In the Emerald Kingdom, the Great Battle of the Elves came to an end. With the news of the great naval victory of the Kingdom spreading back to China, the entire kingdom was boiling, and the voice of the Emerald Empire even appeared within the kingdom.

   Sky Arena, a grand exchange meeting is underway. The two sides are Hogwarts, the First Magic Academy of the Emerald Kingdom and the Eternal Tower Chiyan School.

The birth of    magic draws part of the essence of witchcraft. There are many similarities between the two, and they also have their own advantages. The collision between each other can often produce different fireworks.

The biggest advantage of witchcraft is that it has developed over a long period of time. After generations of wizards have supplemented and expanded it, all aspects of it have been very complete and constitute a complete system. The biggest advantage of magic is that it is more refined and concise. The magic pattern is the key point. From a simple point of view, a magician can easily master a series of magic derived from this magic pattern as long as he masters a magic pattern. You must start to memorize, analyze, and construct the corresponding template again. The process is quite complicated. Therefore, although there are many types of witchcraft, the witchcraft that a wizard can master is actually quite limited.

At the same level, the amount of magic mastered by a magician is often more than twice that of a wizard mastering witchcraft. The most important thing is that the power of magic is not inferior to witchcraft, and it is supported by magic patterns. The release of magic is also better than that of witchcraft. The technique is simpler.

Arrived in the Liberal World for so long, and had in-depth exchanges with the Emerald Kingdom. Now, even the arrogant wizards in the Chiyan School cannot speak words of contempt for magic. They have to admit the power of the new path of magic. , The only thing that made them feel gratified was that the path of wizards had already given birth to several eighth-order existences, and the strongest magic was only seventh-order.

   On the top-level viewing platform, Phoenix Semiya and the seventh-order wizard Malos of the Chiyan School were sitting together, watching the battle in the arena.

  Because Morrel stayed in the gastronomy world and did not return, Sieggel was busy with the "God King" plan and the Demon God capture plan, so in a short time Semiya was responsible for suppressing the kingdom and dealing with related matters.

  Because they are also taking the fire road, after several exchanges, Semiya and Malos get along more happily.

   "Magic is really an extraordinary road, I am a little tempted to see it."

   Looking at the red flame school student who was defeated again in the arena, Malos let out a sigh, half feeling half a joke.

  Malos has also studied magic in depth. Even from the perspective of a seventh-order wizard, he still has to admit that magic is a powerful and bright future road, and the future may have a day comparable to the wizarding road.

   But if you really want to abandon the wizarding path and switch to magic, Malos is unwilling, one is because the conversion is risky, and the other is because Malos clearly knows that the core of magic is the magic pattern.

Without the magic pattern, magic has become a joke, and all the magic patterns are in the hands of the Emerald Kingdom. If Malos wants to embark on the path of magic, he must get the inheritance of the Emerald Kingdom. As for himself Constantly analyzing and constructing magic patterns, and finally forming a relatively complete magic system is nothing more than dreaming in broad daylight.

   Malos didn't know how the legendary genius Sean Monteel, the creator of the magical path, did it, but he clearly knew that he did not have this ability.

   "If you really have this idea, I can apply to the kingdom."

With a smile on his face, he glanced at Malos, and Semiya spoke. The kingdom actually did not restrict the spread of magic, and even actively promoted it in low-end knowledge. These years on the Old World The emergence of small magic academies is proof that only the kingdom can strictly control high-end knowledge. For a seventh-order wizard like Malos, as long as he dares to learn and is willing to learn, Semiya will dare to teach, the path of magic. Compared with wizards, they are a lot immature after all, and they need more talents to supplement and improve.

   Hearing this, Malos immediately changed the subject.

Seeing Malos's performance, Semiya sighed slightly in her heart. The conversion is indeed dangerous, and to some extent it is also a departure from position and camp, but once it succeeds, the gain is huge, the most At least Malos can step into the second step of the road of truth, condense the body of rules, instead of staying in the first step like now, I don’t know when to take the second step. Of course, these things Semiya are I won't tell Malos.

   "Semia, I heard that you killed Marbles in the Great Cemetery Tower in the Great Battle of the Elves. Did you really kill it?"

   Looking at Semiya, Malos's face showed a hint of curiosity. Judging from the information he has collected, the things involved in this naval battle are not simple.


   There is no concealment, nor can it be concealed, Semiya gave an affirmative answer.

Hearing such an answer, even though he had already guessed in his heart, Malos could not help but shake for a moment. The Necromancers of Tier 7 who were transformed into liches in the necropolis towers were notoriously hard to kill. Or that they are already dead, but exist in an alternative way. Someone once compared the phylogeny of the necropolis with the demon pillars of the **** world.

   Of course, in essence, the former is still a lot worse than the latter. At the very least, Demon Eye can obliterate Marbles with the phylogeny from the root, but it may not be able to obliterate a Hell Demon God.

  "If this is the case, the Emerald Kingdom will probably need to pay attention to it After being surprised, Mallos frowned when thinking of the difficulty of the tower in the necropolis.

"Although the towers of the necropolis are not the four tallest towers, they are the well-deserved number one among the twelve high-ranking wizards in the world of truth. In fact, apart from the fact that there are no powerful wizards of the eighth rank, their strength is not inferior to any one. A supreme tower may even exceed the number of seventh-order wizards. After all, no one knows how many stinking liches are sleeping in that gloomy cemetery."

   Looking at Semiya, Malos talked about the speciality of the necropolis.

"Moreover, the founder of the Necropolis, the Great Wizard, Lubedo, is a real old immortal. It is rumored that he was active in the Silver Age and is even older than the founder of the Eternal Nightmare Tower, Hypnos, and is the most critical. The thing is that his strength is very terrifying, and it is definitely not a simple seventh-order can be summarized. He majored in the rules of the undead, and has completed two extreme transformations. Although it is not the eighth, it is also immortal."

   "Even in the information recorded by the Eternal Tower, the Great Wizard of Lubedo once fought against a stalwart life in another world. Although he was defeated in the end, he was still alive."

   Speaking of this, Malos’s face was full of wonder. Lubedo is undoubtedly the forerunner who embarked on the second road to confirm the eighth level. Although he failed to really succeed, he was not dead. It is also a legend in itself.

Hearing that, Semiya’s face also showed a hint of interest. Regarding the information about the necropolis, the Emerald Kingdom naturally collected some, but most of them are relatively vague, especially the information about the Great Wizard of Lubedo. So, that great wizard hasn't been outside for a long time.

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