Ace Hollywood

Chapter 362: Marvel enters the pit

At the party the night before, no one was destined to talk directly about the award ceremony the next day. Some people were more confident, while others knew that they had no hope of winning. What's more, there were still guests who had not been nominated. n∈A smart host, or a qualified party participant, will try to keep most people happy.

Chatting with Pearson and Soldsberger was a bit dull, and despite the fact that neither the academy nor the New York Times Group has a lot of interest in Daniel's social-networking empire, tonight was clearly not the right place to talk about it.

"Go and play with the young people." Pearson patted Daniel on the shoulder, "I can understand your mood. Forty years ago, I was very impatient to chat with the old man. It was boring and annoying."

Daniel laughed at Pearson's self-deprecation, raised his glass, and walked away from them. Cusa Damon just waved at him, and the man beside him seemed to be Kevin Feige of Marvel Studios. The contact with Marvel is actually in progress, but the enthusiasm for cooperation with Marvel is not very high, not only for dd Pictures, but also for Paramount. Brad hopes that the plan to release Marvel works will be There is still no concrete progress. According to Daniel, some of the more radical forces within Marvel seem to want Marvel itself to dominate the Marvel universe's superhero movies - making and choosing co-distributors, just like other, slightly smaller studios , rather than selling out roles and packaging to give distribution rights. As the leading figure in the cinematic world of Marvel, Kevin actually does not support this idea. In his opinion, a superhero movie with a budget of 100 to 200 million can easily hurt Marvel and take too many steps. Not good for them. For Marvel, the most important thing now is to create the brand and credibility of Marvel movies, and to make profits. It is not unacceptable to temporarily sell some benefits. After all, Marvel has thousands of comic book heroes, and this treasure trove allows them to take a few as the price of opening up new fields.

However, Daniel was stopped on the way.

"Hey, Tom."

"Hello, Daniel, do you have time to chat for a while?"

Daniel gestured to Cusa in the distance and nodded.

Tom Shadiak. His long instant noodles is quite recognizable, and he is also a well-known comedy director in Hollywood, but his success and Jim Carrey always overlap, so there is still some lack of convincing. Daniel and Tom actually have the opportunity to cooperate. When Universal cast "The Fake God", the first candidate was Jim Carrey, and the director candidate was Tom Shadiak. Unfortunately, Universal and Jim Carrey did not reach an agreement later. Working together, Tom seems to be going in and out with Jim Carrey -- of course. Not entirely his subjective will. If Jim Carrey didn't play, Universal would be very cautious about choosing Tom as director.

Later, "The Fake God" was a big hit at the box office, and it gave Jim Carrey and Tom a chance to talk. When they and Daniel meet after the release of "Fake Tenjin," they tend to start the conversation with this encounter.

"Is there still a schedule this year?" Tom asked bluntly, in fact, he might not be willing to do so. But for Daniel, too many tricks are not necessary. Daniel, who owns dd Pictures and MGM Pictures, is very familiar with everything here, as for the salary and so on. That's not at all to Tom's advantage.

Daniel was a little surprised.

At various parties in Hollywood, especially before and after the Oscars, for many directors, screenwriters, producers, and investors who have been in Hollywood, an important job is to invite people to participate in their ideas. This kind of "participation" is of various kinds. Some invite actors to perform, some invite bosses to invest, and some invite industry authorities with a unique perspective to measure the profit prospects of the project - the last one that Daniel encounters the most is the first one. very little. The reason is not difficult to understand. Daniel, who has the "never fail" buff above his head, has one of the most authoritative criteria for judging prospects in Hollywood - although Daniel has not given anyone a clear attitude. As for why no one invited him to appear in a movie at the party, it is entirely because in recent years, Daniel has rarely appeared in other movies except for his company's investment, and he has two superstars in "The Bourne Bourne" and "Pirates of the Caribbean". Daniel of the commercial series can't spare too much time to shoot other movies, about one or two other projects a year. Few other projects like "Night at the Museum" and Fox's attempt to start a cooperation can impress him.

So, Daniel was very surprised by Tom's inquiry, which was obviously asking him if he would like to join a new project.

He thought for a while, what plan Tom is most likely to promote at this time, but unfortunately, he doesn't know the director very well.

"There are two more to come. This year may be out of time."

"What about early next year?"

"Pirates 3 has to be filmed next year. Robert is in a hurry. He originally wanted to film this year, but the others haven't been filmed yet. Do you have a plan?"

There was a little hope in Tom's heart that there was nothing left at this time, he hesitated for a while before sighing, "A script from a long time ago, it's quite interesting."


"Well," after a pause, "the subject of homosexuality."

"Huh?" Daniel is really surprised at this moment. Since he quit "Brokeback Mountain", the outside world generally thinks that he will not accept this type of film. Although he subsequently stood for "Brokeback Mountain" several times, but did not change this impression. Basically, he is considered to have no discrimination against the **** community, but he keeps it at a distance - which of course makes many people in this way regret.

Tom knew this and would find him. It seems that this is not a literary film that can win prizes.

"The content is somewhat related to "The Greek Wedding" and "The Hangover", and it is also a wedding story."

Comrade, wedding.

Daniel suddenly remembered a movie, "My Big Gay Wedding," starring Adam Sandler, a Universal movie.

This film is a comedy, but the budget is quite high, 85 million, which is definitely a big deal for this type of film. The final box office was 120 million in North America and 180 million in the world, which was a small profit. Daniel's mind quickly passed. It should be no problem to press the budget. As a series of "Greek Wedding", it should also stimulate the box office.

"Universal's "Fake Tenjin 2", will you direct it?"

