In March 1565, the sun's brilliance was obscured, and darkness enveloped the sky of the Bo Ya Great World.

"The sky has fallen?"

At this moment, countless people in the Boya Great World looked up at the sky at the same time, only to see the void collapse, and a huge shadow gradually covered the sky.

"The fusion of the world has begun."

Countless sacred breath fluctuations, watching such a scene, some people are surprised, some are expecting, some are worried. Nowadays, the plan to promote the unity of the world led by wizard civilization, **** gods, elves, and snakes has finally seen its first sight. Results, under their traction, the first world was captured and began to merge into the liberal arts world.

The world barriers of the two worlds collide with each other until one side completely disappears and merges with the other side. In the process, there is an aura of destruction, and strange materials are born, falling into the Boya world like a meteor.

Seeing such a scene, some more alive-minded transcendents have already acted immediately. Most of the matter that can be born in the collision of the two worlds is not simple, at least it is Tier 5, and Tier 7 is not impossible.

Kazed, the sky shattered, and a shadow of the world with forest as the main body appeared quietly.

Om, the void changes, and its own world barriers have been polished. This foreign world has smoothly integrated into the Liberal Arts World and becomes a part of the Liberal Arts World. Like a vast star, it carries an unparalleled power from the Liberal Arts World. The outer layer fell, directly smashing into the material world.

In this process, the scorching flame born after it burned ignited the void, leaving a pitch-black mark in the void for a long time, and the rising waves swept the surroundings, causing the sky to set off waves like the ocean, spreading to the entire world.

Of course, in this process, the falling world itself was severely worn down, the outer area began to disintegrate, and then instantly vaporized, disappearing out of thin air.

"The sky is falling."


A doomsday-like scene emerged, and countless people were scared to death.

If the situation continues in this way, even if this world falls into the ocean of no man’s land, the aftermath may also have a devastating impact on the spirits of the Boya World. After all, he has a volume far beyond the stars. .

Of course, if such a thing does happen, nothing will happen to the Liberal Arts world, which is extremely high in nature, but the fallen world on this side will definitely disintegrate completely.

"Do you want to shoot?"

On the Old World, there is a sacred light surging.

A world fall where one energy level barely reaches the seventh step, and its forming power is terrifying. Even the great existence of the seventh step wants to block it is almost impossible, but it cannot be directly blocked, but it can be slowed down from the side. The power of its fall and some guidance to minimize the damage is still possible for the existence of the seventh rank.

But at this moment, the rich breath of life escaped from the falling world, surging like a sea tide.

"Natural refuge."

The shadow of a huge tree standing on top of the earth emerges, its canopy is lush, covering the sky, and its roots and roots are intertwined, like snakes and dragons, endlessly deriving, wrapping this falling world and forming a sepak takraw ball.

"The seventh-tier Kabbalah tree of life."

Looking at this shadow of the tree, I feel the breath of life that seems to have no end like a vast ocean. An ancient existence recognizes the true identity of this shadow of the tree. In an instant, whether it is the local powerhouse of the Boya Great World or the outer starry sky The strong in China are all moved.

The seventh-tier Kabbalah Tree of Life is a very precious magic plant. Even a leaf is a rare treasure in the outside world. Its branches can be used to refine strange things, such as a staff, whose juice can be used To prepare potions is also a life-prolonging potion that no one desires, not to mention that he has the most precious tree heart.

The main material of the grammatical rod of the seventh-order miraculous recovery inherited by the natural school of which Sean belongs is the core of a seventh-order tree of life in another world, and its preciousness can be seen.

But what makes everyone hesitate is that this Kabbalah tree of life has obviously born its own wisdom, from a simple magic plant to an alternative intelligent life, and once this kind of extraordinary nature is born with wisdom, its strength lies in Among the same ranks, they are often relatively advanced, and no one dares to underestimate them.

And when many powerful people are in doubt, in the distant ocean, the breath of life surges like a tide, and countless trees grow from the ocean in one breath, forming a tree boundary, like a pair of arms and palms. Like the upward palm, it firmly caught the world falling from the sky.

Rumble, the Liberal World is shaking, with the ocean falling from the Falling World as the core point. On this day, both the new and old continents where the Emerald Kingdom is located are attacked by earthquakes and tsunamis. Fortunately, there are both places. The presence of Tier 7 eliminated most of the disasters, but even so, there were aftershocks from time to time that hit the two continents in the next few months.

The Jade Kingdom, above the sea of ​​clouds, the holy dwelling on the ground, the forest of golden oak.

Sitting on the seat of God, looking at the falling world on that side, Sieggel thoughtfully.

Strictly speaking, he has been in contact with this world. When he first came to the throne of God, he used the power of cause and effect to gather the broken artifacts of the mother of plants, the cradle of life, to anchor the **** of nature, and in this process In this world, he got a lot of broken natural theocracy fragments from this falling world.

"Kabbalah tree of life, elves."

The rhythm of causal force, based on some broken facts, Sieggel began to trace the past.

With a touch of illusory scenes emerging, Sieggel had a sense of understanding.

In the ancient past, due to the occurrence of catastrophes, the wizards had no choice but to swallow the bitter fruit that they planted. After setting up the super-large ritual witch formation of World Breath, they all evacuated from the Boya World and walked far to the Star Sea.

After the wizards left, the ritual witch formation of World Breath began to operate, the magic tide receded, and the concentration of magical power in the Great World of Liberal Arts plummeted. Under such circumstances, some powerful races began to find a way out.

In this process, the elves were relatively lucky, and they happened to get the coordinates of an extraterritorial world, which was a top Tier VI world.

For the elves at that time, this world was the most suitable choice. It was not high or low, so the pure blood elves disappeared from the Boya world and moved into this world. After the elves smashed their accumulated heritage , This sixth-order world has been pushed to the seventh-order, and today, under the influence of the witch formation, this world merges with the great world of liberal arts.

"The elves have returned, and the ancient myth is about to be rewritten."

With a light sigh, Sieggal withdrew his gaze. Even if the Kabbalah tree of life is not enough to see this elven clan in the great world of Boya, in front of the Emerald Kingdom, in the starry sky, the elves are It is a well-deserved overlord race, with two eighth ranks, not so easy to provoke.

Of course, the elves in the Boya Great World are actually very far away from the elves in the starry sky. Even if something goes wrong with this elves, the elves in the starry sky may not care.

At the same time, in the holy residence of Storm Mountain, the Lord of the Storm, who was addicted to luck and indulged in the pleasure of reuniting the divine power of the ocean, uttered a sigh of It was really troublesome. "

The tsunami coming from the attendance was reflected in the eyes of the gods, and the lord of the storm urged his own power.

The aspect of this world falling in the barren sea happened to form an equilateral triangle with the old and new continents. The disasters it caused had a great impact on both continents. Among them, the golden waterway between the old and the new continents is right. It is the hardest-hit area, and maintaining the stability of the Golden Channel itself is also the responsibility of the storm lord.

"Law Decree·Storm Forms a Wall."

The divine power rhythm, as the lord of the storm cast his eyes, a magnificent storm curtain took shape on the sea, completely isolating the devastating tsunami.

Seeing such a scene, the lord of the storm nodded in satisfaction, once again immersed in the pleasure of luck.

After joining the Royal Power Alliance, although he was subject to a lot of constraints and had to perform his daily duties, the incense was also true. As the righteous **** certified by the alliance, his beliefs quickly spread within the Royal Power Alliance, and he also added Qi. Transported to the body, there is no detriment, and now he has seen the hope of reuniting a divine power of the ocean, and the powerful divine power is just around the corner.

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