Shipwreck Bay is lost, and heavy snow like feathers is flying in the sky.

   "Is this your special discovery?"

   Looking at the finger-wide, half-meter-long gap in the space in front of him, Xiao En frowned.

   At this time, he originally planned to enter the world of fighting spirit to take a look, but he didn't expect that the awakened green pheasant suddenly called him over.

   "Yes, after I woke up, I became interested in those ice elemental creatures that suddenly appeared. I kept tracing their sources and finally found here."

   condensed the human form, stood with Xiao En, looking at the space crack, the look of the green pheasant changed from the old laziness, and became rare and solemn.

After Sean left Shipwreck Bay, Noletis arrested all the ice elves that appeared afterwards according to Sean’s orders, and the green pheasant repaired his injuries and walked out of the iceberg again and saw the ice sky. After the elves, they quickly attracted attention. After all, these ice elves were his true family from the bottom.

   "Every once in a while, something similar to remnants of souls will appear from this space crack. After these remnants of souls merge with the magical power of the ice element, the ice spirits are born."

   The words were low, and Qing Pheasant uttered his discovery.

   Hearing this, Sean narrowed his eyes.

   "Remnant soul? Is it the spiritual world that communicates behind this gap in space?"

   Perception diverges, Sean carefully observes the situation of this space crack, but what is strange is that once his perception passes through the space crack, it will disappear immediately, as if being swallowed by something.

"It's useless. The power of perception can't see clearly the situation behind this space crack. In order to find out clearly, I used to separate some of my spiritual power and create a spiritual body, but the spiritual body immediately interacted with me as soon as it entered the space crack. After losing contact, I can clearly perceive that this spirit has been completely dissipated."

   Perceiving Sean's movements, Qing Pheasant added a word.

   Hearing this, Sean's doubts grew thicker.

   "Really? That's really interesting."

   talked, the scarlet color was revealed, and the nine-shaped jade appeared, and Xiao En looked at the space crack from another angle.

   After merging the reincarnated eyes, Sean’s nine-hook jade wheel reincarnating eyes already possessed the ability to see through the energy movement. When he looked at the space crack in this state, he immediately saw a completely different scene from before.

   The black mist is like tiny tentacles, which constantly protrudes from the cracks in the small space. It is densely packed and swaying with the wind like an anemone, revealing the atmosphere of chaos and madness.

   "This feeling is exactly the same as the traits displayed in the soul of the Ice Sky Elf."

   Perceived something, the pupils' power flowed in his eyes, and Xiao En wanted to see more clearly through the cracks in the space, but at this moment the mutation happened.

   seemed to be aware of the existence of Sean, and the little tentacles made of black mist suddenly became active, just like a shark smelling blood, revealing his own bloodthirsty nature.

   hum, a low whisper sounded in the ear, as if trying to draw Sean's mind, but Sean was unmoved by this.

   "This is soul pollution? Spiritual plague?"

   The power surged and cut off the black mist that had been entangled. Xiao En retracted his gaze because he sensed the danger.

Looking at the black mist in his palm, Sean's expression became more dignified. He was quite sure that these black mists were not real life, and did not even have any life characteristics, but he just noticed his peeping. These black mists attacked him like living creatures, or when Sean stared at them, they also stared at Sean, thus spotting Sean's target, and spontaneously spreading pollution to Sean.

   "The nature of this power is strange, with traces of destruction and degeneration."

   Carefully perceiving the nature of the black breath in his hand, Sean can never really see through it, and the information he can get is very limited.

  Huh, the black breath dissipated. After being captured by Sean, these black breaths are like flowers with broken rhizomes, which can only wither continuously.

   "Why is there an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if I have seen it there."

   Let the black mist dissipate, and the thought in Sean's heart quickly turned.

   "By the way, the last breath of the world, a similar breath was produced when the world of One Piece entered destruction."

   The picture in his mind freezes, and Sean's expression becomes darker.

   Looking at the space crack in the distance, Sean's brows wrinkled tightly.

   "Although there is a big gap in external performance, the essence of the two has a lot in common."

   With a clear goal, by comparison, Sean immediately made more discoveries, but such discoveries made him fall into deeper confusion.

The demonic wave of the Liberal World is recovering, and the development of all things is constantly improving. Everything is stable. It has nothing to do with the destruction of the world. Moreover, the Liberal World is different from the One Piece world, let alone the seventh order. Even the great beings of Tier 8 have been born many, with these great beings, how can they let the great world of Boya go to destruction?

   "Baron, what should I do now?"

   Looking at Sean's uncertain look, Qing Pheasant asked, he knew that Sean should have made a major discovery.

   Hearing Qing pheasant's words, he looked carefully at this small space crack again, and Xiao En had a decision in his heart.

   "Destroy this space crack."

Originally, Sean still had a little bit of this space crack left, and the idea of ​​using the source to continuously produce ice sky elves as a new source of power point ~ but now he has no such idea, this space crack. The danger behind it has exceeded the limit of its interests in Sean's mind.

   Hearing this, Qing pheasant nodded.

   The pale eyes looked directly at the crack in the space, and the cold chill radiated from the green pheasant.

   hum, the faint blue brilliance blooms like moonlight, the chill is restrained, and the space freezes. At this moment, the blue pheasant uses blood witchcraft to absolutely zero.

   clicked, in Xiao En's field of vision, the faint blue brilliance permeated the void, the black mist froze, and shattered with the space cracks, leaving no trace.

  Hu, the void is distorted, and after the destruction is a new life, Sean nodded as he watched the folds of the space gradually returning to peace.

   "Green Pheasant, although this space crack has been destroyed, you still have to pay attention to the situation in the Shipwreck Bay for some time to avoid similar space cracks."

   The words were low, and Sean gave Qing Pheasant a new task.

   Hearing this, looking at Sean's solemn expression, Qing Pheasant nodded, he could feel how much Sean attaches importance to this matter.

   "What is going on in this world?"

   Leaving the glacier, looking at the snowy Shipwreck Bay, Sean's thoughts kept turning.


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