One Piece World, the last bell has rang.

  The ritual witch formation dark sky shrouds the world, and the soul of the entire world is drawn under the characteristics of the dark harvest, and in the deepest part of the world, there is an embryo that is gestating something, without any breath radiating, as if it does not exist.

   "Hey, there are still souls that have not been harvested?"

   Standing in the endless void, according to Sean's estimation, the soul of the entire One Piece world should be harvested by the dark sky at this moment, and become the nourishment for the embryo of the strange thing, but at this moment, Sean found an unexpected residue.

   "It turned out to be him?"

   Feeling the familiar breath, Sean fished out the struggling soul.

Begapunk or Uranus, Sean really did not expect that his soul would still be preserved. It seems that Begapunk left behind is not simple, at least he did not let himself be devil The fruit trees are eaten up and wiped out.

   Looking at Begapunk's soul in his hand, Sean narrowed his eyes.

   At this moment, Begapunk's consciousness has fallen into chaos, but he instinctively did not resist Sean.

  Thinking about it, considering the talent of Begapunk, Sean didn't send Begapunk's soul into the **** road and turned it into a part of Dangling Soul Mountain, but collected it into the door of the infinite.

   After doing all this, Sean once again cast his gaze into the depths of the world. At this moment, the embryo of that strange thing is about to be conceived.

   The void collapsed, the aura of destruction arbitrarily horizontally and horizontally, at a certain moment the structure of the world completely collapsed, and everything began to shrink towards one point.

   "This is the death of a world, it's really spectacular."

   Looking at the sight of everything going into nothingness in the distance, Sean couldn't help but sigh.

   Crazy destruction is followed by eternal tranquility, and this process is death. At the moment when the world of One Piece ushered in the doomsday bell, the breath of death swept the stars like a tide.

   Spirituality is boiling, and the flaming red spirituality coat emerges, ten spiritual tails that look like foxes are waving freely in the void. I don't know when Sean's pupils have quietly transformed into rebirth eyes.

  The mighty force of the Infinite Gate fell to avoid the impact of the tide of death on Sean. It was the last madness in a world. In terms of the size of the Pirate World, even a Tier 6 wizard would be very troublesome.

   Nine Gouyu jade rotates, spirituality is consumed at a terrifying speed, black and white are intertwined, and Sean stares at death.

   Let the tide of death wash away, Sean remained indifferent, staring quietly, waiting.

"I saw."

   The thin black thread broke, and an inexplicable thought arose in Sean's heart at a certain moment. At the same time, the maelstrom of death quietly formed, sweeping everything, and the world of One Piece was completely a thing of the past.

   Everything returned to peace, and another world disappeared into the endless void.

   "Unexpectedly, as a natural wizard, the first thing I realized was the rule of death."

Perceiving the blackness in the depths of his soul, the corners of Sean’s mouth outline a slight arc. He stared at death and witnessed the death of a world. At the last moment, Sean finally caught a real trace of death. Said that this will be his biggest gain this time.

   "Although I was a little disappointed, it is reasonable."

   Looking at the exaggerated shape in his hand, the whole body is pitch black, only the blade has a dark red long-handled giant sickle, and Sean’s blue eyes have a strange brilliance.

   Reaping sickle, Tier 6 top strange object, death element, main killer, this is the strange thing he created with the help of the destruction of a world, and it is also the first Tier 6 strange thing born in his hands.

Before that, Xiao En had also imagined that he could directly create a seventh-order strange object with the help of the death of a world, but the facts told him that this was only a delusion after all. For the strange thing of the order, Sean is a lot worse in terms of strength and resources. Although the death of a world is a good material, the foundation of the world of One Piece is a bit worse after all.

   "For me, it might look just right."

   The rhythm of death in the depths of the soul, Sean waved the reaping sickle in his hand.

   Although the seventh-order strange things are very good, but now Xiao En has no ability to control it, and the sixth-order reaping sickle is just right, powerful enough to be able to be controlled by him.

   The most important thing is that there is the death of a world as the background. Although the sickle of harvest is only Tier 6 now, it also has a bit of metamorphosis into Tier 7, and there may be no further possibility in the future.

   "If the plans of Whitebeard and Smaug can proceed smoothly, the Scythe of Reap may really become a seventh-order wonder."

   Feeling the power of the Reaping Scythe, Sean couldn't help but think of Whitebeard and Smaug, who are in the world of vindictiveness.

   "Maybe I should go take a look."

   Thinking of the tasks assigned to Whitebeard and Smaug before, the thoughts in Sean's heart kept turning.

   Void fluctuates, the power of the door of the infinite is flowing, and Xiao En's figure disappears into the endless void.


   Greenfield Town, high in the sky, Slis **** his wings, and the white sea of ​​clouds keeps changing with his mind.

   "Master, this is my latest achievement, I hope you can be satisfied."

   Speaking, looking at Sean, Shilis Xinghuang's eyes are full of expectation.

Seeing this look of Silis, Sean did not speak, with the existence of the Xiaolong Pit, coupled with the tilt of the resources of the Greenfield City, the wind **** pterosaur Silis finally completed the bloodline metamorphosis, from a hybrid dragon to a hybrid dragon. , Gained the blood of a true dragon, and became a true dragon with dual elements of the wind and clouds.

"not bad."

Stepping on the clouds and soil, and feeling it carefully, Sean complimented Sliss. After the One Piece World saw the existence of Sky Island, Sean was wondering whether it could be reproduced in the Boya World. The key is the island cloud that supports the sky island.

   After a period of hard work, Slither, who has eaten the fruits of the natural cloud, finally weaves a cloud similar to the island cloud. This is not easy.

Hearing Sean’s compliment, Sliss’s happy eyes narrowed. In order to complete the task that Sean gave him as soon as possible, he did not spend much time during this period. This can be seen from his weight loss of 50 catties. Out, and it’s all worth it.

   "Keep working hard, Slither, I hope you can weave the clouds and earth that can carry the entire Greenfield City as soon as possible."

   Turning his head and looking at Sliss, Sean's expression was very solemn. When he heard this, Sliss's face became stiff, and the joy in his heart suddenly disappeared.

   "I...I got"

   Dejected, Slis agreed.

"Silis, although weaving clouds and soil is a task I gave you, but I will not let you work in vain. I will pay you a Jin Jialong for every piece of cloud and soil, and then rely on the harvest of cloud and soil. You can buy anything you like, which Smaug can't match."

   Hearing these words, thinking of the lovely Jin Jialong, and then thinking of the hateful Smaug, Sliss’s trough heart suddenly rushed into the sky.

   "Please don't worry, leave it to me, Master, I will not let you down."

   Raising his head, Slis gave his assurance, as if he saw Smaug drooling while watching him.

   "It's disgusting."

  Although everything is just a fantasy, at this moment Sliss has already figured out what kind of posture he should assume when the time comes. He raised his head and slanted his eyes, and then said these three words in a contemptuous tone.

  Thinking of this, Slither's mind could not help flying away.

Seeing this look, Sean nodded with satisfaction. Although weaving clouds and earth is a chore, it is also a kind of ability training for Silis. does not matter.



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