Huh, a cold wind blew by, and the figure of the green pheasant appeared over the Tam River.

   clicked, the chill spread, and the moisture in the air quietly condensed, forming a thin layer of ice under the feet of the green pheasant.

   moved forward slowly, without deliberately looking for the monsters in the Tam River. The aura of the green pheasant continued to rise. At the same time, the changes in celestial phenomena also affected the sky above the Tam River.

   Deep in the Tam River, at the moment the green pheasant appeared over the Tam River, a pair of apricot eyes quietly opened.

   "It is really strange that there is a sixth-order existence around the Tam River, but this is my place."

   The low voice sounded, and a little bit of darkness began to spread outward.

   "Are you out?"

   The roaring Tam River was reflected in the pure white pupils. Through the water, the green pheasant saw a "human figure".

   "Sure enough, it is Tier 6, and it is also a demigod."

At this moment, although the Tam River is still the same as before in the eyes of outsiders, it has completely changed in the eyes of the blue pheasant. There is a little bit of light flowing in the turbulent river, which is supernatural. breath.

   rumbling, the river roared, nine spiral spunlaces like storm wind condensed from the Tam River, and in a short moment, they stab at the green pheasant in the sky at an incredible speed.

   Facing such an attack, the expression of the green pheasant did not change in any way, and when the nine spiral water spines approached him, his swift posture suddenly stopped.

   clicked and wiped, the chill spread, and the nine spiral spunlaces quietly turned into nine ice thorns inadvertently.

   At this moment, although the figure of the green pheasant is still standing there, it has a somewhat inexplicable illusion, as if he is not in the same space as everyone, this is the power of the domain.

Domain is a symbol of the transcendence of Tier VI. It is a manifestation of the power of rules. It is not only a way for Tier VI powerhouses to distort the environment and change the home court, but also a powerful protection for Tier VI powerhouses themselves. Once the power of the domain is unfolded , If an attacker can't break through the guardian of the domain, he can't hurt the sixth-order powerhouse at all.

   "This kind of temptation is meaningless."

   The twisted black shadow in the pure white eyes became more and more clear, and a restrained chill rose in the body of the green pheasant.

   clicked, the faint blue ice condensed, and a unique spear with a length of ten meters, a sharp spear head, and an anti-crescent spear blade on both sides, quietly condensed in the hands of the green pheasant.

   "Deep Cold·Breaking Array Gun."

   The power of the blood is boiling, and the power of the deep cold field shrinks in an instant, covering the body of the bursting spear.

The target was locked. At this moment, the pure white eyes of the blue pheasant clearly reflected the black shadow. It was a three-meter tall, fat body, with a big belly, a big head, and two long beards at the corners of the mouth. Monster.

   hum, the void oscillated, at the moment when the bloodline power of the green pheasant broke out, the bursting spear in his hand instantly crossed the invisible boundary and came to the depths of the Tam River.

   clicked, the chill broke out, white ice crystals sprang up instantly, the river froze, and sharp ice thorns continued to be produced on the river surface. At this moment, the roaring Tam River had a moment of stagnation.

   "It seems you are determined to have trouble with me, strange guy."

   A low voice sounded, the void distorted, and accompanied by a burst of moist water vapor, a figure walked out of the Tam River and appeared in front of the green pheasant.

   rumbling, the moment this figure appeared, the Tam River roared fiercely, as if cheering, instantly rushing the frozen ice to pieces.

The chill spreads, and I feel the Tam River that seems to have come alive and the slightly distorted space around it. The green pheasant once again expands into the deep cold field. It is at this time that the blue pheasant really sees the six in the Tam River. The true face of life.

She has silver-gray skin, a red robe, a flax-colored vest, and a crown made of jadeite. He has a huge mouth, which extends to the base of his ears, and has sharp teeth that resemble shark teeth. There are also two fleshy whiskers at the corners of the mouth, and the whole "person" is like a big catfish walking upright.

Of course, although the appearance of this monster is peculiar, it does not surprise the blue pheasant. What really attracted his attention was the stream of water entwining around the monster. It was the epitome of the Tamm River and the power of the monster. It was this thing that blocked his bursting spear for the monster.

   "The **** of the river?"

With the inheritance of the seventh-order "Frozen Throne", the green pheasant naturally understands the existence of a demigod. The monster in front of him is obviously a demigod who has mastered the original theocratic fragment of the river. It has already used its own power. Infected the entire Tam River, transforming the Tam River into its own **** virtual realm, similar to other sixth-tier domains.

   "Although it's a bit troublesome, I have to say that you troubled me first."

   The power of the deep cold realm and the power of the **** virtual realm are pulling each other, and the green pheasant is not in a hurry to do it at this moment.

   Hearing this, the monster Xinghuang's eyes flashed with surprise, which was a little different from what he thought, but he soon thought of something.

   "Aren't you trying to stand up for those weak humans? You are an elemental creature through and through."

   Although the external image of the Qing Pheasant at this moment is still human, in the eyes of the monster, he is a real king of ice elements.

   Seeing the acquiescence of the green pheasant, the monster's doubts grew When did the arrogant Elemental King actually mix with humans? Could it be that he slept for too long?

   "Although I can't figure it out, this is my territory. If you want to stand up for those humans, you have to ask my Lord Kenneth Tam's opinion."

The tone was high and the river roared. At this moment Kenneth brazenly broke through the field of the blue pheasant and launched an attack on the blue pheasant. No matter what the reason is, it seems to Kenneth that the blue pheasant has violated his territory. It was an offense to his majesty, unforgivable, and the most important thing was that Kenneth was sure to win the green pheasant when he played.

   rumbling, punching out, like a river roaring, the figure of the green pheasant shattered instantly under Kenneth's fist.

   "This way of fighting is really barbaric."

The broken body regrouped and moved away from Kenneth. Although the tone of the green pheasant was a bit erratic, but his expression was very dignified. After all, this was the first time he had fought against a Tier 6 existence, and Kenneth is now in his In the deep cold realm, he wore the shadow of the Tamm River, and his every move could provoke the power of the Tamm River, and he was not restricted by the deep cold realm at all.

   "Deep Cold, Ice Mirror, Shadowless."

   Seeing rushing up again, like a reckless Kenneth, many ice mirrors appeared behind the green pheasant.



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