The breeze suddenly began to become unstoppable.

The news of the first official meeting of the Royal Power Alliance came out. The participating countries were boiling, and the countries outside the alliance were also looking at it. At the beginning, many countries did not pay too much attention to the existence of the Royal Power Alliance. On the one hand, it was because of the so-called After all, the alliance is nothing more than a piece of loose sand. On the other hand, because there is not much overlap between each other, but over the years, the changes in the participating countries of the Royal Power Alliance are visible to the naked eye, and the national power is booming, which has to let the rest of the countries. Look sideways.

At the same time, the vitality displayed by the Royal Power Alliance has also made many countries feel threatened, including the old kingdoms such as the Bald Eagle Kingdom.

It can be said that since the news of the first official meeting of the alliance came out, the Royal Power Alliance has been pushed to the forefront. Many people in power know that after this meeting, the development of the Royal Power Alliance may pass a corner. They wait. I want to take a look at the results of this meeting, as a reference for future choices.

Of course, during this process, some dark forces have bad ideas. They want to use this opportunity to attack the Crown Power Alliance. Although they can't deal with the Emerald Kingdom, the other countries are not necessarily, especially those. The little duchy doesn't need too much, just killing a duke is enough to make this alliance meeting a joke.

Thinking this way, they did the same. For a time, participants from all participating countries were assassinated, but most of them failed. This time the Alliance Army and the Emerald Kingdom’s Navy joined forces and sent nine fleets to welcome the members of the countries, each of the fleets. There is an existence at the level of a sixth-order general, and it is not so easy to break through such a defense.

In the process, only the current Grand Duke of the Principality of Black Rock was assassinated by a sixth-order shadow knight from the Shadowstab organization. Although he did not die, he suffered a lot of injuries, which completely angered the Emerald Kingdom.

The new admiral Huang Yuan prayed to the father of the oak and was inspired by the gods, and joined forces with the new admiral·Akainu·Monnes, the silver fox·Sasamaru, and the white wolf·Esders to locate the core secret of the Shadowshorn Organization , Razed it to the ground, and the sixth-order shadow knight that had fled before was also directly killed. At the same time, the Alliance Army also pulled out the strongholds of the Shadow Sting Organization hidden in the King Power Alliance one by one, using fierce methods, only killing but not capturing.

Since then, the notorious killer organization of Shadowshorn has been uprooted and completely disappeared.

Of course, in this process, there are also seventh-tier existences that are making vague temptations, but they are all blocked by Siggle. Over the years, with the development of the royal power alliance, the belief that belongs to the father of the oak has naturally been introduced. The rest of the franchise countries, and as the turbidity of each franchise country was cut off by the king's sword, the Church of Sacred Oak has also launched the activities of returning wasteland to forest in various countries, vigorously promoting the way of nature.

With such accumulation, Sieggel has gathered a second natural divine power over the past few years, and has become a medium divine power. Coupled with its causal power comparable to a powerful divine power, its strength is already sufficient to suppress one party.

On March 3, 1566, the sacred brilliance fell from the sky, rendering the entire Jade Kingdom as the residence of the gods on the earth. Above the sea of ​​clouds, the golden golden cloud road spread out, and the royal families of various countries set foot on the cloud road. The royal court of the Jade Kingdom located above the sea of ​​clouds.

The Palace of King Power, the palace specially built by the Emerald Kingdom for the Alliance Council, is essentially a powerful strange object. The main body is made of black iron, solemn and solemn. It is supplemented by mithril and pure gold to show the nobles. The inside is inscribed with the halfs of the kings of various countries. Like, and the top is a certain mountain crown, all kings are located under the crown.

"Everyone, I only welcome you here on behalf of the Jade Kingdom."

Standing on his own position, looking at the kings of various countries sitting around the round table, Iruka’s face was filled with excitement and hearty smiles, seven points of performance, three points of truth, he felt for the growth of the Jade Kingdom today I am proud and honored to be able to preside over this meeting on behalf of Sean.

This time, all countries participating in the conference are all important members of the kingdom. Except for the Kingdom of Sutilt, the rest are the king himself. Of course, the Kingdom of Sutilt is in a special situation. The consul as a representative, the other countries have no opinion, because they clearly know that although they are all kings, they are not the same as Sean. The king of Sean has truly entered the sacred temple, and there is a relationship between them. The essential difference.

"Here I announce the official start of the first meeting of the Royal Power Alliance."

The ancient bell rang, and new history began to be written in Iruka's passionate words.

This time the meeting lasted for ten days. The countries of the King Power Alliance conducted various discussions on the economic, cultural, military and other fields. Among them, the military aspect has changed the most.

The meeting determined that the Royal Power Alliance will set up training camps in various countries to continuously select and train outstanding talents to join the Alliance Army. At the same time, each participating country must pay a large amount of military expenditure to the Alliance every year to maintain the development of the Alliance Army. This is an obligation.

In contrast, countries can also enjoy the corresponding rights, that is, when facing external dangers, such as pirate intrusion, invasion of neighboring countries, etc., the participating countries can apply for the mobilization of coalition forces.

Of course, there is an iron law in this, that is, the coalition forces must never interfere in the internal affairs of the country. This is a safeguard of the sovereignty of all countries.

In fact, those in power in various countries understand that when they agree to this condition, they will really become a vassal of the Emerald Kingdom, because a country’s military expenditure is limited. After paying a large amount of military expenditure to the alliance, they will not damage the country. Under the premise of stability, the best way for countries to overstep is to weaken their own military. From then on, a large part of their country’s stability will depend on the royal alliance to maintain. Although the alliance is composed of all countries, it is dominated by it. The power is undoubtedly in the hands of the Emerald Kingdom, now it is, and I am afraid it will continue to be the same for a long time in the future.

Of course, even though they are aware of this, those in power in various countries cannot refuse. Their countries currently have deep economic and cultural ties with the royal power alliance. Once they are cut off forcibly, the country will suffer immeasurable losses.

On the other hand, these matters were actually decided long ago. Before the official meeting, the Emerald Kingdom, the Surtilt Kingdom, and the Anjiet Kingdom had reached an agreement to face more air fortune share, whether it was The goblin dragon Yulin Borges behind the Kingdom of Sutilt and the king of knights Bancourt behind the Kingdom of Anjiet both chose to bow their heads.

As for those principalities, there is no seventh-order power behind them, and opinions can be made, but not necessarily adopted.

Fortunately, this is an era in which Weili belongs to The nobles of various countries can take the route of elite training to maintain their own authority. At the same time, their family members can also enter the alliance army and set foot on a higher level. Platform, this is not entirely a bad thing.

In addition, all countries have reached a consensus that the alliance meeting will be held every five years. In no special circumstances, the kings of all countries must be present and gather together in the palace of kings to determine the alliance's next five-year development plan. Those who are absent without reason are regarded as automatic. Waiver.

At the end of the meeting, a deeper level of cooperation was reached, and the royal power alliance changed from loose to tight. In the emptiness, the sea of ​​air transport formed by the convergence of the air of various countries immediately changed.

Om, luck is boiling, and various visions are present. At this moment, the sea of ​​luck that symbolizes the royal power alliance suddenly rises and becomes more mysterious, and the royal sword hanging on it also buzzes silently, seeming to express joy.

The Temple of the Sun, perceiving such a change, cast his eyes on the sea of ​​luck in the emptiness. The corner of Sean’s mouth outlines a subtle arc. He promoted the convening of the alliance meeting for this moment. The so-called alliance meeting is just an appearance. What is really needed is luck.


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