Reincarnation is selfless, wiping out the emotions and consciousness of sentient beings, and sinking the self of sentient beings, leaving only the purest essence.

"Ah, I am the Star Titan Terrahill, I am an immortal being."

"You **** thing."

"My memory? What power is this?"

"Who am I? Who am I?"

Terrahill's unwilling roar echoed in the void, and the world was shaking, only the hexagonal reincarnation disk still turned silently.

Seeing such a scene, Xiao En felt a little emotion in his heart. There was a great horror between life and death. Although Tier 8 was immortal, when the crisis of life and death really came, they still couldn't be detached.

Time passed, when the hexagonal reincarnation disc turned three thousand three hundred and thirty-three revolutions, all the noise disappeared with it, leaving only deathly silence.

Under the shroud of reincarnation, Terrassil's consciousness is still there, and even because of the integration with Yuklar's world consciousness in the process, his origin has grown a lot, but he is no longer him after all. I am afraid that he possesses the same essence as Terrashir, but what remains of him is just a shell. The memories, experiences, emotions and other things that are indispensable to a complete intelligent life, such as Terrashir’s memories, are wiped out under the brilliance of reincarnation. NS.

"The deity."

Stopping the operation of the rudimentary power of reincarnation, Ymir turned his attention to Sean.

Hearing this, Xiao En let out a sigh of relief, and the hardest part has passed since the matter has reached this point.

"My flesh and blood are transformed into mountainous land."

"My blood is transformed into rivers, seas and lakes."

"My spine becomes the immortal mountain."

"My soul is the meaning of the world."


Whispering in a low voice, penetrating time and space, echoing throughout Ukral, the brilliant brilliance of rules blooms on Sean's body of rules, shining on the world, and bringing a different brilliance to Ukral's new world. , He symbolizes hope.

In the final step, Sean did not choose to find a way to repair his injury, but chose to burn himself. For him, the power of the creator and the sovereign power of the world can choose to be promoted at the same time. Both are at the root. Does not conflict.

The divine body decayed, evolving the first matter of Ukral's world, and the soul burst out with brilliant brilliance, engulfing Sean's consciousness, went straight to Ukral's origin sea, and swallowed the mixture of Terrashir's consciousness and world consciousness.

Although the hybrid is powerful, it is not inferior to the current Sean in terms of essence, but it is just a blank sheet of paper, allowing Sean to write.

Taking the place of the world consciousness, Sean was familiar with the road and let go of restrictions. Uklar and the giant's ancestor divine body resonated most fundamentally, and at this moment the eternal spirit belonging to this eternal boat began to be born.

A little divergence of consciousness, living in the mixed body, as if a little ink dripping into a basin of water, combining the two into one, thoroughly immersed, resonating with the power of the eternal boat, and thus a powerful eternal spirit was born. He was shaped like the ancestor of a giant. He is an indomitable giant, but there is a fundamental difference between the two.

The eternal true spirit resonated with the eternal boat, the power in the body of the giant's ancestor was completely awakened, and the power of the blood that had been coagulated was rushing like a sea. At this moment, the power of thunder began to converge spontaneously.

The Eternal True Spirit possesses the soul essence of Terrashir, and the Eternal Ship itself is Terrasher's divine body. When the two are combined, the power of Thunder naturally surrenders.

"I shall be the Lord of Eternity, in charge of Thunder."

The ancestor of the giant who has been sleeping for endless years opened his eyes, his eyes are like stars, without the slightest twilight, but full of vigor. He is Terrashir, but he is a new-born Terrashir.

The power of thunder derives as much as possible. The eternal lord operates the rules of thunder almost instinctively, constantly making changes. He is retrieving his forgotten power. Under such circumstances, a new crown begins to be cast, that is, thunder dominates the power.

The power is of special nature, unique and unoccupiable. Even if the latecomers have tried their best to recast the lost power, they are only making wedding dresses for the resurrection of the ancients, and they have to take their own lives.

This time, Sean used Time Magic·Future Body to create the illusion that the Thunder dominates the power to recast, attracting the shards of consciousness left by the ancestor of the giant Terrashir in the endless time and space.

When the mighty power of time dissipated, the power of thunder's dominance naturally collapsed, and the reunited consciousness of the giant ancestor Terrashir naturally fell into a rather embarrassing situation. Without power as a support, his nature is weak.

Taking this opportunity, Sean used Ymir's power of reincarnation to wash away the self of Terrashir's consciousness, leaving only the purest essence, and thus gave birth to a special eternal spirit.

With Terrashir's soul forging the Eternal Spirit, Terrashir's body forging the Eternal Boat, the combination of these two makes it possible to steal the idea of ​​thunder dominating this power.

Rumbled, the world changed color, and Xiao En's face appeared in the sky.

"The Eternal Spirit."

A muffled voice sounded, and Xiao En lightly called.

In the next instant, the eternal spirit that had shrunk countless times appeared in front of Sean.

"Master, what's your order."

Looking at Sean's manifest consciousness, the eyes of the Eternal Spirit were full of respect.

"Next you need to conceal your existence and master your own power as soon as possible. You take these things and use them to strengthen yourself."

Looking at the Eternal Spirit, Sean gave his instructions. At the same time, several things appeared in front of the Eternal Spirit. The most precious of them was the one that was torn apart by the ancestor of the dragon, Lilith Targaryen. Dragon claw.

Sean once hesitated to use this thing. The hidden dangers of using it directly are too great. It is a pity to turn the door of Wujian into a fundamental source of power. After all, at this point, the items contained in the door of Wujian can provide him with The help is not as great as before.

Now it seems that entrusting to the Eternal Spirit is the best choice. His special nature can not only effectively use the power of dragon claws, but also be powerful enough to obliterate those hidden dangers.

"Yes, master."

Taking those things, the Eternal Spirit showed an undisguised smile on his face. Although he had an over-mature face, he was still a child in essence.

With the help of Eternal Lotus Seed, the Eternal Boat has the ability to absorb external special forces and generate various extraordinary units. For example, a seventh-order knight sword may evolve into a knight training to produce war knights.

Although Sean’s Eternal Boat has undergone certain magical changes, it also possesses this ability, and because at the beginning of the design, Sean’s positioning of the Eternal Boat is the direction of the battle, so he absorbs foreign objects to strengthen itself. To be more extreme.

"Ymir, next I need you to go to the various affiliated worlds to establish a small cycle, you can fully mobilize the power of the Infinite Gate."

Let the Eternal Spirit leave, Shaun turned his gaze to Ymir.

Hearing the words and understanding what Shaun was thinking, Ymir nodded.

Yukal is extraordinary in nature. Once opened, it was a seventh-order high-energy world, but even in this way, it will take a long time for him to grow into an eighth-order world, and it may even be indefinitely.

Not to mention that Sean still wants to complete the promotion of the sovereign power of the world. It is not enough to just pile up the ranks of Yuklar. He also needs to develop all aspects of the world, of which civilization is an indispensable part.

In order to speed up this process, the easiest way is to provide Yuklar with numerous subsidiary worlds, and Ymir can further confirm his power of reincarnation in the process.

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