The Liberal Arts World, the Origin Sea, and the stars are shining. With the continuous recovery of the magic wave, this starry sky becomes more and more brilliant, demonstrating the prosperity of the Liberal Arts World.

Om, the void fluctuates, all traces are concealed, thirteen vague figures quietly appeared in the starry sky, most of them maintained the shape of gods and demons. They are the twelve kings of natural disasters and the lord of the sky that have disappeared for a long time. Uranus.

As the most advanced world of Tier 8, the Origin Sea of ​​the Liberal World has extremely powerful protection capabilities. It is difficult for external life to actually enter it, even at Tier 7, but today this situation has been changed. NS.

"Haha, let's get started, I can't wait to see the panic of those gods."

With a blatant smile, red flames burned all over, thinking about what was about to happen, the king of drought was full of excitement.

"Tsk, I'm a little bit looking forward to hearing what you said about the drought."

Hearing this, the King of Plague, who looked like a black dog, had blood-red eyes, and exuded an unknown aura, also spoke.

For a time, many kings of natural disasters spoke one after another, and the scene seemed very noisy. During this time, they were forced to hide, and their hearts had long been impatient, not to mention that they were born against the gods, and for those who are high above and seemingly smart and want to take them as Knives, the gods who are actually as stupid as pigs, have long been intent on killing, but they have been patient because of the disparity in strength.

In the eyes of the King of the Twelve Natural Disasters, those who were born to integrate part of the world's origins and are almost immortal are the true gods of the Boya Great World. Those gods who live in the starry sky and sit high on the throne are nothing but fakes stealing the name of the true god. God only.

"Well, let's prepare for each. It's not too late to show such a madness after the plan is really successful."

The cold female voice sounded, and the Lord of the Earth Disaster, the Mother of Desolation, spoke. Unlike other kings of natural disasters who manifested the posture of gods and demons, he maintained a human posture, which looked almost exactly the same as the previous Mother God of Earth, except for his temperament. It's just different.

Although the voice of the Desolate Mistress is not loud, hearing this, the rest of the natural disaster kings immediately calm down no matter what they think. There is only one reason for this situation, and that is that the current Desolate Mistress is better than them. People are strong, the only eighth rank among them.

"let's start."

Seeing this, Uranus, the Lord of the Sky, who had remained silent, spoke up.

Hearing that, the kings of natural disasters did not act, they cast their eyes on the Desolate Mother.

"let's start."

The expression was indifferent, feeling the gaze of the other natural disaster kings, the Desolate Mother spoke again, and this time the remaining natural disaster kings immediately moved.

Om, the King of Natural Disasters separates various parties, surging in strength, communicates with the origin of the liberal arts world with his own power, and all kinds of brilliance appear in the origin of the liberal arts world at a time, forming scenes after scenes of strange scenes.

In the depths of time and space, the ancient giant lay in the void. Thunder and lightning gathered around him to form an ocean. A breath and a breath could set off billowing thunderstorms. Within the body of the giant, Yuklar, a world that had just been opened up, was right. Slowly growing.

Because it has just been opened, most of Ukraal is still deserted, and the rich vitality is hidden. Only the sacred mountain formed by Sean's spine has a sacred light flowing like a substance, rendering it like The abode of the gods.

On the top of the Mount Shenshan, an ancient tea tree with its branches and stems is drenching its brilliance. When blown by the wind, each has its own magic. The tea leaves showing all kinds of wonders flow out the sound of mysterious rules.

Not far from this ancient tea tree, a golden apple tree that is still immature is growing hard, and its whole body is surrounded by bright golden light. Although it is still immature, it has already shown extraordinary.

On the other side of the top of the mountain, a small green-gold tree no more than ten meters high rooted in the exposed rock, actively attracted the thunder above the sky, bathed in the thunder and long, equally extraordinary.

In addition to these three extraordinary gods, there are still a lot of magic plants on the top of this mountain. These are the handwritings of Sean. The higher the level of magic plants, the more picky about the environment of growth. Sean didn't have a suitable place to place these magic plants, and now this newly opened world is just right.

A little consciousness manifested, taking care of his own medicine garden, and Xiao En suddenly felt something.

Looking up at the sky, across time and space, Xiao En wanted to see something clearly, but unfortunately all he could see was a fog.

Frowning slightly, the phantom of the long river of fate was directly pulled out by Xiao En.

