Phew, the breeze blows, and the clouds are pushed aside, a long and slender Taixu ancient dragon with purple and gold body and a magnificent head is revealed, but at this moment, this Tier 8 monster that is comparable to Dou Zun is just a mount. There is a man and a woman standing side by side on him. The man is wearing a pale golden robe, his back is carved with the sun, his face is firm, and there is an unspeakable confidence between his eyebrows. The woman is dressed in a plain blue gauze, embroidered A green lotus with a pretty face, one head of green silk tied at will, hanging down to the waist, there is a dusty ethereal, the two standing together really smell like a golden girl.

   "Brother Xiao Yan, are you sure to win this time?"

   Facing the wind, smoothing the slightly messy hair ends, looking at the figures around him, there is a trace of fluctuation in Xiao Xun'er's always cold pupils.


Hearing these words, looking at the sea of ​​clouds, Xiao Yan did not hesitate to give an affirmative answer. Over the years, relying on the support of the sect and the meticulous cultivation of the old man, his attainments in alchemy are not weak at all. Those senior alchemists of the older generation are genuine eighth-rank high-level alchemists.

   Hearing the words, looking at Xiao Yan's profile, Xiao Xun'er was silent. At this moment, her mood was complicated. She hoped that Xiao Yan could win but she didn't want Xiao Yan to win.

From a personal point of view, Xiao Yan is the person she likes. She sincerely hopes that Xiao Yan will be able to succeed in everything and gather thousands of glory and one body, but from the perspective of the ancient people, she does not want Xiao Yan to win this time. Pill refining competition, because this matter itself involves more than the gate of eternal life and the pill tower.

   "Xun'er, things are not as pessimistic as you think."

Seeing Xiao Xun'er frowning slightly and understanding her thoughts, Xiao Yan sighed. As the sect kept making moves on the mainland, the relationship with the ancient eight tribes became more and more tense. Now the conflict seems inevitable. , But even so, Xiao Yan must go all out in this competition, because it not only involves his personal honor and disgrace, but also related to the plan of the sect, and he will not tolerate his willfulness.

What he can achieve today is the cultivation of the sect. In the past ten years or so, the sect has not treated him at all in terms of inheritance and resources. As a few true heirs of the sect, he How can you bear the sect?

   reached out and put his arms around Xiao Xun'er's waist, Xiao Yan took Xiao Xun'er into his arms, and aware of Xiao Yan's movements, Xiao Xun'er obediently placed her head on Xiao Yan's chest.

Silent silence, a faint warmth flowed between the two young people, but both Xiao Xun'er and Xiao Yan knew that the problems between the two had not been resolved, but they were in a tacit understanding. It’s just ignored.

  Zhongzhou Danta, as the bet between the Gate of Eternal Life and Danta spreads, more and more eyes are cast here. This includes not only the local forces in the Central Continent, but also the ancient eight clans.

With the passage of time, more and more people are coming to the Danta. Everyone knows that this alchemy contest is likely to affect the future trend of the entire Central Continent. It is a rare event. Some people who have ideas basically I didn't want to miss it. For a time, Danta actually showed the illusion that Dou Huang was like a dog, and Dou Zong walked all over the floor, and Dou Zun was shaking.

The most important thing is that the ancient eight tribes each sent a team to observe the ceremony. The leaders are all rare fighting sages from the outside world. Among them, the soul race and the ancients have each sent an eight-star fighting sage. , The power displayed is really impressive.

   Of course, the ceremony is actually just a title. This time they took the initiative to show their strength and frighten other forces, and secondly, to interrupt the unstoppable momentum of the gate of eternal life through this alchemy gambling battle.


   At noon, the sun was just right, and the agreed time had arrived. Countless people were waiting eagerly. At this moment, the space was distorted, the tunnel opened, and the Taixu Ancient Dragon was driven. Xiao Yan brought Xiao Xun'er to the competition venue.

As soon as Xiao Yan appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of countless people. After more than ten years, everyone no longer knew nothing about the Gate of Eternal Life. They knew that there were only four true disciples in the Gate of Eternal Life. Xiao Yan ranked first.

   Everyone is naturally very curious about such a person, some are envious, some are dissatisfied, and others feel sour.

