The human world, the place where human power is most powerful, and the seat of the IGO organization.

Om, a huge space wormhole was formed, with blue energy flames, and a silver-gray interstellar battleship with the imprint of golden oak shuttled out from it.

A huge shadow covered it, and the battleship turned in the sky, even if it did nothing, it also brought unprecedented panic to this prosperous place. This is the instinct of weak life.

"The disaster has come."

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, crouching down, looking at the behemoth that lays high in the sky, the current president of IGO, one of the disciples of the food **** Acacia, and the strongest name in the world. A sigh.

"let's start."

Inside the interstellar battleship, through the light curtain, watching the bustling city below fell into a panic, Huang Ape Neo Rommel's expression did not change, and he gave orders neatly.

The IGO organization is the strongest force in the human world, and it also has the most wealth in the human world, including various ingredients, recipes and chefs. These are all needed by the Jade Kingdom. If you want to preserve the integrity of the human world to the greatest extent, IGO is the first Forces that need to be conquered.

As Huang Yuan gave the final action order, the hatch of the interstellar warship opened and the beam of light was cast into shape. The pacifists with a height of three meters and a body made of steel, with scarlet rays in their eyes began to enter the bustling city below. .

These pacifists are the latest models of robots with simple mechanical intelligence. Although they are slightly rigid, they have been able to execute military orders very well. Although their individual strength is generally only Tier 3, fortunately, after many process upgrades, the cost is Not high, it is a very good kind of war puppet, especially in this situation, it is more suitable, they are here for conquest, not for pure killing.

"We are the messengers of the Emerald Kingdom. This city has been taken over by the Emerald Kingdom. We have come with kindness. Please everyone consciously stay at home and do not go out."

"Those who are still walking on the street in half an hour will be regarded as rebels and removed."

The icy mechanical sound came from the mouth of pacifism, which happened to be the pure human language of the food world, resounding in every corner of the city. At the same time, a series of void chains fell from the interstellar battleship, completely blocking the city. .

"The monsters from there, this is not a place where you can run wild."

On the street, looking at the three pacifists in a group, occupying a high point, a sturdy food hunter flashed in figure, carrying a strong force to launch an attack, although he did not know which country the Emerald Kingdom was, But these mechanical monsters don't look good at first sight.

"It is determined that there is an offensive intent and it is an enemy, so it will be eliminated."

The scarlet light in the electronic eyes became more intense, locking the figure of the brawny man, and the three pacifists opened their mouths at the same time.

In the next moment, the golden brilliance bloomed, and three laser beams simultaneously hit the brawny man whose speed was far beyond ordinary people.

Bang, the sound of the explosion sounded, and with the flames, the brawny man disappeared, leaving only a cloud of blood fog.

"The monster killed someone."

Such a scene completely scared some people who were watching from a distance. At the same time, similar scenes were constantly staged in different corners of the city, which undoubtedly aggravated the chaos in the city and made the city cast a blind eye. There is a shadow of fear, but a short period of chaos will usher in long-term order, and some more important places, such as a few well-known restaurants, were protected by pacifists for the first time. These are all kingdoms. Of wealth.

"President, those monsters are starting to kill people, and the overall strength is very strong, what should we do now?"

On the top floor of the IGO Headquarters building, with his right eye open, and IGO Vice President Shigematsu, with his left eye closed, came to Yilong's side, a cold breath flowing throughout his body.

"We may have to ask other talents about this question."

Turning around suddenly, Yilong's clear eyes burst into light, locking onto the other side of the room.

"Perception is very keen, it seems that I am a small food hunter like you."

Muffled words sounded, and golden light spots gathered. Huang Ape Neo Rommel, wearing a yellow striped suit, a justice coat, and amber sunglasses, appeared on the top floor of the IGO headquarters.


After being reminded by Yilong, Shigematsu launched an attack immediately after discovering the existence of Huang Yuan.

The closed left eye opened, and the scarlet eyes were revealed, and the killing intent was condensed into substance, converging into the sharpest knife in Shigematsu's hand.

"too slow."

A light flashed in the golden eyes under Neo Rommel's sunglasses, clearly capturing the disappearing figure of Shigematsu, then he gently lifted his right leg, and then put it down.

Boom, smoke and dust were everywhere, and the load-bearing wall constructed by IGO with special weighted rock suddenly cracked. When the smoke and dust dissipated slightly, Shigematsu was caught in the wall, and he didn't know his life or death.

Seeing such a scene, Yilong's pupils suddenly shrank, and his rickety body quickly swelled like blowing air, returning to a young posture.

"Outsiders, what do you really want to do?"

His eyes were staring at Neo Rommel. At this moment, Yilong raised the vigilance in his heart to the highest level, and he felt the deadly danger on the outsider.

Gourmet cell rhythm, a demon's phantom appeared behind a dragon, and then a heavy gravitational field quickly formed centered on the dragon, enveloping Neo Rommel.

"I am the general of the Emerald Kingdom Expeditionary Fleet. I came with kindness and hope that your IGO Guild can surrender to the Emerald Kingdom and help us rule the world."

Without covering up, without covering up, Neo Rommel stated his purpose.

Hearing this, a cold light flashed in Yilong's dark eyes.

"The establishment of the IGO Association is to discover and create more food and bring happiness to people. It will never become a tool for you to conquer the world."

The last trace of luck in my heart disappeared, took a deep breath, and the body swelled again, with a sturdy back and a padded footstep, Yilong's figure disappeared in an instant, and in the next instant, he appeared in front of Neo Rommel, fast. Is almost teleported.

Bang, punched out, the air exploded, and Neo Rommel was hit by a dragon and a punch. Although the momentum was not obvious, it was precisely because the strength was too condensed that the punch of the dragon was extremely terrible.

"Gravity? Or a force similar to gravity?"

A slightly surprised voice sounded, the golden light gleamed, and Neo Rommel's battered body gathered again.

Elemental, the iconic feature of the natural devil fruit, Neo Rommel’s glittering fruit has been upgraded to the seventh rank, and this incidental feature has become more and more terrifying, not only physical attacks, even some energy attacks can also be immune.

Although this ability is not invincible, few people in the food world can hurt the elemental Neo Rommel.

Seeing such a scene, Yilong's pupils suddenly tightened.

"Your strength is very good, I will give you another chance to choose."

Looking directly at Yilong, without rushing to make a move, Neo Rommel spoke again.

"Great Gravity Handprint."

Without speaking, Yilong used his actions instead of answering.

Seeing such a scene, Neo Rommel let out an inaudible sigh, and in the next instant, his figure turned into golden light.

Neo Rommel admires a person like Yilong who has a strong heart, but since he is an enemy, he will never keep his hands. When the dazzling golden light dissipated, Yilong's body fell on the cold ground. On there is a dark hole on the eyebrow.

Yilong’s strength is not weak, and he has reached the threshold of Tier 6 in all aspects, but he is not an opponent at all against Neo Rommel. This is not only a gap in hard power, but also a gap in the extraordinary system. Neo Rommel was just a natural elementalization that made Yilong helpless.

"He chose to die with his faith, so are you?"

Retracting his gaze from Yilong's body, Neo Rommel looked at the IGO Vice President Shigematsu embedded in the wall.

"I am willing to surrender. I will gather the power of the IGO Guild and help your Excellency rule the world."

Opening his eyes, struggling to escape from the wall and kneeling on the ground, Shigematsu made a completely different choice from Yilong.

"Then you will be the president of the IGO Guild from today, and I look forward to your performance."

The voice fell, and the figure of Neo Rommel disappeared.

After a long time, laughter came from the top of the messy IGO headquarters building.

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