Huh, the breeze is blowing, the sun is shining, time is passing unconsciously, now it has been one month since Sean injected the intercolumnar cells.

The Rose Manor Garden lives up to its name. When Yadesson was in the hands of this manor, nearly a hundred different kinds of roses were planted, among which there were many precious varieties, which later fell into the hands of Sean, in order to facilitate his own research. Although the scale of roses has shrunk a lot, the total number of plants is much more. It can be said that this manor is a botanical garden, but now this manor called a botanical garden is withered in the summer when everything is prosperous. It's weird. Fortunately, Rose Flower Manor occupies a very large area and is self-contained. When it is intentionally blocked, no one outside has noticed the abnormality here.

  Garden, in the environment where everything is withered, there is a lush tree here.

   The tree is five meters high, with branches and knots, with flowers but no leaves, and the tree is lavender. From a distance, it looks like a blossoming cherry tree. Of course, it also looks like Shaun’s devil fruit tree.

   After a month of adjustments, the magic tree of life design that Shaun designed for himself finally stabilized.

   Shattered, the branches shook, and the lignified texture gradually dissipated. After the three breaths, the big tree disappeared, and Sean appeared here.

   Seeing this scene, Iron Eagle, who had been waiting by the side, immediately handed over the clothes.

   "It's a bit small."

After barely draping the unfit clothes on his body, Sean frowned. Before adjusting his life plan, his height was more than two meters. After the adjustment, his body developed again and reached three meters. In this situation Next, Sean’s previous clothes naturally don’t fit, but these are just minor details.

   "This kind of power..."

   raised his hand, looked at the streamlined muscles on his arm, fiddled with his hand, exploded, feeling the power surging in it, and Xiao En's face showed a smile.

After absorbing the lineage factors of hundreds of plants based on the inter-pillar cells, Sean successfully modified his life design drawing, completed the idea of ​​the magic tree, and successfully obtained the fairy body, although this fairy body and his It was a bit different before, but with this transformation, his physical strength finally broke through Tier 4 and reached Tier 5, which is the so-called general level. The most important thing is that the success of this experiment laid the foundation for his true body transformation. A good foundation.

   However, although the power of the physical body has reached Tier 5, to be precise, Sean is not a true general's combat power. At least he has to wait for his two-color domineering to rise to another level.

   "This time I seem to have gained a peculiar power. I need to experiment."

   looked at his palm, the corner of Sean's mouth outlined a nice arc.

   The Rose Garden, an underground black cell, was originally the place where Yadsson used to detain prisoners, but it was later transformed by Sean to detain some dangerous test objects.

   Da, da, with the sound of slight footsteps, Sean stepped towards the depths of the black prison.

After Shaun’s transformation, although the black prison is still dark, the area of ​​each cell is much larger, often calculated in hundreds of square meters, and the safety is more secure. The prison doors are generally made of special alloys, and the strength exceeds that of steel. A small part of it has also added sea floor stone ingredients.

   "Open the door."

  Walking to the depths of the black cell, looking at a dark cell, Xiao En said softly.

   "Yes, my lord."

   Hearing what Shaun said, although the person in charge of guarding the cell was drumming, because this cell was a monster, he did not dare to hesitate in his movements.

   jingle bells, the sound of metal collision rang, and the heavy locks were taken down by the guards.

   hum, that is, at this moment, two points of scarlet in the cell lit up.

   Entered into the cell, a six-meter-long elk with large horns, brown and yellow all over, and black spots, with huge wrists and hooves, caught Xiao En's eyes.

Seeing Xiao En, even if he was bound by Hailou stone chains, the elk struggled hard, exuding an undisguised murderous all over his body, as if he wanted to swallow Xiao En alive, after all, its bright white teeth are not. Just eat grass.

   "It's still like this, but fortunately, you now have new use value."

   Seeing the seemingly fierce, but incompetent picture of the elk, Sean’s expression has not changed in any way. This elk is the experimental product he failed before. It is originally an animal family, ancient species, and giant hoof.

   "Let it go."

   Without thinking about it, Sean gave a new order.

   "Yes, my lord."

   Hearing this, he drummed his heart, and the cell guard with sweaty forehead pressed the switch to release the restraint of the giant hoof deer.

   Although he is afraid of the giant hoof deer monster going crazy, he is even more afraid of Sean being angry.

   jingle bell, the shackles were untied, and the power returned to his body, the giant hoof deer with his brain full of killing slowly stood up from the ground, his height was more than three meters.

   The killing intent was locked, and a strong white breath was exhaled from his mouth and nose. The huge hoofs plowed the ground one by one, making a crisp metal collision sound, which brought dazzling sparks.

   嘭, as if the patience reached the limit, at a certain moment, the giant hoof deer burst out with all its strength, and instantly disappeared in place.

  Huh, the wind screamed, and it was as biting as a knife. It was obviously only a very small space, but the giant hoof deer increased the speed to an unpredictable level in a short moment, so that it caused a sonic boom.

Locking on the target, with a bloodthirsty light in his eyes, lowering his head, the giant hoof came to Sean, with a speed bonus. Its sharp antlers can easily penetrate steel, let alone a flesh and blood body. .

   Buzzing, the cold light flickered, watching the giant hoof deer hit oncoming, Xiao En slowly stretched out his finger.

   White as jade, as if slow and fast, Xiao En's finger lightly touched the giant hoof deer's forehead.

   There was no sound and no collision. The giant hoof deer with a huge force in an unbelievable form changed from movement to silence in an instant, and stayed in place.

Under such circumstances, normal creatures should feel that something is and even fear will breed in their hearts, but giant deer will not. He is an out-of-control demon fruit capable person, not only loses his mind, but even the most The basic animal instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages has also been lost, and it is completely a monster.

  呲, opened the mouth of the deer, revealing its mouth full of sharp teeth, and the giant hoof deer was struggling to bite Sean.

   Seeing this same scene, his expression remained unchanged, and a new force erupted from Sean's fingertips.

   嘭, under the explosion of this force, the failed experiment, equivalent to half of the ancient awakened giant deer of the animal family, was squatted on the ground by Sean, unable to move.

   "The waste must have the consciousness of waste."

   In the dark pupils, Xiao En's entire palm was pressed on the head of the giant hoof.

   The bones move rhythmically, the fingertips stretched, sharp as a knife, and with gentle force, Sean's five fingers penetrated the defense of the giant deer's head.

The purple brilliance flowed through Sean’s fingertips, constantly invading the giant deer's body. Under the action of this force, even though Sean had been easily suppressed by this force, the giant deer that was still invisible in his eyes was revealed. A trace of fear.

   woo woo, wanting to struggle but powerless, the brilliance in the eyes of the giant hoof deer gradually faded, and the phenomenon of lignification gradually appeared in the body from the head, and it was transforming from a deer to a tree.


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