There was no sound, and a solemn atmosphere quietly diffused between Sieggel and Amir.

   "Fate is impermanent, and the future is uncertain. For this, you should know better than me. The future you can see is only a possibility."

   In response to Amir's gaze, Siegger, who had remained silent, spoke.

   "The value of a complete kingdom is indeed high, but once we take over the Kingdom of Surtilt, in addition to the benefits, troubles will follow."

"Not to mention the reactions of the nobles and the people, the Storm Church and the Dawn Church may not be willing to see this scene. After all, the Holy Oak Church is the state religion of the Emerald Principality. This may even affect our cooperation with the Storm Church on the sea. The tacit understanding between each other has caused unnecessary trouble."

"The most important thing is that now you are probably inconvenient to show signs on the outside. The sword of Damocles has only temporarily disappeared. No one is sure when he will appear again, and no one is not sure whether he will appear again. Take a shot at you, after all, there is still a black hand behind the sword of Damocles, and this black hand is still full of malice towards you."

   "The current Kingdom of Surtilt has become a burden for you. Our takeover is a good thing for you, because it may share the pressure on you."

   At this point, Sieggel's green eyes flashed with sharp brilliance, and the sharpness was full.

Although Amir holds the power of destiny, he is the **** of destiny and can conceal his traces and conceal the fact that he is still alive, but the sword of Damocles also has the power of destiny. If no one is in charge, it is okay, Amir You can conceal your existence through certain means, but it is clear that there are people behind the sword of Damocles, and its strength is definitely not weak. It will not be long before the fact that Amir is still alive will inevitably be discovered.

Although it is unlikely that the sword of Damocles will be shot again in a short period of time, in such a situation, Amir's wisest choice is to find a suitable place to hide and wait for the opportunity to prevent Damocles. It’s not impossible for Amir to find a chance for the sword of the sword. After all, he holds the two powers of fate. From the perspective of fate, in the battle with the sword of Damocles, he still has to occupy Little advantage.

Hearing this, looking straight at Sieggel, Amir squinted his eyes. Sieggel did catch his pain points. No matter what the future direction is, he does have plans to hide in a short time. , Even before that, he had made relevant preparations. As long as he did not show traces, even the sword of Damocles could not lock his existence, and even if it was found, the sword of Damocles might not help. Of him.

   "These problems do exist, but they do not affect the value of the Kingdom of Surtilt to the Duchy of Emerald."

Frankly admitted that Amir did not evade, but he also firmly believes that these problems are not enough to affect the value of Sutilt Kingdom. With his help, the Emerald Principality is entirely possible to take over Sutilt Kingdom in a short time. After all, Ban There is still a marriage contract between the Thain family and the Montell family. As long as it is operated, it can obtain legal recognition and bypass many external and internal resistances.

   Hearing this, he took a sip of tea, and Sieggel fell into silence again.

   There was no sound, and the negotiation reached a deadlock again.

   "Go ahead, what do you want?"

   After a long confrontation, Amir took the lead to break the deadlock. Although it was indeed no longer expected, he did not know what happened before, and he did not want to really offend Sieggel and the Emerald Principality behind him.

Over the years, there have been many connections between the Kingdom of Sutilt and the Emerald Principality, and he is considered one of the people who know the strength of the Emerald Principality best. Although the name is just a small principality, the true strength has been catching up. The empire is far beyond the average kingdom, at least in terms of high-end combat power.

Take Sieggel in front of him. Everyone knows that he is the true **** who holds a natural divine power, but few people know that besides the weak divine power, he also holds another power that approximates fate. , After this time, the real combat power is comparable to the mighty divine power.

   Unless necessary, he is not willing to have a stalemate with the Emerald Principality. After all, he still has a powerful enemy now. The more allies, the better.

   Hearing this, he raised his head, and Sieggel's old face showed a gentle smile.

   "We need your inheritance."

   The low voice sounded, and Sieggel made his own terms.

   Hearing this suddenly, his eyes became cold, and Amir's body exuded a trace of dangerous energy.

"you sure?"

   Looking straight at Siggle, Amir made no secret of his anger. There were true and false in this. After all, the inheritance involved his own fundamentals, and the importance was self-evident.

   Hearing the words, ignoring Amir's anger, Sieggel gave an affirmative answer.

   "The price you want is too high, I can't accept it."

   The breath receded and returned to peace, Amir refused without hesitation.

"We are indeed interested in the Kingdom of Surtilt, but we have no intention of annexing it. We intend to establish a multinational alliance to achieve mutual assistance in economic and military matters. The Kingdom of Surtilt can be the first country to join, even if It’s not convenient for you to show up yourself. We will still guarantee the rule of the Banceern family over the Kingdom of Sutilt. It is only necessary for the Kingdom of Sutilt to make a certain amount of corresponding cooperation.”

Seeing the determined Amir, Sieggal took a step back. The complete annexation of the Kingdom of Surtilt can indeed maximize the benefits, but it was too troublesome. He made Surtilt a model and became the first in the alliance. Joining a country, on the contrary, is more in line with the long-term interests of the Emerald Principality, which is related to Sean's latest plan.

   Upon hearing this, Amir's cold expression changed slightly.

   "It seems that you are inevitable for my inheritance, and you have given such conditions."

   "But I'm curious what exactly did you create such a multiple alliance for?"

  The shattered golden eyes flashed with a gloomy brilliance. At this moment, Amir wanted to see Siggle through.

   "The natural disasters are raging and the human race is suffering. Only by uniting can we have the possibility of defeating the natural disasters. This is the original intention of creating a multinational alliance."

   Hearing the words, his eyes narrowed slightly, and Amir was silent. Obviously Sieggel's answer was not satisfactory to him, but he did not continue to question him.

   "I have agreed to the conditions."

   After pondering for a while, Amir agreed to Sieggel's condition, and at least he can accept this situation from now on.

   The voice fell, a silver mist appeared, and a book was condensed from scratch.

   "This is my inheritance, without a name, it has my perception of fate, although it is not complete, but this is all I can come up with."

   handed the secret silver book with a blank cover to Sieggel, and Amir spoke.

   Hearing this, Siggle nodded when he took the book.

This book is really not complete It is not even a true inheritance. It can only be said to be a note that records Amir's feelings about fate. Amir has just sorted it out, even because it is standing by the gods. Looking at the problem from a different perspective, many places make it difficult for outsiders to understand.

However, for Sieggel and others, the value of this line of inheritance is still incalculable. Although this line of inheritance is incomplete, but the overall structure is vaguely directed to the eighth level, and it even involves part of the eighth level of knowledge. Sieggel in The Book of Titans is quite certain, but I don’t know if it is because it is incomplete, or Amir has concealed something. The order also exceeded the seventh order in the general sense. To be honest, this was a bit beyond Sieggel's expectation.

   But thinking about it carefully, this is normal. After all, Amir's predecessor was the master of destiny. Although he died before he was born, he was born the master of destiny. If it is complete, his inheritance is undoubtedly the eighth level.

   And different paths lead to the same goal, even if it is a different path, to the end, there is the most essential resonance in Tao and reason.

  With this inheritance, whether it is the integration of the deity Sean’s fate and luck, or the further improvement of his own causal path, it will be much easier.

   The smile on his face became more gentle, picking up the teacup in his hand, Amir made a toast.



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