The breath of life flows freely, and in the depths of the dead souls desert, there is a strange space full of lush vegetation and blossoming flowers.

   "Is this the Bean God Palace? It really is extraordinary."

Standing outside the Bean God Palace, looking at this glorious blue-gold palace, Heifeng's eyes were shining brightly. At this moment, his heart could not help even greed, but fortunately he still controlled it. , And although the person on the other side of Huangtu didn't speak, his immature face also revealed unconcealed surprise.

   climbed up the steps, revealing his own breath. After walking through the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine steps, Xiao En smoothly walked to the front of the Bean God Palace and opened the door of the Bean God Palace. The process was simple and easy.

   "There is no one to preside over the Bean Shrine at this time, so it is much easier to recover."

   The thoughts in his heart turned, and Sean cast his gaze to the inside of the Bean God Palace.

In the main hall of the Bean God Palace, dozens of bronze wooden pillars propped up the whole main hall, and in the center of this main hall is a huge soul beast sleeping with his eyes closed. He has a turtle-like shell. , Four claws like a tiger, a tail like a dragon, a neck like a snake, and a head like a human.

   But the strange thing is that the state of this soul beast is very peculiar, its own breath is high and low, sometimes six turns, sometimes eight turns, ups and downs, not like falling asleep, but like not being gestated.

   Seeing this soul beast, Xiao En narrowed his eyes.

   Xiao En is very clear about the origin of this soul beast. In the future, he will use his own name and will become a very rare legendary ancient wild beast.

Desolate beasts generally have abundant Dao marks, but their own wisdom is very low. This is also the fundamental reason why most of them are not Gu Immortal opponents in the same level. Possess the wisdom that is no less than that of humans, so as to open up immortal apertures, know how to use immortal gu and ultimate move, and when these wild beasts become eighth rank, they are called legendary ancient wild beasts.

The number of Legendary Primordial Desolate Beasts is small, but each one is famous, because they are not only powerful, but also have a lifespan that far exceeds Gu Immortal. Respect must live a long time.

   "It is still in the gestation stage, and the future feud has not really been born yet."

   The halo of wisdom in his eyes flowed, and Xiao En confirmed the status of Qing Chou. According to the normal development trajectory, Qing Chou would have to wait at least nearly ten thousand years before he could truly be born.

Not long ago, the future venerable Ghost killed the West Desert’s superpower Qing family to extinction, and Qing Chou was a monster formed by the aggregation of soul fragments after the death of Qing family Gu Immortal. The family inheritance is accompanied by an Eighth Rank Immortal Gu. Once it is truly born in the world, it will be a rare legendary Primordial Desolate Beast in the world, and he himself was born because he inherited the Qing Family’s hatred of ghosts. So named Qing Chou.

   "This is a soul beast? He actually has an Eighth Rank Immortal Gu on his body."

   When Xiao En was in deep thought, following behind Xiao En, the Master of the Loess and the Elder Heifeng also smoothly walked into the Bean God Palace.

   Looking at the monster in the hall and the strong immortal Gu aura on his body, Master Loess could hardly keep himself calm.

Rank 8 Immortal Gu is rare, and the days of the West Desert Zombie League are far less moisturized than the East China Sea Zombie League. As Rank 8 Immortal Zombie, so far the master of the loess doesn’t have a Rank 8 Immortal Gu, and only Rank 7 Immortal Gu is usually used. .

   "Let's go, this soul beast is suppressed by the Bean God Palace, but it is also protected by the Bean God Palace. Now is not the time to collect this Immortal Gu."

   glanced at the Master of Loess, his face was indifferent, Xiao En walked around the hall and walked into the depths of the Bean God Palace.

Hearing this, there was a panic in his heart. The Master of Loess quickly followed Xiao En’s pace, and Heifeng followed closely. Compared to Loess, Heifeng seemed calmer. Not only did he own one. Rank 8 Immortal Gu, after completing this mission, Xiao En promised to practice him once. If he is lucky, he will soon have a second Rank 8 Immortal Gu. The most important thing is that these two Immortal Gus are both. It fits his own path, which is not comparable to the Rank Eight Immortal Gu, which is obviously a slave.

