The latest website: Greenfield City, Lord's Mansion, Little Garden, the Viper Snow, who received the order of Sean, had to hurriedly end his experiment and walked out of the zombie maze.


Wearing a simple white coat with a lingering smell of decay, Snow came to Sean.

Seeing Snow like this, sniffing the rotten breath on his body, Sean frowned.

"It seems that you really have been dealing with corpses for too long."

Hearing this, Snow didn’t care. The Zombie Dilemma originally used the gods as the core of the ritual witch formation, but now the overall environment of the Dilemma is inevitably deflection. Even Snow is inevitable in it. Was affected.

However, although the environment of the zombie maze is very harsh for the living and cannot be lived for long, it is heaven for the zombies. In it, the probability of the zombie's mutants has increased a lot than before.

"You still haven't thought of your origin?"

Without too much entanglement, let Snow sit down, and Sean asked the question he cared most. It was also because of this matter that Sean specifically called Snow back.

Hearing this, Snow shook his head. Snow himself was ignorant of his origins and had no memory. He had been asked this question through the phone bug Sean before and used various methods. Snow was quite sure that he was in his mind. There is no memory associated with it.

Hearing this answer again, Sean frowned slightly.

"You can release your body."

Hearing this, without hesitation, a little pale flame ignited from Snow's body, and gradually formed an illusory figure, walking out of Snow's body.

The ghost of the door reflected in his eyes, letting go of his perception, and Sean began to explore Snow's body in an all-round way.

After a long time, withdrawing his senses, Sean's brows became even tighter.

Seeing Sean like this, he didn't say much, and Snow silently returned to his body.

"Snow, if you have any special discoveries in the future, you must tell me as soon as possible."

Staring at the poisonous snake, Sean spoke word by word.

Hearing this and understanding what Shaun meant, Snow nodded solemnly.

"Well, let's talk about your progress during this time."

Withdrawing his gaze, Xiao En changed the subject, and for a while the depressed breath in the small garden began to gradually dissipate.

"Baron, a major breakthrough has been made in the breeding of zombies during this period. A variant representing the spirit has appeared. I named it the controller. Although this kind of zombies is weak in nature, its mental power is extremely powerful and possesses the ability to manipulate other zombies. , Even a mutant, and on this basis, I have also developed a corpse-controlling potion. Through the potion, humans have the ability to mutate zombies similar to those of the master."

The tone gradually became high, and when he talked about his experiment, a morbid smile appeared on Snow's pale face.

"Although the corpse control potion is currently only Tier 3, it is not perfect, but I believe that as long as some resources are invested, this potion path will have a huge impact on the development of Greenfield City."

After speaking, Snow turned his gaze on Sean, and the meaning was self-evident.

After taking a sip of black tea, putting down the teacup, after hearing Snow’s words, Sean’s thoughts turned, the appearance of the corpse-controlling potion did bring dawn to the liberation of zombies’ productivity, whether it was for military or civilian use, it was of great significance. But based on Sean's understanding of Snow, this potion pathway may still have a great flaw.

"I can give you the funds, but you must solve the flaws in the corpse control potion within three months, at least to enable it to be put into practical use, because the development of Greenfield City will take a new step in the next period of time. Steps."

With the continuous expansion of power, especially after the control of Monfitos, Green Field City has acquired a considerable amount of assets, and the most important of these are various minerals, including gold, silver, copper, and iron. The ore is even black iron ore.

However, in this turmoil, Monfitos has lost a lot. If you want to develop these minerals, Greenfield City must invest a lot of manpower, and zombies are a good choice for miners, hardworking and not afraid of death or lazy , The cost performance is very high, even more than slaves.

Hearing this, the smile on his face became even worse, and Snow nodded and agreed without any hesitation.

The corpse control potion is indeed as Sean guessed, it still has fatal flaws so far, because the main material of the corpse control potion is the black light virus, and people who take the corpse control potion have a high probability of being black lighted. The virus is infected, and the supernatural is out of control, and the abnormal becomes a zombie. According to Snow's experiment, the probability of success in taking the corpse control potion is only 1%.

Of course, since Snow dared to agree to Sean’s conditions, he naturally had his own calculations. It is almost impossible to perfect a new potion pathway in just three months. Nuo can't do it either. He can at best increase the probability of success, but it is impossible to achieve a general level that can be put into practical use, because in the general sense, a potion can only be successfully taken. Only when the rate reaches 20% can it be put into practical use.

However, although the success rate of taking it is less than 20%, relying on the particularity of the corpse-controlling potion, Snow is also confident enough to meet Sean's requirements.

The potion of the corpse controller is developed based on the mutated zombies of the controller. Its main function is to strengthen the spiritual power of people and let people gain the ability to command the zombies. The most troublesome part is the first step, and the failure rate is too high. , And once it fails, people will be alienated into zombies, the consequences are far more serious than ordinary potions, but once the first step is taken, they will become a first-order corpse-controlling person, and the following second- and third-order roads will have no difficulty at all. , Because they only further stimulate, induce, and strengthen the spiritual power of the transcendent on the basis of the first order.

In other words, as long as there is a, a Tier 1 corpse controller can become Tier 3 corpse controller in a very short time. Of course, due to the particularity of potions, Tier 1 corpse controller There is not much difference between the corpse controller and the third-order corpse controller in essence. Their physical bodies are equally ordinary. Although the third-order mental power is much stronger than the first-order, they still can’t interfere with the matter. Their effect is limited. Their only The difference is that the number of zombies that the third-order corpse controller can control far exceeds that of the first-order. At the limit, it can control more than a thousand zombies, but whether it is a first-order or third-order corpse controller, they can only control zombies. Ordinary zombies have obvious weaknesses and limited combat power. Of course, they are quite powerful for mining.

As for mutant zombies, in Snow’s estimation, perhaps Tier 4 corpse controllers can try to manipulate them. At that time, the combat power of corpse controllers will usher in a qualitative change. As long as they can control a few mutant tyrants or wanderers, Coupled with a sufficient number of corpse groups, there are probably very few transcendents in the same level who can face the corpse controller, but it is a pity that this kind of potion still exists in fantasy.

In the small garden, watching Snow leaving with a smile, Sean fell into silence. He didn't find any trace of obscuring the world or spoiling the world in Snow. Did he guess wrong?


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