Cars" - and directly helped "High School Musical" in the second day of the first day He completed the feat of breaking 100 million in 5 days, and also brought "Bad Teacher" to the edge of breaking 100 million, so on the day of the release of "Pirates 2", on the premise of a sharp drop in the film schedule, it achieved a breakthrough of 100 million - for MGM Win the second golden mountain.

In addition to missing the ** date, a number of blockbusters such as "Car Racing" and "Superman", as well as a number of dark horses "Song and Dance" and "Bad Teacher", are bound to have an impact on the box office of "Pirates 2"—— After all, everyone is not a local tyrant. Although the ticket price of a few dollars is not high, there may not be several movie tickets in everyone's budget.

Still, forecasters were slapped in the face again this summer as everyone flocked to movie theaters, so much so that some were already questioning the need to continue the profession.

This has also laid the foundation for this year's summer season to become the "most unreasonable" summer season - while a large number of dark horses broke out collectively, large-scale commercial films set off a wave of box office - in the previous summer season, there was an incredible nearly 50% of them. The increase is unprecedented over the years.

On July 7, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" had a box office of 55.5 million on the first day, completely surpassing "Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith", and jumped to the top of the single-day box office in film history, increasing the record by 5.5 million.

"The Da Vinci Code", which was missed by DD Films and Daniel, did not achieve this achievement, and "X-Men 3" was also slightly inferior to "Revenge of the Sith" with 45.1 million, as for Pixar's CG animation The blockbuster "Cars" and the giant Warner Bros. production "Superman Returns" were ridiculed by "High School Musical" - even worse than the record.

Now, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" broke the record of the "Star Wars" series so easily.

It is conceivable that soon, there will be a huge debate on the Internet.

Lord of the Rings fans, Captain fans, Star Wars fans—it can be said that the last and oldest Star Wars fans are the most powerful, and many of them have become celebrities in all walks of life, even in Hollywood, yes There are not one or two superstars fascinated by Star Wars. Tom Cruise, Michael Caine, etc. are all fans of the Star Wars series. In second place are Lord of the Rings fans - who benefited from The Hobbit's plan - which despite the uneven interests of all parties is still preventing it from becoming a reality. But this prequel of The Lord of the Rings has still become the rope that keeps the Lord of the Rings fans together.

The latest to be born, and there is only one Captain fan that has been released so far, is more based on the personal charm of Daniel and Jack Spike - which makes it inevitable to become the weakest of the three fan groups. Sometimes Star Wars fans don't acknowledge them at all - much to the sigh of relief for Captain fans.

Now, it's time to let go of that breath.

The record for the latest Star Wars series is beaten by the latest Captain series!

Isn't this the greatest humiliation and proof?

Moreover, the number of Captain fans will naturally increase rapidly with the launch of new movies. It may be difficult to compete with Star Wars fans, but thanks to their activeness on the Internet and the existence of a legendary superstar as a totem , Captain Fan's voice and cohesion may not be so weak.

The war between the two sides may be very exciting - many people who know the inside story are waiting to see a good show.

Don't underestimate the actions of these fans, protests, petitions, and even the signature of the White House website, attacking actors, stop watching each other's movies, and even buying newspaper pages to criticize each other - all these actions have already been done Yes, there are many of them, and they are willing to spend money for them, and they are definitely full of tricks to fight.

When the 9th ended and the first weekend of "Pirates 2" broke the 13.5 billion mark in three days, the excitement of the captain fans could not be concealed.

The official mb account of "Pirates 2" - sometimes the propaganda party prefers to use mb instead of f2f, because mb is more spreadable than f2f, which is more closed. The official account released box office information and produced a celebratory poster. Then the whole mb was about to be swiped by this poster, and it quickly spread to other websites.

"If High School Musical was well-received solely because it was like a cute elf that sang and danced and made people happy. Then "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" could be an all-consuming giant The whale, when it came to the surface, everyone saw how big it was. Fans of the "Pirates" series brought its daunting influence to the fore when a new record of 13.5 billion was set in the opening weekend. , the only question now is that it will"

-- "Premier." (To be continued...)


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