Ace Hollywood

Chapter 216: end the shady crisis


"You really got it."

Kusa looked at the golden statuette, feeling inexplicable, the 20 million club does not have such a figurative symbol as Oscar. When the golden statue was caught in Daniel's hand, he felt so directly and truly that Daniel became an Oscar winner - one of the most noble achievements of this Hollywood actor, and he will undoubtedly be the youngest The best actor is remembered by film history - and at the same time, he is a global icon.

Daniel may be a little better than Tom Hanks, but there is no more than one hand standing in front of him.

Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt can no longer beat Daniel by seniority or age in any data-based statistics.

An Oscar is just an honor for some people, while for others, like Daniel, it is the crown at the coronation ceremony.

He became a Hollywood legend!

The backstage interview area was already looking forward to it, and the two just exchanged a tacit look - we won.

"Daniel, how do you respond to the rumors that the best actor has been chosen?"

"Yes, I just decided on the stage for next year's best actor."

"You mentioned the topic of anti-war in your acceptance speech. Does this violate the requirements of the Academy?"

"No, for 45 seconds, there are no requirements from the Academy, everyone is free to choose how to express their opinions, and the Oscars and the arts should make a difference in motivating and inspiring people."

"The coalition forces have won. Do you still stand by what you said earlier?"

"Yes, I firmly believe that the war will end with everyone admitting their mistakes."

"How does it feel? Wearing the honors of youngest supporting actor and leading actor at the same time?"

Daniel showed a smile, "Of course. It's great, especially thanks to Ridley and Polanski who made all this happen. I sincerely hope that Roman Reigns can gain something. I also hope that next year, I can get supporting actresses and leading actresses...Oscar accepted. Transgender?"


After a brief interview, Daniel still needs to quickly return to the scene. He has seen the ruffian Eminem go backstage. It seems that "8 Miles" won the award. Then Peter O'Toole accepted his Lifetime Achievement Award. Then there is the queen.

After returning to his seat, he moved slightly sideways to meet Julian Moore and Cameron Diaz. And Harry Berry, who gave him the award, hugged.

Nicole covered her face with her hands on the big screen as Denzel Washington recited "Nicole Kidman's 'The Moment'", the Australian actress experienced a relationship with Tom Crewe After the turmoil of divorce. Last year, she was nominated for Best Actress with "Moulin Rouge". This year, she was nominated for the second time. She will soon receive the award.

Obviously, though, it's either going crazy with joy or doing it on purpose. She actually mentioned the rumored object Russell Crowe in her winning speech, saying that Crowe told her not to cry on stage. But judging from the fact that she did not forget to mention "world peace" in the end. It's more likely that everything is intentional.

Because of the triangular relationship between Nicole, Jude Law and Russell Crowe, it is also a hot news in the entertainment section, and there are even rumors that Jude Law has divorced for Nicole.

Julian Moore lost both. She could be said to be the biggest loser of this year's Oscars, but this elegant lady still maintained her usual demeanor, and soon showed a decent smile, applauding and congratulating Nicole Kidman. But the other nominee, the high-profile Renee Zweig, doesn't have such a strong mentality. There was simply no way to hide his dark face and stiff movements, even when Denzel announced the results. When everyone was still on the big screen, her face changed instantly when she heard Nicole's name - this change must have been seen by most people.

I'm afraid there are not a few people who are laughing at her.

After Nicole presented her award, the crew began setting up seats on the stage.

More than 50 past winners took to the stage one by one, and their glory was played on the narration and on the big screen.

Of course, the last to be seated are the four new winners of this year, Chris Cooper, Catherine Zeta Jones, Nicole Kidman and Daniel Sandler.

The people in the audience may have mixed flavors, but the applause was thunderous.

Daniel sat in the middle of the first row, followed by Nicolas Cage and Hilary Swank, Nicole Kidman on one side, and Denzel Washington on the other, all acquaintances.

With Nia Vardal's thanks, this year's Oscars ushered in the last two awards, Best Director and Best Picture.

Daniel sat in the audience, and he was not sure about the final grand prize. Although the other party had retreated, he did not know whether "The Pianist" could beat "Chicago". For Harvey's reasons, "The Pianist" is not the work of DD Films and has no investment from Daniel, while "Chicago" is about Weinstein's development and reputation.