In the second part of "Fake God", Daniel will not star, Jennifer Aniston will not star, and Seth MacFarlane will also not direct - after that, only "God" Morgan Freeman is left, basically Push back. I don't know what Universal was thinking, Jim Carrey was reluctant to play, and Tom seemed to agree to accept the invitation - in recent years. He and Kerry also have no new opportunities for cooperation. The success brought by "Detective Plane" and "Big Talk" has gradually faded, and it is attractive for him to know a sequel to a big hit.

Tom is of course not surprised that Daniel knows this news, although Universal has not publicly announced it. After all, a sequel with a different cast is somewhat lacking.

"Tom, I probably won't act. But I'm interested in this project. If you haven't found an investment yet. Try and talk to Melissa."

Tom was a little disappointed when he got the expected final answer.

"Okay, I will, thank you."

"wish you happiness."


After saying goodbye to Tom. Daniel quickened his pace and walked towards Kevin, and some people who wanted to come over naturally stopped.

"Long time no see, Kevin."

"Yes. Nice to meet you, Daniel."

He and Kevin have been on the phone since The Punisher. But I haven't encountered it again. After all, Marvel has not advanced its own movie project, and rarely comes out to participate in similar parties. Now seeing him here, there is no doubt that Marvel Studios should have made a decision.

"What are you busy with recently?"

Daniel glanced at Cusa, who lowered his eyelids with an unpredictable expression.

"There is a new plan. We are going to make a superhero film. Are you interested?"

"The Punisher kind?"

Kevin shook his head again and again, "No, no, we have learned a lesson. Special effects are indeed the lifeblood of superhero movies, and Marvel has recognized this. Of course, stars are also an important factor. Daniel, we want to invite you to play."

"Cusa should have told you that I can't make time for this year, it's a pity, Kevin."

Kevin Feige has been in Marvel for many years, but Daniel's score is not lower than his. Daniel could hear that Kevin's intention to invite him was not strong, and more thoughts should be outside of this topic. Perhaps, they still lack confidence, hoping to find some kind of comfort from Daniel.

"Captain America, Iron Man, whichever you think is suitable, as long as you speak, we will shoot."

Kevin spoke with a smile, keeping his eyes on Daniel.

"Marvel should take this step. You are the most familiar with your heroes, and you are the best at telling the story of the Marvel world. But what I said is true. After the "Museum" is over, it will be "Invincible" immediately, and it will be in the second half of the year. There is "The Bourne Bourne 3". The MGM and dd things have already weighed me down. Besides, I still have to study, and I have delayed a lot of courses this year."

Daniel's expression was flat, and there was nothing in his eyes.

Kevin didn't say more, and seemed to understand that it was not so easy to test Daniel. After saying hello, we went elsewhere.

Daniel looked at his back and gradually approached Edward Norton, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Isn't Edward the star of "The Incredible Hulk"?

"They seem to be planning to make "Iron Man", you are optimistic about this hero, don't you?" Cusa was also looking at Kevin Feige, "However, is it a trace of him, or what Avi Arad meant, I don't Too sure. But they don't seem to have a good relationship."

"It's no secret." Both Daniel and Cusa quickly looked away. "Allard was a conservative before, but shareholders thought the movie era was irreversible, so he needed to win the initiative from Kevin." It's understandable that this has become more radical. Besides, Kevin has always had his own plans, and Allard is always worried that he will impress the board. In that case, maybe one morning when he arrives at the company, he will find that he has taken his seat. New people. How can they maintain a good relationship under such circumstances."

"But based on what we've learned before, Allard seems to be more inclined to push the Hulk sequel rather than a new hero."

This is no secret in the industry.

Allard is still a conservative in his bones and is unwilling to challenge his position. Although An Lee's "Hulk" failed at the box office, it did not receive many bad reviews, and the value of the hero was not harmed. On the contrary, some comments have been raised in the critics, thinking that if the shooting method is changed, it will become a classic.

Those who just made similar comments have forgotten that An Li's advantage is not cheap. Pictures, stories, humanistic feelings, etc., are not what anyone can shoot if they want to shoot them. The idea of ​​taking Ann Lee's vantage point for granted and then making the new Hulk movie an intense action movie is laughable, and the Hulk sequel won't have any doubts that Ann Lee has endowed it. Everything about the Hulk. So when they see "The Incredible Hulk" they will understand that the Hulk is not suitable for shooting a single-hero movie. He is suitable for appearing in "Reunion". It appeared on the ground, showing his invincible violence and powerful power, but it was difficult for people to just stare at it for two hours.

This is the "original sin" of the Hulk!

Unfortunately, at this time, no one knows.

Arad, who is enough to control the situation, believes that avoiding the traps shown by An Li's version and catering to the critics' opinions can maximize the possibility of success.

Kevin may not see the reason clearly, but he is obviously more interested in "Iron Man", "Captain America" ​​and "Ant-Man". The important thing is that Kevin is a tough man in his bones, and the "Hulk" The rights returned to Marvel in the third year after Universal gave up making the sequel, last year. However, the priority of distribution is still in Universal's hands, and Kevin obviously lacks approval for this.

"They will make "The Hulk"." Daniel poured the red wine from the glass into his mouth and said to Kusa in a positive sentence.

Not far away, Kevin Feige and Edward Norton had a good chat.

"Get ready to change our strategy."

Cusa looked at Daniel hesitantly. This is not an easy joke. The amount of funds involved and the impact on the entire system are dramatic. But in the end he didn't say anything. (To be continued..)

ps: The collection has been up and down for a month, and now it is exactly the same as a month ago

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