At night, the bright moon hangs high, covering the city of Bué with a layer of silver gauze.

   The Mansion of the Three Queens, Qingliang Hall, invisible power shrouded this place, isolating the inside and outside.

  Huh, black smoke spread, as Sean let go of the restrictions, a tall phantom appeared in front of Sean, looking like the chain demon who died in Sean's hands.

   "Sharen, what do you want to do?"

Awakening from the silence and feeling his own state, the Chain Demon was much more sober than when he was alive. At that time, his sanity had been suppressed by the mark of sin, and he was acting more by instinct, like a beast than wisdom. life.

  Although Chain Demon speaks the demon language, Sean, who has thoroughly studied the **** culture, understands it. Knowing multiple extraordinary languages ​​is a necessary skill for a qualified wizard. After all, some languages ​​have their own power.

   "I didn't want to do anything, but I was curious how many demons came to your **** this time."

   His gaze swept across the incomplete sin print on the chain demon soul, and Xiao En said softly, authentic demon language.

Sean did not hide his purpose. The reason why he caused such a situation in the arena before was because he wanted to take advantage of the chaos and get the soul of the chain demon in his pocket. Although this move is a bit risky, it is still very risky. necessary.

Although the living conditions of **** are very bad, war and killing are the main theme, but a fifth-order demon is also a middle-to-high level. Although it is not comparable to those sixth-order demon kings, but the size is also a demon lord, you know There must be a lot of news.

   "If you want to know how much combat power we have, I'm afraid you will regret it if you tell it."

   "Indigenous people, the power of our demons is not something you can contend with... No, you can speak demon language?"

Sean’s small shadow was reflected in the dark eyes, and the Chain Demon couldn’t help feeling a little shocked. This was the first contact between Hell and the world. It was a bit surprised to suddenly encounter a native who could speak demon language. , This made him unconsciously restrain his arrogance on the surface.

   "It's nothing strange, is it?"

   raised his head and met the eyes of the Chain Demon, Xiao En's eyes exuded a scarlet color, and the nine Gouyu jade swirled in it endlessly.

"What's your name?"

   "Theros Spadian."

   A slightly dull voice sounded, and when he said this, a nine-gou jade appeared in Chain Demon's dark eyes.

   "What is your purpose in coming to this world this time?"

   Not in a hurry, Xiao En asked some insensitive questions. Although he used the eyes of reincarnation to temporarily control the Chain Demon, Sean could feel the resistance of the Chain Demon's soul.

   "Respond to the call of the Lord of Hellfire, come to conquer this world, and sacrifice it to the great abyss..."

   When he said this, the words of the Chain Demon stopped abruptly, and a clear struggle was revealed on his hideous face.

   "Is it so difficult to control?"

   Seeing such a scene, Xiao En frowned. Although he had expected it, the reality was beyond his expectations. You must know that he is only controlling a Tier 5 demon.

   "Is it because of the special nature of the soul, or is it affected by the mention of the abyss?"

   The thoughts in his heart turned, his pupils boiled, and Sean silently strengthened his control of the chain demon.

The soul of the demon is chaotic in nature and highly resistant to mind control. However, according to the truth, it should not be a problem to control a demon who has lost the body and is half disabled with the ability of Sean’s reincarnation eyes. After all, the soul and the body are not a problem. The ones that are not completely independent, they promote each other, and a demon with a soul is much easier to control than a living demon.

The abyss is the name of the world consciousness of the **** world, yes, it is the name. Through the intelligence of the truth world, Sean clearly knows that the world consciousness of the **** world has a complete self-personality, which is essential to the general world consciousness. Different, it can be regarded as a special creature. If the celestial body in the world of Sean’s Ark is only a monkey version, then the abyss is the real world consciousness channeling. The difference between the two cannot be counted. The abyss is special In essence, with the relationship between the devil and the abyss, when the devil mentions the abyss, it is indeed possible to cause some special changes, and even borrow a trace of power.

Many great beings above the seventh level have the characteristic of knowing everything that is said. As long as someone recites part of their real names, they will be perceived by them within a certain range, not to mention the special existence of the abyss. , The devil itself is the creature that he bred, this kind of relationship, even if you don't recite the real name, even if you are not in the same world, it is possible to attract a trace of abyssal power.

   "Sure enough, it is very different from other normal lives."

   His pupil power was lost, Xiao En spent a lot of time, and the volatile Gouyu in Chain Demon's eyes finally stabilized again.

   "How many Tier 6 Demon Kings are here this time?"

   Controlling the Chain Demon again, Sean started asking questions again.

   "I know three people."

   A mechanical voice sounded, and the Chain Demon answered Sean's question.

  Time passed, in the quiet Qingliang Temple, Sean and Chain Demon were answering questions and answers.

  Huh, the cold breath permeated, and the ghost of death appeared behind Xiao En, squeezing the intelligence value of the chain demon, and Xiao En did not intend to leave the soul of this demon.

   drew out the power of the guilty seal remaining in the soul body of the chain demon, and Sean released the control of the chain demon.

   "Sand people, what did you do to me?"

   realized that it was wrong, the chain demon's expression changed drastically, but at this time, Sean was no longer interested in talking to him.

   叽叽叽, a cold and weird laughter sounded, the corners of the mouth split, revealing shark-like teeth and bright red tongues, and the **** of death gave a big smile to the chain demon.

   Gurulu, in the desperate gaze of the chain demon, the **** of death swallowed him directly.


   The ghost of death disappeared, and Sean let out a sigh.

Although the power of the reincarnation eye was used to forcibly control the chain demon, and some information about **** was obtained from the chain but the chain demon knew too little, whether it was the power of the demon king or above. He didn't know much about the information, or the overall layout of this cross-border expedition plan.

"But it's normal. After all, he is just a bad demon lord, or else he wouldn't be thrown into the sand world as cannon fodder like this, but there is still a little value, at least let me be sure. The information of a demon lord, Hellfire, the 24th existence among the seventy-two demon lords of the hell, the body is a lava demon, with strong combat power, has a record of killing the same level, not to be underestimated, but such an opponent Don't worry about me now."

   Putting away his own sigh, Sean continued his previous plan. He wanted to establish a gate of two realms here to communicate with the liberal world as a way of retreat.

The world of yellow sand is not the big world of truth. In the big world of truth, the world consciousness has been dominated by wizards and has become the eyes of the wizards, allowing wizards to accurately monitor the entire world and establish the gate of two worlds in that place. Shaun is very Worrying about being discovered is not overly cautious, but a fact that is likely to exist objectively. As the base camp of wizarding civilization, the world of truth must have some means to monitor the power of the seventh order, and the world of yellow sand is different. Here There is no existence above the seventh level, Xiao En does not have to worry about being discovered, at least in this time period.



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