New World, the Emerald Kingdom, feeling the changes in the sea of ​​luck, Xiao En's face showed a smile.

After the group of shark thieves were eliminated by the Alliance forces, the turbulent air fortune of the Red Coral Principality immediately stabilized and continued to consolidate. In the process, the air fortunes of the Sutilt Kingdom, the Violet Principality, and the Black Rock Principality also experienced some changes. The change, although not as obvious as the Red Coral Principality, has also begun to further consolidate, which is a sign that they are closer to the royal power alliance.

   "Next, we only need to eliminate the pollution of the earth's stale air, invest resources, and provide certain support to the four countries, then their national strength will naturally enter a stage of rapid growth, and the air transport they can gather will also increase."

   "With these four countries as a template, the kingdom is hard to say. I am afraid that many of the principalities will have the idea of ​​joining the royal power alliance. As long as this step is reached, the development of the royal power alliance is truly on the right track."

   One thought a hundred turns, at this moment, all kinds of futures were reflected in Sean's blue eyes.

And as Sean’s thoughts fell, the King Power Sword spontaneously sensed and spontaneously spontaneously spontaneously spontaneously spontaneously spontaneously spontaneously spontaneously spontaneously spontaneously spontaneously spontaneously spontaneously spontaneously. It seems thin, but it is full of a kind of silent thickness, as if it can crush the hearts of all creatures, making them unconsciously bow their heads under the sword.

Om, the air is surging, and various visions of evolution, the sword bursts with a dazzling golden light, locks the target, the kingship sword cuts four swords in succession, respectively aimed at the kingdom of Sutilt, the duchy of red coral, the duchy of violet and the duchy of black rock. .

   At the same time, in the prevailing rainy days, the skies of the four kingdoms such as Sutilte suddenly split, and sacred brilliance flows out from it, washing all filth, as if the most sacred **** has set foot on the earth from the kingdom of God.

   "The foundation of the earth's turbid air has been cut off, and the way of air luck is really mysterious."

   Perceived the strangeness, he turned his eyes to the Kingdom of Sutilt, and Yulin Borges, who was addicted to the mystery of the bloodline, was awakened. Such an accident made him more and more important to things like luck.

   Within a place, his power can suppress the muddy qi in a short time, but it cannot directly cut the foundation of the muddy qi like the King Power Sword.

   Sudden changes made the ignorant people feel sincerely happy. In addition to the joy at this moment, the prepared high-level people of various countries also have a heartfelt awe and a sense of belonging to the royal power alliance.

In the sea of ​​Qi Luck, four swords were cut in succession. Although the effect was outstanding, the consumption of Qi Luck was also terrifying. The sea of ​​Qi Luck, which had been solidified in the four countries such as Sutilt, was plunged into precariousness again at this time, even the first one. Time is not as good, but fortunately, it is still above the warning line.

  As a united whole, there is the suppression of air transport in the Jade Kingdom. Under the influence of air transport, there may be some small twists and turns in the remaining four countries, but there will be no major problems.

   The most important thing is that after this incident, the Four Kingdoms got rid of their shackles, and a steady stream of fortune is gathering. It will not be long before it will return to the original state, or even go further. This is just a pain.

   This is also the fundamental reason why Sean has to deal with the problems faced by the Red Coral Principality first, and then remove the turbid air pollution of the Four Kingdoms. Only in this way can the Four Kingdoms remain generally stable after the King Power Sword uses a lot of air transport.

   "Siegel, you will need to worry about the next thing in the League of Thrones."

   Retracted his gaze from the sea of ​​luck, looked at Sieggel beside him, and Sean spoke.

   Hearing this, Siggle nodded. He is in charge of the power of cause and effect. Except for Sean, it is most suitable for him to dominate the royal power alliance.

   "This deity, this is the token you need, the wine glass of the immortal, but you really don't need me to accompany you there?"

   With words, Sieggel handed Sean a wine glass with gold and silver inside.

This wine glass comes from Amir and is related to the legendary strange land Treasure Island. It is a token of entry to Treasure Island. Sieggel once used it as a way to find the location of Treasure Island, but although he found it, But failed to enter it, because the time has not come, Treasure Island has a powerful guardianship.

"No, Treasure Island has a great relationship with the Giants. It is suspected to be the land of the Giants, and the Giants and the Dragons have the same name. There used to be the ancestors of Tier 8. Although they have fallen, there may be some means for such existence. Left behind, it’s more convenient for me to enter it alone."

After taking the wine glass of the Immortal, Sean rejected Sieggel’s request to go with him. After experiencing the previous things, Sieggel is indeed not weak. With the power of the eighth-order causal fruit, he can play a comparable strength. Divine power, but compared to the current Sean, it is still a bit worse.

   Hearing this, Sieggel didn't say much anymore. Now both Ymir and Morrel have entered the Demon Origin Realm. In the absence of Sean, he is really not suitable for moving lightly.

   Looking at Sieggel who fell into silence, he played with the wine glass in his hand, and Sean disappeared.

   In the depths of the unknown starry sky, time and space meet here, forming a vortex of chaotic time and space.

   There are subtle ripples in the space, and Xiao En's figure walks out of it.

   "Is it here?"

   Looking at that space-time vortex, a strange brilliance flashed in Sean's blue eyes.

   Wow, like a long whale in the sea, the space moves, and the space rules surround It outlines the appearance of a big whale, which wraps Sean and swims towards the time and space vortex.

The time and space vortex is very dangerous. Even if the existence of Tier 7 is lost, it is very likely that you will not be able to get out. But Sean is different. He has the blessing of magic, great void art, like a fish in water, and the help of the insight of the door of the infinite. How the time and space here intersect and how it changes, He can always find a gap in it.

   It seems to dance on the tip of a knife every time, but it is in fact unpredictable. I don't know how long it took, the turbulence of time and space gradually subsided, and Sean came to the front of a big gray curtain.

   stopped and stretched out his hand, Xiao En's right hand easily penetrated into the gray screen, as if it had crossed the surface of the water and reached into the water.

   Feeling the subtle changes in it, Sean raised his brow slightly.

   "Sure enough, as Siggle said, this kind of gray screen has a strong suppressive effect on outsiders."

He whispered softly, retracted his palm, and Sean stepped into it. In an instant, his body shook slightly, as if he was carrying an invisible mountain on his back. This pressure not only acts on his body, but also on his soul, even the rules. The force is oppressed.

   paused for a while, got used to it, and Sean strode forward again. Although this pressure was terrifying, it still blocked his footsteps.



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