The blood stained the desert red, the black wind was blowing on the desert, and countless souls were wailing in the wind.

   "This is the danger the teacher said? Is this the sin my father committed?"

With sticky blood on the soles of her feet, her expression sluggish, Semiya wandered around the street like a lonely ghost. When the black wind blew, people were constantly wailing and dying. Faced with this situation, Semiya stretched out her hand to rescue them more than once, but she couldn't do it at all.

She can live because she has a Tier 5 essence, and other people can only shed their blood under the blow of the black wind, and die in painful wailing. Faced with such a disaster, as a person with five changes, she is just like Just like a baby who was just born, he can do nothing but watch, watching the familiar, the unfamiliar, the close, and the hated, one after another, people continue to die in the black wind.

   "My lord, please save my daughter, please."

   A weak voice sounded, and a blood-stained palm came out from a dilapidated house.

   Hearing this, Semiya turned her head dumbly.

The door was ajar, a woman who was more than thirty years old, her skin was sallow, her face was full of folds, and her palms were full of calluses. The woman fell into a pool of blood. She struggled, looking at Semiya with pleading eyes. And in her arms there is a little girl about six or seven years old, she seems to want to use her body to shield her young daughter from the black wind.

  The heart is touched, and Semiya's wooden expression has a gleam at this moment.

   "Okay, I promise your request."

   walked over, squatted down and looked at the begging woman, Semiya gave a promise, a little choked in her hoarse voice.

   Upon hearing this, the woman smiled, and then she lost her breath.

   Silent silence, Semiya stretched out her hand and closed the woman's eyes that had not been closed. She lied. The woman's child had died before she arrived, and the black wind was not so easy to resist.

   "Even if you know you can't do anything, you are still willing to give your life to fight for a glimmer of hope for your daughter. As the new king of this country, maybe I should do something."

   There was unprecedented firmness in the blood-colored eyes, and with words, Semiya stood up.

Phew, the red flame spread, igniting the mother and daughter's body, Semiya's aura began to grow wildly, at the beginning of the fifth transformation, the middle of the fifth transformation, and the later stage of the fifth transformation, one breath and one change, and then an invisible shackle was cut and blocked Mia's breath directly rose to the stage of six changes, and this is not the end.

  唳, the sharp bird's song pierced the sky, and inside it was Semiya's boundless anger.

  Hu, incarnate as a phoenix, wrapped in boundless flames, like an emperor in flames, Semiya flew to the sky, where all disasters originated, and at this moment, the battle in that place has entered a white-hot stage.

   "Old immortal, I said you can't kill me, I am the master of the flame crown, I am the real king."

   The vanished body reunited again, looking at Savaqi in the distance, Yordan's face was full of madness.

As an old immortal, Savaqi's strength is indeed very strong. Even with the blessing of the Flame Crown, Yordan is not his opponent at all. From the time of the match to the present, in just one hour, Yordan has been "killed." "Dead" five times, but with the Crown of Fire, Yordan has a certain degree of immortality. Every time he is killed by Savaqi, he will recover again, and his strength will further increase.

   "You should die this time."

   Feeling the stronger power in the Crown of Fire, looking at Savaqi, Yordan made no secret of his killing intent.

The Sacrifice Ceremony of the Howling Wind has two functions. The first is to contaminate the blood of sentient beings, or to refine the crown of flames a second time, to shift its essence from a blood treasure to a magic weapon of hell. The second layer is to collect the souls of all living beings and use them as sacrifices to open the gateway to **** and receive the coming of the demon gods of hell.

Under such circumstances, with the passage of time, the degree of contamination of the crown of flames has become more and more serious, and more and more powers have been released. Jordan's own strength has also risen with the tide, and now it is no weaker than that. Savage.

   "The crown of flame is mine."

Unconsciously murmured, the three blood-colored eyes were full of madness, looking at Yordan who was resurrected again, Savaqi attacked again, at this moment he was completely crazy, and on the other side, Yordan Without any hesitation, he directly greeted him. The madness he showed was not inferior to that of Savage. At this moment, his appearance is very similar to Savage, with four arms, three eyes, like a **** like a devil, and the only one. The difference is that he has a crown of white bones inlaid with rubies, as if it had grown from his flesh and blood.

Om, the void is distorted, the two monsters collided once again, and the other two six-strong changers, Ubano Doyle and Drigg Doyle, were already dead and the other badly wounded in Yordan’s hands. , Died in the hands of Savaqi, and the cause of death was only because he showed a trace of fighting for the crown of flame in the battle. It can be said that Savaqi has stood on the edge of the cliff, only one step away from losing control.

   Boom, the two monsters who were in madness completely let go of their hands and feet, and they continued to collide. Without the slightest scruples, the battlefield gradually approached the ground from an endless height.

Boom, Jordan fell with a punch, and a huge flame fist was formed. After being evaded by Savage, he directly hit the city of Bué. If this punch is implemented, the city of Bué will disappear completely. In this world, that is, at this time, the sharp bird chirping sounded, and the sea of ​​fire surging, swallowing the fists.

   Transformed into a phoenix, wearing a red Xia Yu, glanced at the two monsters that were fighting against each other, Semiya rushed forward without any hesitation.

   At this time, she was still inferior to Savaqi and Yordan in terms of hard power, only comparable to the upper title, but the peculiar ability of the Phoenix Fruit gave her the capital to intervene in this battle.

The red flame ignited the sky and burned the earth, and the three monsters who mastered the rules of the fire fought wildly. Although the scene was chaotic, Semiya, the only one of the three who maintained a sober cognition, still clearly remembered her goal. Even if she was attacked by Savaqi from time to time, she still mainly targeted Yordan.

After suffering heavy losses and recovering again and again, Semiya's own strength became stronger and stronger. At a certain moment, she broke through the limit temporarily reached the level of being close to the gods, this is the fruit of the phoenix. Her mythological ability is endless nirvana. As long as she is not conceptually killed by anyone, she can continue to recover, just like an immortal god, and her strength will be strengthened to a certain extent every time she recovers.

Boom, when Semiya's strength reached the point of being close to the gods, the momentum of the three monsters fighting became more and more terrifying, the sky cracked, the earth wailed, hot magma flowed on the earth, and the deep spring water surged into the sky. Another city was affected and disappeared into the endless desert.

   "Ah, I must kill you, I am immortal, I must kill you."

   Accompanied by an angry roar, Jordan's body was finally blown up again.

After her strength was further enhanced, Semiya could do more. Her deliberate targeting made Yordan completely disadvantaged in the melee. Although Savaqi's sanity has appeared in chaos, he still has trouble with the Crown of Flame. Perseverance still made him launch the most terrifying attack on Jordan. Under such circumstances, with one enemy and two, Jordan was finally blown up again, but he did not die.

The brilliance of the flame was shining, and the power belonging to the crown of flames flowed again. As before, Jordan's shattered body was about to be reorganized again, but at this moment, the mark of Semiya's brows belonging to the door quietly appeared, emitting a misty light. .



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