"The maelstrom of destiny is taking shape, and major events that affect the future direction of the Liberal Arts world are happening."

Looking at the ever-tempered river of fate, Sean's brows became tighter, and he was enveloped in the mist of fate. Although he could see some directions, he couldn't know what happened.

Squinting his eyes slightly, watching the undulating fate of the river, Xiao En made a decision in his heart.

"The Eternal Spirit, transfer your power."

With words, Sean moved the rules of fate to break through the fog forcibly and spy on the truth, but his strength was insufficient.

"Yes, master."

Hearing this, the Eternal Spirit immediately acted, and the extremely powerful thunder power burst out in the next moment, following the guidance of Shaun, directly piercing the fog of fate.

At the same time, in the origin sea of ​​the Boya Great World, there are many visions. With the help of his own particularity, the King of the Twelve Natural Disasters has locked in the great source of the Boya Great World. This is the true foundation of the Boya Great World. The world can condense a great source.

"It's finally out."

Seeing a huge shadow emerging from the depths of the starry sky, a glowing color flashed in the eyes of the Lord of the Sky Uranus.

It was at this time that the thunder exploded, piercing through numerous obstacles, allowing a thunder eye to manifest in the Origin Sea, its gaze indifferent, like the eye of the sky.

"Huh? Thunder dominates power? Terrahill?"

At the moment when the Eye of Thunder manifested, Uranus felt immediately.

Although there was some doubt in his heart, Uranus's speed was not slow at all. At the same time, the Desolate Mother also made a corresponding response.

The power of the sky and the earth are intertwined, and the Eye of Thunder is instantly erased.

"I was discovered, this is the returned giant ancestor?"

Withdrawing his power, the look of the Mother of Desolation was a bit ugly. He found that after he mastered the power of the eighth rank, he seemed to have encountered some kind of curse, and everything went wrong. This kind of layout has been long and various conceals, and it is related to the king of natural disasters. There will be twists and turns in the future.

Hearing this, although his face did not show up, Uranus felt a little heavy in his heart. He saw this matter more importantly than the King of the Twelve Scourges, and he would never allow failure. For the sake of this plan It has paid too much to execute it, and it has been waiting too long.

If he fails this time, he is not sure if he has the confidence to wait for the next opportunity.

"It should be, but it is not important. What we have to do now is to carry out our plan. Now it is too late for them to stop it."

Looking at the Mother of Desolation, the power in Uranus began to recover.

Hearing this, nodded, Mother of Desolation also began to use all her strength.

This time the plan is indispensable for every king of natural disasters, because only the twelve natural disasters can gather together to locate the great source of the Liberal World, but the real main force is still Uranus and himself. Only the sky and the land power can converge. , They can shake the great source of the liberal arts world.

Yukal's world, on the sacred mountain, retracted his gaze, and Sean fell into contemplation. Although it was just a glimpse, what he saw was enough to shake his mind.

"The Lord of the Sky Uranus really has a problem. Who would have thought that as one of the leaders of the gods, he would come together with the King of Natural Disasters, but this can also explain why the King of Ice Disasters was sealed in the first place. It will be so easy to get out of trouble."

"Is the power of the earth goddess? The breath is wrong, it should be the king of natural disasters. Although it is a bit weird, judging from the results now, the king of earth disasters and the desolate mother should use some method to steal the goddess of earth Power has even replaced the Mother Earth God."

At this moment, Sean thought a lot.

"The Gathering of the Kings of the Twelve Natural Disasters is able to lock onto the great source of the Liberal Arts This is probably something that many people would never have thought of."

"It is crazy enough that they want to shake the great source of the Liberal Arts world, and they are not afraid of being beaten back to death by the world, but the power of the sky and the earth are gathered together, and coupled with the particularity of the twelve natural disasters, it seems that it is not unreasonable to shake the great source. possible."

"Then what should I do? Try to stop or..."

Thinking of the consequences of Da Yuan being shaken, Xiao En deduced various possibilities.

"If you try your best to stop it, there is a certain chance of success, but it is more beneficial for me to go with the flow."

"I wanted to be silent for a while, but now it's time to move."

The thoughts in his mind were outlined, and Sean made a decision.

"The Eternal Spirit, ready to make a leap, let's go to the origin sea of ​​the Liberal Arts world."

With a decision, Sean immediately issued the order.

Hearing that, the silent eternal boat began to recover, and its escaped power made the void tremble.

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