The North Sea, the sea of ​​endless wars, has been covered by the clouds of war all year round since the beginning of the war. It seems that it has become a law of a small dozen in three years and a large dozen in ten years.

   Blackthorn Island, a small island, is famous for producing a kind of blackthorn wood suitable for shipbuilding. Although it is nominally the land of the Minni Kingdom, the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce is the real ruler here.

   Here, the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce not only vigorously develops the deserted areas on the island, replants blackthorn saplings, but also spends a lot of money to build a small city on the island.

Although this city does not exclude foreigners from living, the main purpose is to house the family members, relatives and friends of the members of the chamber of commerce. This is not only a kind of protection for the members of the chamber of commerce, which can increase the cohesion of the chamber of commerce, but also a kind of for the members of the chamber of commerce. The shackles prevented them from betraying the Chamber of Commerce easily.

   After returning to Blackthorn Island, Sean lived in a small manor under the name of Norbert.

"My lord, Yadson, the president of the Blackthorn Chamber of Commerce, asked me about you today. I said that you are my friend. Tonight, the Blackthorn Chamber of Commerce will have a grand annual ball. Most of the senior leaders of the Blackthorn Chamber of Commerce will Participate, he invites you to go too."

   With his head down, Norbert reported to Sean what had happened before.

   "Well, I see, it just so happens that I also plan to find a chance to contact this president."

   Closed his eyes, lying on the recliner, Sean was enjoying the sun bathing. He found that the power of Shining Fruit would be more active in such an environment.

It’s not surprising that Yaderson, the president of the Blackthorn Chamber of Commerce, knows about him, Sean. As the leader of the Blackthorn Chamber of Commerce, Benot must have his cronies in his fleet. And there is more than one.

   "Annual dance party? This is a good opportunity."

   The thoughts in his heart turned, and the corners of Sean's mouth outlined a nice arc.

Previously through Benoit, Sean had a fairly clear understanding of the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce. Originally, he planned to spend a little time on the penetration control of the Blackthorn Flower Chamber, but now he has a chance to catch it all. This is also a good choice.

   In order to carry out the follow-up plan, Sean Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce will definitely find a way to control it in his own hands, and resources are essential for cultivation.

   The night comes as expected, but today Blackthorn Island is an island that never sleeps.

The lights are brightly lit, and the beautiful girls are wearing cool costumes showing their proud dances. People who come and go are wearing decent costumes, holding wine glasses, and talking to each other, like gentlemen, who can think of this just by looking at the appearance. Is it the annual ball of a dark chamber of commerce?

   "Everyone, today is another day of gathering. Here I thank you all for your contributions to the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce. Please enjoy it next time."

   After a short break in the dance, Ya Desson, the president of the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce, walked up the stage and said a few words, which caused the audience to applaud.

Looking at the figure on the stage, there was a strange color in Sean’s dark eyes. According to the news he had originally received, Yadesson himself was just an ordinary person. He could develop the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce from a small chamber of commerce. Up to the present scale, the biggest trump card should be the swordsman who is rumored to be from the country of Wano, but now it seems that the accuracy of this information is still to be questioned, because Yadsson is not an ordinary person, he is a devil fruit Ability, and it's not a normal devil fruit, animal type, ancient species, iron claw eagle form, a rare flying devil fruit.

   "It's really interesting."

   Withdrawing his gaze, I don't know what he thought of, and a smile was drawn at the corner of Sean's mouth.

   This time to participate in the dance, Sean only took Catherine as his dance partner, while Monka and Youde were left outside by him.

  Time passed, when the prom was in the second half, Norbert brought Yadsson to Sean.

   "You are Mr. Sean, right? Good meeting, good meeting."

   Yadesson looked at Xiao En’s young and overly face, with a gentle smile on his face, which made people feel like a spring breeze, not at all like a businessman hanging out on the dark side.

   Being in his own habit to the outside world, Sean didn't use Myers' name, but instead used his own real name. Today, only a few people in Munka would occasionally call him Myers.

   "Good meeting, Mr. Yadsson,"

   With a smile on the corners of his mouth, Sean and Yadsson had a brief look at each other.

   During this process, Yadsson's body stiffened for a moment, but he quickly returned to normal.

Putting aside the truth in the dark, on the surface, Yadesson is a very charming person. Although he is nearly 50 years old and the black hair has appeared in gray, Yadesson has cleaned himself up. , People can't feel the slightest twilightness, only a kind of grace, and there is a set of receiving people and things, and will not make people feel any uncomfortable, getting along for a while, on the surface, Sean and Yaderson get along with each other. very good.

   "It really failed."

   Looking at the back of Yaderson and his group leaving, the smile on Xiao En's face slowly receded. In the process just now, he tried to hypnotize Yaderson but failed.

   But it's normal to think about it. It is possible to grow a small blackthorn flower chamber step by step to the point where it is today. Yadsson's own will and mind can be imagined.

   Although hypnosis failed, Sean didn’t care. This was just a tentative attempt. The success rate is naturally worthy of It’s nothing if it fails, because everyone here is doomed today.

   "Banjiro, how do you feel?"

   walked far, playing with the iron on his fingers, Yadsson asked with a gloomy face to a man following him.

This man is more than two meters tall and in his 40s. He is wearing a traditional kimono with a samurai sword studded with red tassels around his waist. He has a sharp-edged feeling. He is in Yaderson's hands. Ace, Flame Rogue Sword Hero Banjirou, a wandering swordsman from Wano Country.

   Hearing Yadsson's words, Benjiro was silent for a while.

   "I didn't feel any strangeness in that man, but the girl next to him had an extremely wild aura and a **** smell that couldn't be removed."

"Is that right?"

   Hearing Banjiro's answer, Yadesson was thoughtful. Although he knew that Banjiro himself was more sensitive to breath, he had a different view this time.

Although it was only a moment, Yadesson knew that it was not an illusion. At a certain moment before, the harmless young man gave him the feeling of a scourge, and that feeling made him all over his body. Goose bumps, so much so that even now there is still a cold sweat on the back.



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