Huh, the wave caused by the white ants has subsided at some unknown time, and the ground of the blessed land is stained with a layer of hoarfrost, but they are not snowflakes, but the corpses of the white ants, there is a thick layer, I don't know how many.

   "There seems to be an unexpected gain."

Under the wood, Xiao En raised his brows slightly and spread out his palms. The next moment, a gu worm with a pair of huge sickle-shaped mouthparts in the shape of an earth dog flew out of the ancient barren beast white ant and landed on it. Sean's hands.

Although desolate beasts are not Gu masters, they will not take the initiative to refine Gu, but because of their own characteristics, sometimes wild Immortal Gus will spontaneously possess their bodies, and a similar symbiotic relationship is achieved between the two silently. , Immortal Gu makes the Desolate Beast stronger, and the Desolate Beast is responsible for feeding the Immortal Gu.

   "Seventh-turn Esophagus Immortal Gu, Wood Gu."

After playing with Immortal Gu, Xiao En recognized the identity of this Immortal Gu. The esophagus in the current Gu world is the same as the roads like Wine Dao. They are all trails, and there is no real powerhouse, let alone. After being out of Venerable, the Rank Seven Wood Gu is already a rare high-ranking Immortal Gu. As for the value, it is actually not high, because there are very few people in need.

   "This Immortal Gu can be left first, and there may be other uses in the future."

   looked a few times, sealed the wood gu, and Xiao En put away the immortal gu.

   "Although I paid a lot this time, I was promoted to Rank 8 in the end, and I don't have to be restrained anymore."

Looking at a piece of snow-white blessed land, looking at the tree wood with gaps on the branches, Xiao En let out a sigh. This time, he suffered six consecutive earth disasters, one day catastrophe, and directly promoted from the seventh rank to the eighth rank. The price he paid It is indeed not small. The entire resource point of the Jade Forest was almost destroyed. Even the stump wood was eaten by the white ants. Although it did not hurt the root, it was also damaged. The two ancient wild beasts and four The beast-level white ants are really fierce, and they just broke through the brilliance of the wheel of four seasons and injured the wood.

Phew, a gust of wind blows, the calamity dissipates, and twenty-one eight-turn Baili Xianyuan condenses from nothingness. This is a manifestation of the promotion of the blessed land. After this, Gu Immortal needs to continue to operate the blessed land if he wants to obtain the Baili Xianyuan. Accumulated.

   "Although the quantity is less, it is enough for use."

Putting away the twenty-one Baili Xianyuan, Xiao En's eyes were clear. His blessed land was originally the foundation of the first-class blessed land. If it develops smoothly, how can the number of Xianyuan condensed at the eighth rank be more than 30, but Sean’s current gain is far less than this number. This is one of the prices he has to pay for the continuous robbery. However, Sean doesn’t care much about it. He only needs to get some eight turns of Baili Xianyuan for use. It's okay.

It was at this time that the six azure blue brilliance directly penetrated the barrier of the blessed land and locked Sean. This is the ultimate move of the eighth rank of wisdom. Although its own killing power is not excellent in the eighth rank, it is good at it. Carrying out a weak point attack, under the effect of this ultimate move, Sean's blessed land barrier became a sieve, not even the slightest blocking effect.

   "It's coming soon."

   Without panic, Sean allowed the blue brilliance to drown himself.

   "Aren't you dead?"

   Watching the jade forest blessed land gradually faded, he narrowed his eyes with a word, that is, at this moment, Xiao En's figure walked out of the void.

   Withered flesh and blood, like a dead tree, Sean looked like a skeleton covered in bark, and also lost his right arm and left leg.

   "In one word, you are really a good friend of the ancestor of long hair."

With words, the emerald green brilliance bloomed, the Changchun Gu screamed, and Sean’s withered flesh and blood became full again, and the broken right arm and left leg began to grow again. In essence, Changchun Gu is a healing immortal Gu. .

   In order to block Yiyanxian’s attack before, Sean had to use Witherwood Gu to launch a killer move Withered Wood Immortal, hiding his core vitality and transforming it into a piece of Withered Wood.

   Fortunately, Yiyanxian's killer move was lacking, and he could not really wipe out his hidden vitality. Combined with Changchun Gu's dead wood every spring killer move, Xiao En's injury instantly returned to normal.

   "Really tenacious."

   Seeing Sean who was recovering from his injury, his eyes flashed with a word, and he waved his hand to attack again. The grievances who had been silent on the ancient battlefield for a while were all awakened and attacked Sean.

   Although it is said that the immortal is a wise dao Gu master, he has been arranged in advance, but he can use the geographical advantage to use the ability similar to the soul dao and slave dao.

