Melting world consciousness, instead, Sean's consciousness is in harmony with the world, transforming into ten thousand, corresponding to all souls, wandering between "self" and "world", sometimes sober and sometimes in chaos.

Under such circumstances, the original time and space rules of the Snake of the Ring of Food, the Dragon of the Universe and the Demon Source Realm merge more and more smoothly. The two interact with each other and begin the process of reconstruction. Time and space move faster.

   rumbling, blue and white thunder across the dark night sky, illuminating the vast land, a great consciousness quietly awakened at this moment.

   "Who is calling me?"

   Thoughts turned, and Sean's self-consciousness was withdrawn from the chaos of everything in the world.

Condensed into a human form, there is a void in the azure blue pupils, it seems that there is nothing, and it seems to contain everything, crossing the barrier of time and space, at this moment, Sean saw a blurry picture, that is an apple orchard, an apple There is a very tall apple tree in the center of the garden, but at this moment this apple tree has completely withered, and under the apple tree there is a little girl with croissants, her back leaning against the trunk, curled up, Like a shivering little beast, although she could not see her face clearly, Sean could clearly feel her sadness.

  The blurry picture dissipated, and Sean narrowed his eyes. This is not a real scene, but more akin to a revelation.

   "Golden Apple Tree, has the promise made at the beginning come true?"

   With one thought, Xiao En understood the whole story, and also knew who awakened him from the chaos.

When he was in the world of truth, Sean once entered the Midi Apple Paradise controlled by the Eternal Tower to explore and harvested quite a lot. Not only did he get a branch with a trace of the roots of the seventh-order magic planting golden apple tree, but also There are three apples, namely green apple, silver apple and golden apple.

Among them, the golden apple branch promoted the further evolution of the devil fruit tree, and the golden apple made it possible for Sean to master three rules at the same time to be promoted to the seventh rank. It can be said that this trip to the apple paradise made Sean's future development less detours. , Infinite value.

Of course, it is not without cost that Sean can bring so many harvests from Apple Paradise like never before. The seventh-order golden apple tree in Apple Paradise has a master, and its owner is a seventh-order golden apple tree. The rule wizard, but has fallen.

   At that time, the Golden Apple Tree gave such a heavy gift to Sean in exchange for Sean's promise that when this fallen ruler returns, he needs to take care of him.

From the current point of view, this promise is undoubtedly too broad, but at the time it seemed that it was a very cost-effective deal. After all, grasping the present is the key, and the future may not be true no matter how good the future is, and the one who is now falling The seventh-order wizard has returned by some unknown means.

   "What you owe is always to be paid back."

Feeling the binding force in the dark and clarifying the context of the matter, Sean did not have the idea of ​​refusing to account, even if this binding force is not strong for him now, he can completely let Sieggel do it. The same is true for causal transfer, and although a lot of things have to be paid, it is not a bad thing. A rule wizard who returns again is itself a treasure of infinite value.


Three years have passed since Xiao En went to the Demon World in the Liberal Arts World. In these three years, the Liberal Arts World is extremely lively. Three kings of natural disasters were born one after another, especially the lord of the plague and the king of all poisons. Horror, the black death virus spread throughout the Old Continent. If it weren’t for the salvation of the world, it would have found the power left by the Mother of Life and performed the salvation of life. The entire Old Continent would die by 50% of the conservation of humans, and it would not be impossible for it to become extinct. possible.

   Of course, in addition to the Lord of Natural Disasters, in the past three years, five fallen old gods have returned, once again ascending to the seat of the true god, adding a touch of color to the chaotic Liberal World.

Relatively speaking, the New World is relatively calm. On the sea, facing the joint attack of the Emerald Principality and the Storm Church, the Jiao Terrans have discarded a large number of territories. Although the ancient Jiao people have taken two shots, they are more of a trial and not really true. The fish died and the net was broken, and on the land, although the eyes of the gods turned to the more fertile place of faith in the Emerald Principality, because of the strength of the Emerald Principality itself, it has not really broken its face.

In the boundless sea of ​​clouds, the King Swallowing Toad, who was as big as a mountain, was asleep, and Morrel's slightly fat body sat on top of his head. After Shaun entered the Demon Realm, the King Swallowing Toad was in a relationship with Mo. Rael got together, of course, he would never admit that this was because Morrel could always find him some delicious food.

   The golden sun rises, shining brightly, admiring the magnificence of the sunrise, and when the first ray of sunlight enters the wine, Morrel takes a nice sip.

   "Well, it's strong but not dry. Dawn is worthy of the name."

   Savor it carefully, with small eyes widened, Morrel gave his own evaluation.

   "It's not humiliating to temper the soldiers of the Demon God with this."

   His mind turned, Morrel took the samurai sword on his lap.

   The sword is two meters long, with a long and narrow blade, engraved with light blue moiré, like an unsteady wind.

   Pour the golden liquor on the blade, Morrel wiped it carefully, in the process the original flashy blade seemed to wash away the lead bloom, revealing his own sharp edge.

Demon Soldier·Wind Whisper Blade, Morrel's imperial tool made from the main material of the King of Wind Disaster, a genuine seventh-order wonder item. In the original plan, Morrel wanted to refine the King of Wind Disaster. It was made into a humanoid emperor, so that it could exert the power of the king of natural disasters to a greater extent, but unfortunately the final result was not satisfactory.

But there is no way. Tegu’s refining itself has a certain degree of uncontrollability. To a certain extent, this is also a balance of its powerful abilities. Fortunately, Morrel’s final refining was successful. , Refining the King of Wind Disaster into Wind Whisper Blade.

   "I don't know who your host will Wipe it clean, looking at the wind whisper blade that seems to be flowing with a layer of blue light, Morrel whispered softly.

Although the Wind Whisper Blade was refined by him, he is not the owner of the Wind Whisper Blade. Compared with the old imperial equipment, the new imperial emperor who is truly "alive" has more autonomy and does not get the emperor. Gu’s approval couldn’t use Teigu’s power at all.

Of course, compared to the previous imperial tools, the Blade of Wind Whisper is special. Compared with a powerful weapon, its more important attribute is the seal. Will be released easily.

   "Huh? I finally thought I could take a break, but I didn't expect to have trouble again, my poor life."

   retracted the knife into its sheath, and heard the news from Sean. Although he was complaining, Morrel did not move slowly.

   "I am really a toil."

   Stomped his feet to wake up the sleeping Golden Swallowing Toad Emperor, Morrel disappeared, and he had to go to the world of truth. When Shaun’s own state was not suitable for light movement, he who had mastered the rules of change was the most suitable.

  Of course, before again, he still needs to find Sieggel, after all, the mission of this trip is special, and Sieggel, who masters causation, can provide him with a lot of help.



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