Acceptance of the Heavens Begins with the Devil Fruit Tree

Chapter 337: Large-scale cultivation of extraordinary plants

   Thirty-three seeds took root and sprouted, spitting out their branches and pistils, and in the blink of an eye they grew into a rose tree more than one meter high.

   "This is the water of the galaxy."

Seeing those blooming, sky-blue, delicate and beautiful flowers, Muriel’s pair of purple pupils shone with surprise, and Katie, who had never looked down on a few seeds before, did not see anymore at this moment. Speaking, just watching the roses bloom continuously, and don't want to miss any detail. It is human nature to like to appreciate beautiful things.

The water of the galaxy, a kind of rose, the third-order supernatural plant, when blooming, the magical aura surges, and different flowers will have a corresponding effect with each other, which can form a magical imprint visible to the naked eye. Breathtaking.

   Thirty-three rose trees. Three hundred and thirty roses bloomed at the same time, echoing each other. For a time, the galaxy in the small rose garden was shining, as if falling into a starry sky.

Time passed, when the initial magic resonance passed, the dazzling galaxy gradually disappeared, and peace was restored in the rose garden, but even so, there was still a tiny Milky Way hovering among the 33 rose trees, exuding With a faint light, but without the initial shock.

   "Brother, this rose is so beautiful, I want it too."

   Looking at the delicate roses, Katie immediately changed her mind and pulled Sean's shoulder to coquettishly.

   "Making a fool, you can just look at it here if you want."

   Before Sean could say anything, Muriel was the first to scold Katie. Even if the father and son involved property, the nobles were often divided very clearly, not to mention the brothers and sisters.

Westing is a prominent surname, representing the Violet Duchy. It is rumored that the blood of this family is flowing with the blood of the elves. You must know that the earl has reached the top among all the nobles in the kingdom of Suttilt, and then on. There are only imaginary marquis. As for the grand dukes, they do not exist. The grand dukes refer to those nobles who have established an independent state and become a duchy, such as the Violet Duchy.

  Born in the grand duke's family, Muriel is far more aware of the value of this heterogeneous rose like the Milky Way than Katie. Its third-order quality is one aspect, but cutting propagation is another aspect.

There are actually a lot of extraordinary plants in the extraordinary world, even if many of them are useless to humans, but most of these extraordinary plants face a very serious problem, that is, it is difficult to breed. Difficult to scale.

So far, the extraordinary plants known to mankind that can be cultivated on a large scale are actually quite limited, each of which is of great value, and is basically in the hands of some major powers. Outsiders can come into contact with the extraordinary resources produced by these extraordinary plants. But you will never come into contact with the living plants of these extraordinary plants, and the Galaxy Water Rose is one of them.

In the Westin family, there is a rose garden formed by the water of the galaxy. It was Muriel’s favorite place to go before getting married, but even so, Muriel, who was very much loved in the Westin family When he married into the Montel family, he could not bring even a stellar water.

Because there is a galaxy water, then there is the possibility of large-scale breeding. Although this process will be very difficult and the time will be long, but this possibility does exist. In other words, a galaxy water may be The inheritance of a noble family adds a heritage, and the value of such an extraordinary plant often far exceeds its rank.

   In fact, there is something similar to the Milky Way Rose in the Montell family, that is, the golden oak, the symbol of the Montell family, which surpasses the Milky Way in terms of grade and use.

   "It's okay mother, these galaxy waters do not have the possibility of reproduction."

  Understanding Muriel's thoughts, Sean said something. When he said this, a touch of regret flashed in his blue eyes.

   These galaxy water roses are actually witchcraft creations. The predecessor was ordinary rose seeds, but now they have been modified by Sean using witchcraft.

The fifth-order witchcraft life clay tablet. After Sean created this witchcraft, Sean has been thinking about how to show the power of this witchcraft. As a natural wizard, Sean immediately paid attention to it. On plants, and compared to humans or other animals, the life design of plants is relatively simple.

In the use of life clay tablets, Sean is mainly advancing in two directions. The first direction is to combine the characteristics of various plants to create special plants with great lethality, such as the hardness of iron wood, such as the toxin of poisonous thorns, etc. Wait, of course this is just an idea. It is not easy to stably express the characteristics of different plants on the same life design drawing.

   The second direction is to break the shackles of extraordinary plants that are difficult to multiply and realize the large-scale cultivation of extraordinary plants. In this direction, Sean has already achieved some results, such as the Galaxy Water Rose he took out before.

After continuous experimentation, Sean found that although he can use the life tablet to completely rub out the life design drawings of some extraordinary plants that do not exceed the fourth order, there are still levels in order to truly reproduce these extraordinary plants. .

Take the Galaxy Water Rose as an example. After purchasing a dead branch of the Galaxy Water Rose at a high price, Sean used the life tablet to rub the life design of the Galaxy Water Rose. By this moment, Sean had been able to Using extraordinary power to condense the seeds of the Galaxy Water Rose to reproduce the Galaxy Rose, but this kind of seed is actually useless in terms of resource output, because the Galaxy Water Rose thus spawned actually relies on Xiao En's extraordinary power exists, once Shaun's power disappears, this Galaxy Rose will immediately die and dissipate.

To truly cultivate the Galaxy Water Rose, Sean needs to incorporate the life design of the Galaxy Water Rose into a real plant seed. Only in this way can the Galaxy Water Rose be real. Yes, but there is a very important problem in this process, and that is the rejection between different life plans.

If you want to integrate the life design of the Galaxy Water Rose into ordinary plant seeds, two different life design drawings will inevitably collide. If the two are too different and the rejection is too strong, then the fusion will inevitably fail. According to As a result of Sean's experiment, only when the similarity of the life plans of the two plants reaches 70% can it be successfully merged.

So far According to Sean’s observations, it is basically only the extraordinary plants that mutate from a certain plant group that can achieve this condition with the original plant group, such as the mutation produced from ordinary roses. The water of the galaxy.

In addition, there is another flaw in the extraordinary plants made by Sean using the life clay tablet, which is genetic instability. The extraordinary plants made by witchcraft have no mother plant and true extraordinary plants. However, the next generation cultivated by it will degenerate naturally, lose their extraordinary essence, and become ordinary plants again. For this problem, Sean is still looking for a solution. If this problem cannot be solved, the scale of extraordinary plants Chemical cultivation is actually very difficult to succeed, after all, it is impossible for Sean to make the seeds of extraordinary plants by himself.

   "Katie, if you really want it, I will give you a few more seeds later."

   Glancing at Katie who was dejected, Sean suppressed the regret in his heart, and said, for him now, it is not troublesome to make a few rose seeds of the Milky Way, it just takes some time.

   Upon hearing this, Katie immediately smiled, and Muriel shook her head helplessly.

   "You, I'm so petting Katie."

   At this moment, although Muriel's face was very helpless, the corners of her mouth were the most faintly concealed with a smile.


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