The true breath of Yuan Lian in the body constantly echoed with the will of Dou Jing, Xiao En walked through the long corridor, through the garden, and smoothly came to the core of Dou Jing, where a vine full of pods grows. The essence of the Immortal Gu House is still a Gu worm. If you want to truly master it, you need to pour your will into it.

   "Haha, thank you for leading the way, Dou Jingong is mine."

There was a mad laughter, and there was an excitement that couldn't be concealed. A figure suddenly appeared out of thin air, and took the lead in grasping the vine covered with pods. At the same time, countless black thorns covered with barbs and shimmering with cold light quietly Appeared, strangling the three of Sean.

   Seeing such a scene, Xiao En and the three of them changed their colors at the same time. Before that, the three of them had not perceived the existence of this figure at all.

   "I'm so courageous."

   The cold light in his eyes flickered, ignoring the black thorns and thorns that had come from strangulation, and transformed into the Primordial Golden Jiao, locked on the figure that suddenly appeared, and Xiao En opened his mouth to exhale a ray of sword aura that was as thin as a gossamer.

Although these gossamer sword auras have dim light and look a little inconspicuous, they are extremely fast, and everything they pass by is cut off. All the black thorns and thorns that have been strangled are instantly cut off, and they are as fragile as paper, showing the kendo. Edge.

Sean's own attainments in kendo are not high. In order to maximize the advantages of the Primordial Golden Dragon and the Eight-Rank Sword Breath Gu, Sean took a different approach and integrated the mystery of Refining Dao into the kendo. Finally, he had this eight-turn trick. The ultimate move practiced sword into silk.

   huh, silently, pierced through the void, the sword thread came first, and it caught up with the figure that suddenly appeared.

A fatal danger came, and his expression changed drastically. The figure that appeared suddenly had to abandon the core of the Bean God Palace, which was close at hand, stopped and urged the killer move to block the sword wire from the chase. At that time, the three people, Sean, really saw the appearance of the oriole behind the scenes.

   is two meters tall, with blue-faced fangs, black-and-white body, and thin as wood. He is a stiff immortal, not a Gu immortal.

   "Mu Qingzi, why are you, shouldn't you be dead?"

   After seeing the face of this figure clearly, Huang Tu's heart was shocked, and even the killer move in his hand was slow.

Immortal zombies are neither life nor death. To a certain extent, they have escaped the catastrophe and escaped the limitation of life span, but this does not mean that immortal zombies can live forever. The longer immortal zombies exist, their own Soul thoughts will continue to ossify, until they completely lose their minds, become a monster, and finally step into true death.

   And Mu Qingzi is an old fairy zombie. He has existed much longer than Loess ~ At the same time, he is also the former head of the West Desert Zombie League, and even Huang Tu has listened to each other's teachings as a younger generation.

   Mu Qingzi's soul withered long ago, so he resigned from the position of the Zong League, waiting for death to come, but Huang Tu did not expect that the other party would appear again, and he was still alive.

   "Damn it."

Black smoke filled his body, and finally sketched out a scene of a coffin around him. Mu Qingzi successfully blocked Xiao En’s sword training with this ultimate move, but his face was not good at this moment. Because he has lost the best time to get the Bean God Palace.

   "The weird wood path gu worm is not only very defensive, but also has the ability to shield its breath and prevent calculations. No wonder it can hide my perception and follow along all the way."

  The halo of wisdom in his eyes flowed. At this moment, Xiao En could see through Mu Qingzi's subtle details. At the same time, he had lifted the Taikoo Jinjiao Transformation and reactivated the Mu Dao killer moves with thousands of moves.

  At this stage, compared to the swordsmanship of the Taikoo Jinjiao, Xiao En's wooden Tao is the strongest, and the 200,000 Dao Mark blessing is the deepest foundation.

   rumbling, fists and shadows staggered across the sky, locking Mu Qingzi, Xiao En launched an attack without hesitation.



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