The color, fragrance, and flavor are all-encompassing, and the vigorous delicacies are pouring into Medusa’s palace like running water. Such a strange sight has attracted the attention of many people, but they didn’t dare to explore anything.

Guru, swallowed a whole roasted suckling pig, and Smaug feasted on it. Although these low-quality and extraordinary ingredients did not play a role in his cultivation, they were still good for satisfying appetite, and under him, Medusa whispered what had happened over the years.

   "In other words, Xiao Yan from the Xiao family has been divorced by Nalan Yanran from the Yunlan Sect?"

   Hearing some news, Smaug stopped eating.

   Following Smaug's gaze, Medusa suddenly felt a heavy pressure covering her body, causing the vindictive energy in her body to stop working.

   "Yes, my lord, I have been sending people to stare at the Xiao family because of your instructions. Half a month ago, the news of Xiao Yan's divorce from the Xiao family was passed back by the spies."

   suppressing the trembling of the body, Medusa maintained her calm.

   "That's it."

  Getting an accurate answer, Smaug retracted his gaze.

The pressure disappeared, and Medusa breathed a sigh of relief, but the horror in her heart increased instead of decreasing. The strength of the sect master was even more terrifying than she thought. Just a glance made her a little unbearable, although she didn’t know. Why does his existence pay attention to a small Xiao family in the Jiama Empire, but at this moment, she is very glad that she did not slacken this task because the other party has not shown up for five years, otherwise the result today is unpredictable.

   Everything returned to calm, there was no noise in the wide hall except the sound of Smaug chewing food, and Medusa, the queen of the snake-human tribe, stood quietly and waited.

Five years ago, Smaug, who had found Sea Heart Flame and Fallen Heart Flame, came to the Tagore Desert. According to the information given by Sean, he knew that there was the Qinglian Geocentric Fire, which was ranked nineteenth in the Alien Fire List, but Tago The Er Desert is vast, and even with his strength, it takes a lot of effort to find the heart of the Qinglian in the vast desert, so he found Medusa.

   At that time, Medusa was just a fighting emperor. Facing Smaug, she naturally had no resistance. In desperation, in order to save the lives of herself and her people, Medusa explained the location of Qinglian's heart-fire that she had discovered by accident.

   But at this moment, Smaug gave her another option, letting her join a sect called the Gate of Eternal Life and become its outer deacon.

People had to bow their heads under the eaves. Smaug said that she had given her a choice, but in Medusa's eyes, she had no second way to go. Although she didn't know what kind of sect the Gate of Eternal Life was, but Medusa Sha still joined in, but what she didn't know was that this so-called Gate of Eternal Life was actually the product of Smaug’s brainstorming. Before she joined, there were only two members, one as the deputy master and the other as the deputy master. The most important thing is that the other deputy master doesn't know that he already has a sect.

However, although he was forced to join, Medusa felt that he had made a correct choice after joining. The Northwest Region was barren. Here, Emperor Dou was already a major figure in suppressing one party, and Dou Zong basically lost sight of the dragon. The tail, and Dou Zun is just a legend. After losing the heart of Qinglian, Medusa thought that she would be like this in this life. She could only be trapped in the Douhuang realm like the snake-human kings of the past, but she did not expect It was that Smaug actually took a shot to temper her bloodline, allowing her to cross the threshold of Dou Zong in one fell swoop.

  Walking in the world of fighting spirit these years, with his powerful strength, Smaug has collected a lot of extraordinary knowledge of this world, many of which belong to the Warcraft race, after all, he is also a Warcraft, and he is naturally interested in this aspect.

He is a real dragon, and he relies on the power of the bloodline. With this knowledge, with the Golden Emperor Burning the sky, it is not difficult for Smaug to help Medusa temper his bloodline, and compared to Medusa's own borrowing of the Qinglian Earth Center The power of fire has been transformed, and Smaug's shot is not only a lower risk factor, but the tempering result is also more perfect.

   "You did a good job on this errand. Since you have awakened the blood of the Nine-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python, then this volume of fighting skills will be given to you as a reward."

   After eating the big meal, feeling three-point full, stopped eating, watching Medusa still standing by and waiting quietly, Smaug spoke.

At the beginning, he made up a fictional gate of immortality and included Medusa in the gate, first because of his temporary interest, and second because he wanted to find a tool man to complete the task for him, just like his master Sean said. That way, the higher-ranking people work hard, and the lower-ranking ones work hard, and now it seems that the effect is not bad.

   opened his mouth, a scroll was spit out from the storage space in his body by Smaug, walking in the world of vindictiveness, Smaug was not without other gains besides the abnormal fire.

   Respectfully accepted the scroll, feeling the quaint aura on it, and a trace of waves appeared in Medusa's heart.

   "This is a fighting technique inherited from the Nine Nether Divine Python family. It is called Huang Quanzhi. It is said that once pointed out, life and death can be cut off. I don't know the specifics. The rank is probably the lower rank."

   During the three years of traveling with White Beard ~ the fragmentary information provided by Xiao En was eradicated, one person and one dragon searched a lot of places, including the ancestral land of Jiuyou Di Ming Python.

Hearing Smaug's words, Medusa's heart trembled fiercely. The northwestern region was barren, and the mysterious stage fighting skills were already very good fighting skills here. Basically, that's it, and the ground-level fighting skills are truly scarce, and only in the hands of the top powers. For example, the snake-man clan has only one low-level fighting skills in the inheritance of this year. This shows that the high-level battle skills The rarity of fighting skills, as for the heavenly fighting skills in the Northwest Territories, is just a legend, no one has ever seen it.

   "Thank you for the reward of the master, Medusa will surely die for the sect."

   Jade's hand gripped the scroll tightly, and Medusa immediately bowed and bowed to Smaug. She didn't have the slightest doubt about Smaug's words, because this kind of lie had no meaning.

After joining the Gate of Eternal Life a few years ago, Medusa used his forces to inquire about the details of this sect, but unfortunately, she found nothing in the end, as if this sect did not exist. At that time, she did have doubts in her heart, but now she I'm quite sure that the Gate of Eternal Life must be a real big power, otherwise how could there be a Heavenly Rank Fighting Skill, and it was also rewarded to myself by the deputy master. You must know that in addition to monitoring the Xiao family over the years, she can Did not make any outstanding contributions.



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