"That's it?"

Seeing the tide of resentment swept across with the breath of death, Sean looked calm. Before he was promoted to Rank 8, he was still a little worried because of the constraints of the environment, but now it is completely different. .

   "Changchun Gu·The tree world is coming."

   Immortal Yuan burned, and the Seventh Rank Changchun Gu was urged by Xiao En. At the same time, the earth roared, and the roots of the trees like dragons and snakes continued to spread, and one tree after another rose up from the ground.

   "Want to use this to change the location? Naive."

Seeing Xiao En’s movements, Yiyanxian showed a disdainful smile on his face. He had considered this situation a long time ago, so he chose the field station here. At the same time, his hands began to brew new things. The ultimate move.

Huh, the grievances and lifelessness that have been accumulated for so many years are intertwined, and they have evolved black snowflakes with a chilly atmosphere. As these snowflakes fell, the forests that Sean used Changchun Gu urged to wither began to wither in patches. This is The backlash against him in this ancient battlefield.

   "It's a good calculation, but it's enough for me now."

   Seeing that under the black snow, the scale has shrunk significantly, and in a flash, only one-third of the forest is left, and Sean burns Xian Yuan again, urging the ultimate move.

The rumbling, the earth dragon turned over, and the trees that had not withered, intertwined with each other, forming a huge monster behind Xiao En. Its shape was like Guanyin, with the sky above his head, the feet on the ground, his legs sitting cross-legged, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and a pair of arms folded in front of him. Countless arms are intertwined on the back, layer after layer, like the light of Buddha born, and on the shoulders of this Guanyin statue there is a vine dragon entrenched, lifelike.

Rank 8 killer moves are really thousands of moves. Sean uses Rank 8 Wood Charm Gu and Rank 8 Vine Dragon Gu as the core, combined with Rank 7 Withered Wood Gu and Changchun Gu, which can be said to be the current stage. His strongest means of killing and cutting is precisely because of this that he will survive many calamities and be promoted to Rank 8 because only Rank 8 Baili Xianyuan can truly exert the power of Rank 8 ultimate move.

   "This is the Rank 8 ultimate move?"

Looking at the statue of Guanyin standing upright, Yiyanxian cast a shadow in his heart. At this moment, he smelled the breath of death. He really did not expect that Sean, who had just been promoted to Rank 8, would directly construct a Rank 8 ultimate move. .

   The blue light in his eyes circulates, and a word of immortality predicts the possibilities.

   "I can't beat you, let's go."

With such a result, although there were surprises, incomprehensions, reluctance, and unwillingness in my heart, he gave up the ultimate move he prepared without saying a word, and immediately prepared to evacuate. A qualified Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal must learn When you give up, you can't be swayed by unnecessary emotions, but at this time the Guanyin image moves.

Roar, the long roar sounded, the void stagnated, and the flashing light on Yiyanxian suddenly dimmed. Rank 8 Vine Dragon Gu is best at trapping enemies and sealing, even if it is Rank 8 Gu Immortal like Yiyanxian for a while It is also difficult to break free between.

   "Damn it! This is Vine Dragon Gu. Long hair has mistaken me."

   The void is solidified, and even the circulation of Xian Yuan has been seriously affected ~ At this moment, the shadow of death will completely cover a word of immortality.

   rumbling, fists like falling mountains, the earth wailed, and the sky trembled. At this moment, the dense shadows of the fists obscured the sky.

Punch, fist, fist, fist, such a cycle, endless, although the moves are simple, but with the irresistible strength of the powerful and the banning power of the Vine Dragon Gu, a word of immortality has no power to parry. .

   With a punch, the immortal was shot flying, and his body smashed into the earth, and then countless fists followed, covering the earth completely.

Kazed, a clear and sweet voice rang out. It was a voice that was overwhelmed by the space. At this moment, the ancient battlefield carefully prepared by Yiyanxian was completely pierced by Xiao En, that is, at this moment, a blessed land manifested out of thin air. Yiyanxian's breath of life completely disappeared.

   Falling from the void, under the protection of the Avalokitesvara, Xiao En did not suffer any harm. With his feet on the ground, watching the blessed land that Yiyanxian automatically manifested after his death, Xiao En manipulated the Avalokitesvara to stick out his palm.

   crunching, a sour voice sounded, facing the strength of Avalokitesvara Avalokitesvara, the blessed land of a word was suddenly torn open by Shengsheng.

   Seeing such a scene, Sean's eyes are dimly bright. Although this will cause more damage to the blessed land, it is the simplest and most effective method.



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