   Hum, a cold snort came out, and a huge momentum rose from the high platform, and pressed **** Xiao Yan's body, but it was a three-star battle saint of the Yan tribe who made the shot.

   hum, the golden brilliance was flowing, reflecting the transparent skin, and Xiao Yan's expression remained unchanged facing Dou Sheng's coercive expression.

   Protecting Xiao Xun'er behind him, against the coercion of Yan Clan Dousheng, Xiao Yan steadily moved forward and stepped onto the alchemy platform.

Seeing such a scene, the faces of the fighting sages who were sitting firmly on the high platform changed slightly, because from the aura that Xiao Yan just revealed, he turned out to be a fighting sage. Although he had just broken through, his aura still had some. Unstable, but it is indeed a fighting saint undoubtedly, a fighting saint who is less than 30 years old. Such an achievement is also very rare among the ancient tribes with the blood of the Dou emperor. After all, it is a big hurdle for Dou Zun to Dou Sheng. .

   "Xiao Yan, the gate of immortality, has met all seniors."

   Although he understands the hostile position of the two sides, Xiao Yan still smiles and is polite. This is the demeanor he should have as a true disciple of the gate of eternal life.

   Facing Xiao Yan like this, except for the ancient clan on the high platform, the other fighting saints from the ancient eight clan were cold and did not make any response.

That is, at this time, an aura of fear was pressed down from the sky, causing the fighting saints on the high platform to change their colors. The three-star fighting saint of the Yan tribe turned his face suddenly white, as if he had been hit hard, because of this. The momentum belongs to Jiuxing Dousheng.

   The space tunnel was opened. Wearing a purple gold crown, holding a jade whisk, wearing a seven-star robe, the kind-eyed Subhuti walked out of it with medicated dust.

Seeing the appearance of the nine-star fighting saint Subhuti, no matter what they thought deep in their hearts, everyone stood up and expressed their due etiquette, including the two eight-star fighting saints of the soul race and the ancient race. .

   "Old Elder, can the game start, right?"

   naturally took the first place, and the light of wisdom was flowing in the deep pupils. After skipping the fighting sages of the eight ancient tribes, Subudi turned his attention to the ancestor of Danta.

   Hearing these words, the ancestor Danta nodded when he met Subhuti's gaze.

  Huh, the hot breath appeared, and the emerald brilliance flowed. As the competition began, a group of emerald green flames appeared in the hands of Dan Chen, the representative of the younger generation of Danta, which attracted the attention of countless people for a while.

   "The Fire of the Living Being ranked fifth on the Alien Fire List, it seems that you are well prepared."

   Looking at the peculiar flame in the hands of the little girl Dan Chen, and recognizing its identity, Subhuti took a deep look at the fighting sages on the high platform.

Natural fires such as the flames of life are not controlled by Dan Ta. It can appear in Dan Chen’s hands because of ancient people’s handwriting. Among the younger generation of Dan Ta, Dan Chen’s alchemy attainments are among the best. The elementary level of the eighth rank, coupled with her special physique, can absorb the soul power of other people for her own use, so this time she was selected by the Danta, or the ancients and the soul race, and became the representative of the Danta this time.

In order to ensure the victory of the The ancestors of Danta and the battle sage of the medicine clan taught Dan Chen some skills, and the soul clan provided Dan Chen with a lot of soul bodies, so that her soul power was in There was a qualitative change in a short period of time, and the ancient tribe gave her the fifth-ranked creature's flame, which was unexpectedly obtained.

   It can be said that in order to enhance Dan Chen's strength, several ancient tribes paid a lot of price. From this it can also be seen their determination to block the gate of eternal life.

On the alchemy platform, watching Xiao Yan, the creature's flame in Dan Chen's hand, looked slightly, after all, this kind of flame can be said to be the most suitable flame for alchemy among many different fires. Of course, it's just a side look. In the Dou Qi continent, The same kind of different fire is not unique. There may be several at the same time. Although the fire of life is rare, he has not seen it. There is a fire of fire of life in the gate of eternal life.

   "In that case, I have to be more serious."

   retracted his gaze, and slapped the Danding, the five-color intertwined, six suns of different colors appeared behind Xiao Yan.

   "This is...Different fire, six different fires."

   Although there have been great changes in form, the unique aura of the strange fire is difficult to change. As soon as the six peculiar suns behind Xiao Yan appeared, someone immediately discovered an unbelievable fact.



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