The cold air was permeated, and as Xiao En's palm kept getting closer to the stone gate, a layer of black frost quietly spread on the ground.

   Wow, wow, ghost crying wolf howling, the hundred ghosts engraved on the stone gate at this moment seem to have come alive, flaring their teeth and claws at Sean, showing undisguised malice.

  啵, accompanied by a clear sound, an invisible film was broken by Sean's palm, all the visions disappeared, and everything returned to its original appearance.

   crunching, slightly hard, the dilapidated stone gate was easily pushed open by Xiao En.

   "Although this kind of power is powerful, comparable to Tier 5, no one is in charge of it. As long as the flaw is found, it can be easily broken."

   The shadow of the door in his eyes disappeared. Looking at the opened stone door, Xiao En's face showed a smile.

   Crossed the stone gate and walked into the underground palace. A huge altar appeared in front of Xiao En, and in the center of the altar there was a huge stone monument.

The lavender brilliance is hanging down, and the cold breath is permeating here wantonly, rendering it like a ghost domain, Shimen is like the boundary between two different worlds, feeling that the concentration of natural energy here is far greater than that of the outside world, Sean If you think about it, it seems that Shimen's role is not only to prevent outsiders from entering, but also to confine these natural energies here to prevent them from escaping.

   "There is a fifth-order spirit or ghost here. Is this the background of the name of the country of fire?"

The phantom of the door in his eyes resurfaced again. Through the stone tablet, Xiao En saw somewhere in a gloomy area, where there was a ghost sleeping, tens of meters tall, red all over, with animal skins around his waist, and five on top of his head. With horns, full of fangs, and two pairs of eyes on his face, he still exudes an undisguised vicious atmosphere even when he is asleep.

   "This place is a bit weird. Some are similar to God's Domain, but they are different."

   looked for a while, and found no more, Xiao En retracted his gaze, and did not stimulate the sleeping ghost anymore.

  Walking up to the altar, Xiao En began to interpret the words on the stone tablet. Although these words are all ancient characters, they are a little different from the current lingua franca, but this is not difficult for Xiao En, after all, he is a book collector in the Land of Fire.

   "Onmyoji, is this the extraordinary road born and grown in Naruto World?"

   After reading the record on the stone tablet, some doubts in Sean's heart were resolved.

   A long time ago, the natural energy of the Naruto World was relatively rich. Under such circumstances, the extraordinary powers began to be mastered by some people, who were called Onmyojis.

  Onmyoji masters perceive nature, cultivate mana, communicate with Yin and Yang, and can attract ghosts and spirits. They call ghosts, seal ghosts with themselves as containers, and refine ghosts into shikigami, thus gaining powerful power and lifespan.

   Although this road has many flaws and is accompanied by strong blood, if it can continue to develop, it may not eventually become a more perfect and extraordinary road, but it is a pity that this road has not been developed before it was cut off.

   Datongmu Huiye came to this world with a mission, where she planted a sacred tree.

  The sacred tree takes the world as its soil, absorbs the natural energy of the whole world, and fundamentally cuts off the development of the extraordinary path of Onmyoji.

When the Onmyojis discovered something was wrong, everything was irreversible. Of course, although the general situation could not be changed, the Onmyojis did not accept their fate. They gathered together and began to use the power of the formation to fight against the sacred tree. They retained the natural energy in a small area, and then they built altars and made stone steles as a node for communication with the underworld, so that future generations can easily communicate with yin and yang and gain their power.

The last batch of crazy onmyojis performed blood sacrifices, turned themselves into ghosts, and sank into the underworld, as the inheritance of the power of the onmyojis. In fact, the names of the five great nations are basically the descendants of these onmyojis, although because of the environment Change, they cannot become truly powerful onmyojis now, but they sacrificed ghosts through the sacrificial rituals left by those onmyojis, thus gaining the power of ghosts. This constitutes the cornerstone of their rule. As long as the ghosts do not die, every generation of The daimyo can display the power of Tier 5 or even stronger. Of course, this tricky method is very dangerous. It will not be used a few times, and the daimyo will die. However, no one dares to underestimate it. It is precisely because of this. A generation of daimyos will be ordinary people in the eyes of ordinary people, not ninjas. It is not that every generation of daimyos does not have the qualifications to become ninjas, but they have embarked on a different path from the beginning.

   "This world actually gave birth to a piece of land, which is really beyond my expectation."

   Thinking of Onmyoji's record of Ming Tu in the inscription, Xiao En's heart is not at peace.

Not every world like   Netherland can be bred in every world. In fact, most of the worlds do not have such a place, such as the world of One Piece and the world of Ark.

Underworld is the key to the transition between life and death. With underworld and the material world, the life and death of a world can be truly perfected. Only in this way can the metabolism of this world be normal, and can maintain positive and upward power and avoid going forward. Perish.

So far, in the world that Sean has experienced, apart from the possible existence of Hekage World, there is only one world that has a similar existence, and that is the Liberal World. Generally speaking, only those powerful worlds will be born like Hekage. place.

   "It's a pity that it's not the time yet, otherwise I really want to go and take a look inside this piece of land."

   has restrained his inner Sean turned and left here.

The situation in the Underworld is unknown, and the records left by the Onmyoji are also unclear, but from the glimpse of the leopard, from the ghost sacrificed in the Kingdom of Fire, it can be seen that there are many powerful monsters in the Underworld. At least Tier 5 is not lacking. With Sean's current strength, it is too dangerous to explore the Underworld.

   "It seems that I need to take a trip to Konoha. Solve these eye problems as soon as possible, so that I can have the ability to advance and retreat freely in this world."

   The thoughts in his heart turned, and he got what he wanted, and Sean didn't linger in this underground palace anymore.

In the past, Sean’s plan was to wait for the door to contain a copy of the interpillar cells to complete the recovery of his eyes in the main world. However, the rapid change of the Boya World and the continuous emergence of the sixth-order transcendence made Sean unable to do so. Passively waited, so this time he came to this world.

Although it is said that the strong on the face of this world is the shadow, Shaun knows that there are still more than shadows in the dark, such as Uchiha Madara who is still lingering, such as Penn who has reincarnation eyes. Under certain circumstances, they are all It is possible to display the ability to surpass the fifth rank, not to mention the Six Dao Immortal who has not yet completely died.

  Only by reviving his eyes and realizing transformation, can Sean truly have the ability to move forward and backward in this world.



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