Liberal Arts World, New World, Emerald Principality.

  The natural disasters swept through and the world changed. Even with two seventh-tiers as its support, the Emerald Principality was still affected. The most serious problem was the problem of land pollution and the endless emergence of wild beasts.

   In order to minimize the impact of land pollution, the Emerald Principality invested a large amount of resources to support agriculture and support the development of new agriculture.

However, so far, there is only one Sky City in operation, and the others are still in the stage of construction and small-scale trial operation. After all, it is not an easy task for humans on the ground to adapt to life in the sky, even for To solve the problem of people's travel, Ymir also used the power of soul rules to give Baiyun soul, creating the cloud beast clan.

  The cloud beasts have different shapes, simple wisdom, and gentle temperament. Although they have no outstanding strength, they are born with the ability to fly. Everyone who lives in Sky City can adopt a cloud beast and make a contract with it.

Of course, so far, most of the people who have stayed in Sky City are official personnel. Ordinary people who want to enter Sky City either have excellent personal abilities or have made important contributions to the Emerald Principality. However, this threshold follows As time goes by, the construction and perfection of other Sky City will gradually decrease.

   "Although the natural disasters have not yet subsided, the Principality is now on the right track."

   Standing side by side in the clouds with Sean, looking down at the entire Emerald Principality, Ymir spoke.

   Hearing this, the current scene of the Emerald Principality was reflected in his eyes, and Sean was silent.

The current Emerald Principality has also been affected by natural disasters, especially the drought. Even if there is extraordinary force to interfere, it cannot be completely prevented. There has been a large area of ​​drought in the territory. In order to minimize the damage, the Emerald Principality had to give up many things. In important territories, they choose to shrink their forces and settle the people in the way of gathering places.

   In fact, not only the Emerald Principality, but also in the old continent, the human race generally chooses to keep warm and unite to fight against natural disasters. The gathering place is one of the most common ways.

Of course, because of various practical conditions such as living resources, most of the gathering places have a certain limit on the upper limit of the number of people, but the same, the gathering place should not be too small, because if it is too small, the ability to resist risks is too weak, such as Facing the endless beasts is a problem.

In the Emerald Principality, this situation is fine, because it has an excellent agricultural foundation, a strong army, and well-prepared plans. However, in the Old Continent, for their own safety, a large number of farmers had to abandon their villages. Cities are moving closer, but in order to maintain their own stability, these big cities generally resist the farmers who have gathered, because there are so many resources, and the situation of natural disasters is not very good, and it is really unable to supply more people. .

Under such circumstances, scenes of tragedies are unfolding on the land of the Old Continent. External natural disasters and internal contradictions have erupted one after another. However, so far, the overall situation of the countries in the Old Continent is relatively stable, because the great power belongs to itself. , Those in power occupy an absolute advantage, but the Cthulhu Church took advantage of this opportunity to do a lot of things.

   "Danatus has found the Eye of the Styx, and I will enter it for some time to come. Through Danates' theocracy, I will perceive death from close range, and strive to master the rules of death as soon as possible."

   Looking at the silent Sean, Ymir continued to talk.

   Hearing this, he withdrew his gaze, and Sean nodded.

   "There are a lot of secrets hidden in the spiritual world. With this opportunity, you also need to pay attention to one or two. I wish you an early success."

   Ymir’s plan has long been set, and Sean will naturally not stop it.

"I see."

   Glancing at Sean again, his body dissipated and turned into a group of emerald butterflies, crossing the barriers of life and death, Ymir left the physical world and entered the spiritual world.

   Feeling the breath of Ymir being blown away by the wind, the premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger, and Xiao En's figure disappeared immediately.

   Tianshang Palace, rose garden, fragrance permeates every space here.

   The figure is condensed. When Sean came here, the Principality Archon Iruka, Field Marshal Whitebeard, Navy Marshal Green Pheasant, and Sacred Oak Church Pope Subhuti had already been waiting here when Sean came here.

   "Your Majesty."

   Seeing Sean appear, everyone got up and saluted.

   "Sit down, this time you are called mainly because there are a few things to explain."

   His eyes swept across the people, and Sean spoke.

   "The first thing is about the umbrella project, Subhuti, how far has this project been implemented?"

   Hearing the words, Subu with a trace of sacred aura on his body lifted up and stood up.

   "Your Majesty, after several years of vigorous support, coupled with the use of the time flow difference in the secret territory, the Agricultural Association has trained eight fifth-tier holy asylums, which meets the first stage implementation requirements of the umbrella plan."

"Now these eight sacred asylums have each established a shelter on an empty island. After the facilities are further improved, they will take the empty island to the east, south, west, and north of the Emerald Principality according to the original plan. Eight different nodes in all directions are connected to each other, forming a large magic circle initially, becoming the umbrella of the Emerald Principality."

   Hearing this, Sean nodded, quite satisfied.

Although it is said that the Tier 5 Transcendents of Agricultural Sequence Potions are better than other roads because of their own particularities, but to train eight suitable candidates in such a short period of time, the Holy Oak Church and the Agricultural Association have really spent a lot of money. Kung Fu.

   "Implement as soon as possible. Although the first phase of the umbrella cannot really shelter the Emerald Principality, it can also improve the environment in the Principality."

   Withdrawing his gaze, Sean urged again.

   Hearing the Subhuti nodded and agreed.

The ultimate goal of the Umbrella Project of the Emerald Principality is to take Shaun’s Wizard Tower World Tree as the core, 36 sacred Secret Realms and 72 sacred shelters as nodes, interconnected with each other, forming a whole, and completely enveloping the Emerald Principality. Separation of rules and space is achieved at the same time, creating a boundary in the liberal arts world to isolate the influence of natural disasters.

This plan was calculated jointly by the two seventh-orders of Ymir and Siegger. It is the most suitable method for the national conditions of the Emerald Principality. The core of this plan is actually to achieve the separation of rules, because pure spatial separation cannot prevent natural disasters. The spread of, in the territory of the Emerald Principality, secret realms like Shipwreck Bay still failed to avoid the invasion of natural disasters.

However, it is not easy to really realize the umbrella plan, because there are thirty-six secret realms and seventy-two sacred shelters mean that the Emerald Principality must at least cultivate thirty-six agricultural potions in the sixth-order secret realm. The Lord and the seventy-two Tier 5 holy patrons, this is not a small number.

   Fortunately, although the extraordinary in the agricultural potion sequence are generally weaker than the same level, the difficulty of promotion is relatively small, and the umbrella plan can also be implemented in stages.

   "Then say the second thing now."

   Ending the topic of the umbrella project, Shaun set his sights on Iluka.


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