The Catacombs, the mysterious base of the Akatsuki organization, with Xiaonan’s cooperation, Sean succeeded in replacing Nagato as the leader of Akatsuki. The whole process was smooth, but this is normal. Nagato generally uses Tiandao's posture appeared in the eyes of the other members of Akatsuki's organization. Those guys were not familiar with the real Nagato except for Jue and Uchiha.

Heijue, a special creature created by Otsuki Kaguya with his own will on the eve of being sealed, Bai Jue, a character weapon made from human beings who were enveloped by infinite moon reading in ancient times, for this special creation Sean Still very interested.

In the laboratory, Sean is dissecting Bai Jue’s clone, not only to secretly control Akatsuki, but also to keep Akatsuki’s organization intact to the greatest extent. Naturally, Sean will not let go of the black and white senses and Uchiha’s soil, with the cooperation of Xiaonan. With mental arithmetic and unintentional, Sean easily captured these two shadowy characters.

   "The body is completely woody, a bit like a product of Mu Dun. Is it because of the power of the sacred tree? And there are traces of Yin and Yang."

The thoughts in his mind turned, and Sean cast his gaze into the depths of the crypt. There was a strange existence there, which looked like a prisoner sitting cross-legged, that was the Outer Golem, of course it had another name, that It is the body of the ten tails, or the body of the sacred tree.

Da bar, da bar, a slight sound of footsteps sounded, wearing a black windbreaker embroidered with red clouds, with long light blue and purple hair, orange pupils, and a lavender paper flower on the right side of the head, drawing Xiao Nan, with lip studs on the bottom of his lips, walked in with purple eyeshadow.

   Withdrawing his gaze, Xiao En turned his gaze to Xiao Nan.

   "My lord, this is what Shimura Danzo just sent."

   Facing Xiao En, Xiao Nan looked respectful, without any hatred. She didn't even look at the corpse of Nagato who was soaked in the nutrient solution.

   "Really? Is he moving fast?"

   With words, Xiao En took the thing in Xiao Nan's hand, it was three pairs of white eyes.

As the unique blood inheritance boundary of the Hyuga family, Baiyan has the ability to see through the flow of Chakra. The Hyuga family is divided into clan and clan. Clan members rarely appear. Most of the people who walk outside are divided. They were all planted with the caged bird secret technique. Because of the caged bird mystery technique, even if outsiders get a blind eye, it is of no use. This well limits the outflow of white eyes blood. However, although the clan’s family is well protected, it is not. It's not that there is no way to get it. As Konoha's dark side, Shimura Danzo is still very good at doing these things.

   "How is the tail beast collection?"

   played with the eyes in his hand, Sean asked another question.

   "Currently, the progress is going very well. Isofu Sanwei and Monkey King 4 were just captured, and the traces of the six rhinos were also locked by us not long ago."

   The words were soft, and Xiao Nan immediately told the latest information.

   Hearing this, Sean nodded.

   "It seems that the situation is really good, and you will need to bother more."

   With a smile on his face, Xiao En looked at Xiao Nan.

   Hearing this, Xiao Nan bowed and saluted immediately.

   "This is what I should do."

Inside the cave, watching Xiao Nan's figure gradually being swallowed by darkness, a gloomy light flashed through Sean’s blue pupils. It has to be said that other gods are indeed a very powerful illusion, although its external influence is very small. But the effect is very terrifying. It completely makes one person live like another person without knowing it.

   "Next, it's time for a new experiment. If it succeeds, it will be a big improvement for me."

   Withdrawing his gaze, Sean plunged into the experiment again.

In Naruto World, besides the reincarnation eye, there is another very powerful pupil technique, that is, reincarnation eye. reincarnation eye and reincarnation eye originate from the same source. They are both the blood of the Datongmu family, but compared to the claim to master life and death, The eye of reincarnation is different from the eye of reincarnation, which combines creation and destruction. The effect of reincarnation eye is relatively monotonous, but monotony does not mean weak. In terms of pure lethality, reincarnation eye is to some extent more than reincarnation eye, because reincarnation The strongest part of the eye is the control of energy and the manipulation of gravity and repulsion. It can even affect the movement of the stars when it is fully urged. This is something that the gravitation and repulsion controlled by the eye of rebirth cannot do.

If the power of reincarnation eye and the power of reincarnation eye can be integrated, Sean believes that his strength can go further, and this idea is possible in theory. After all, reincarnation eye and reincarnation eye have the same source. The natural adaptability is relatively high.

However, the number of reincarnation eyes is very rare. As far as Xiao En knows, there are only reincarnation eyes on the moon in the Ninja world. For better research, Xiao En decided to start with white eyes. First, try to cultivate white eyes to see if they can be cultivated. To create a new reincarnation eye, the second is to analyze the characteristics of white eyes and try to use reincarnation eyes to fuse white eyes.

And when Sean was addicted to the experiment, the world of Ninja was about to come, and Akatsuki's successive shots had completely touched the bottom line of the major Ninja villages, and they joined forces for a time to fight against the voice of Akatsuki in the Ninja. Konoha has gradually grown up Konoha is the main force calling for unity in the Five Ninja Villages. After three generations of Hokage’s death, Konoha’s momentum has declined in recent years, but with Jilai Tsunade's double return, the situation has now stabilized, and with the appearance of the Fenglei twin stars, Konoha's momentum has been somewhat revitalized.

Fenglei Gemini refers to Naruto and Sasuke. Because of the appearance of Sean, the fate of these two people is more or less affected. Because Miaomu Mountain was destroyed by Sean, Naruto has not learned the fairy mode so far. , But because of the existence of the fruit of the storm, his strength is far stronger than the original trajectory of him, and because of the fruit of the thunder, Sasuke did not betray Konoha for strength and follow the Oshimaru. In the process, although Oshimaru I moved my mind to Sasuke, but did not succeed in the end. Sasuke, who has the fruit of thunder, is not only strong, but also terrible with strong mobility. General means can't help him at all. What is even more terrifying is the power of writing round eyes and the fruit of thunder. The combination of powers complements each other, and can produce the effect of one plus one and two. The lightning instant he created on this basis is praised as the fastest instant instant technique.

With such an outstanding rising star, Konoha's strength is naturally to be looked at. After all, they have successors, and at this moment, the strength of Naruto and Sasuke is no longer the difference between those veteran powerhouses. What they lack is only some experience. .



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