Veteran movie star Harrison Ford came to the stage to present the award.

Everyone has a faint feeling in their hearts, Harrison and Polanski are inseparable.

As expected.

Roman Polanski, who was watching the Oscars in a Paris hotel, stood up happily when he heard his name.

This is the first time the internationally renowned director has received this honor, and even though he is banned from entering the United States because he is wanted by the U.S. government, the honor still makes him very excited.

Originally, Polanski wanted Daniel to accept the award for him, but Daniel suggested that Harrison keep the trophy first, so that when the two meet in Europe, the presenter can present it to Polanski in person, which is more meaningful. . So while Daniel stood up to applaud Polanski, he didn't take the stage.

The best picture was still won by "Chicago". Martin Richards with white hair was inexplicably excited.

So far, this special Oscar ceremony has come to an end, and the 24 awards have their own ownership. The crowd of demonstrators outside the Kodak Theater had dispersed sporadically, and the entire theater looked deserted.

"The Pianist" won two awards for Best Actor and Best Director. Good Machine Pictures specially held a simple celebration banquet.

Two days later, "The Pianist" was officially released. In any case, the good machine will not give up this opportunity to increase the box office.


"Dagmar Dunleavy, president of the Golden Globe Press Association, is suspected of racism and manipulation of the Golden Globes."

"Los Angeles Times" headlines reported many concerns about the shady events of the Golden Globes.

"Happy cooperation, Harvey, in addition, you can consider my proposal carefully." Daniel hung up the phone. This was the last step for him and Harvey Weinstein and others. Twi has exposed it. For him, a sure-fire actor is enough to do all this. He knows that Adrian has also won this actor, but when it is his turn, he is even more limelight, but equally, making enemies also More, the academy may be in love with the innocent and unknown Adrien Brody, but may not be willing to give him this award.

In addition, Cusa and Triver have built their own Oscar PR network with this operation, which is an extremely important step for DD Films and Daniel himself in the long run.

What's more, if you don't fight, no one will ever face your existence.

Only when you enter the game field can you become the one who dominates the game.

Dagmar Dunleavy was not wronged. At that time, when he was talking at home and was furious, he said that the people behind the Internet were all niggas, and he also admitted that he refused to let Daniel win the award, and threatened in the future. Neither would give Daniel the Golden Globe Award - of course, this was recorded by the servants who couldn't bear his irritable temper. Almost the next day, Cusa's mailbox received such an email, the other party quoted $100,000, Sell ​​them an audio of Dagmar at home.

The money ended up being paid by Harvey.

The best way to completely solve this problem, of course, is to launch a sinner to wipe everything out.

Dagmar is clearly the best candidate.

He didn't dare to expose the actions of Harvey, Scott, and others-because it was a crime, and now he was just disgraced, not to mention that Harvey and others had enough power to force Dagmar to shut up, you know, once He leaves the position of president of the Foreign Press Association, and he can no longer be compared with people like Harvey. Dagmar people are mature and do not know how to choose.

There is no alternative but to admit defeat.

He just doesn't quite understand that he has been in Hollywood for many years with the Golden Globe Award, and finally lost to a young man in his early 20s.

This is somewhat unsatisfactory.

What's more, once he and Lorenzo leave the association, Theo Gingma will dominate the association, thus removing all traces of him from this hugely influential award.

However, no amount of unwillingness can change this The Foreign Correspondents Association immediately announced Dagmar's resignation, and Theo will serve as the temporary president, and then the association will hold a plenary meeting to elect a new leader Floor. But the association declined to comment on the question of "whether it will make up for Daniel," saying the Ballon d'Or will respect the given result but will be equally fair to all.

"This time is already doomed. Next time you have a chance, the Golden Globes will call on Daniel, the new Oscar-winning actor."

This is how the media interpreted the actions of the Golden Globes.

With the Oscars coming to an end, this year's awards season has also come to an end.

Daniel also had to breathe a sigh of relief, this awards season was not long for him, because he has been filming "Pirates of the Caribbean", and he has only really been involved in it since the Golden Globes. However, the intensive operations, the promotion and thinking of various plans and steps, the constant contact with various people, the establishment of their own networks and other systematic work have consumed a lot of energy of the entire team.

After this incident, whether from the media or the attitude of the industry, Daniel and his team have undoubtedly become a towering mountain. (To be continued)

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