The garden is sunny and picturesque, and the traces of previous battles have been cleaned up by this time.

The long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly. Medusa looked at the three people in front of her. There was a hint of satisfaction in her purple pupils. These three people were all disciples whom she personally recruited based on the information given by Smaug, except for Xiao Yan. In addition to stocking, Xiaoyixian and Qinglin were handed over to Haibodong for temporary teaching. Now it seems that the three of them have made very good progress.

"Well, from now on, the three of you will be my outer disciples of the Gate of Eternal Life."

As the words fell, three wisps of fighting energy emerged, falling on the sect tokens of the three of Xiao Yan, and the three of Xiao Yan immediately felt the changes in the tokens, and the tentacles were warm, completely different from the previous feelings.

Hearing this, Xiao Yan was delighted in his heart, but also had some doubts because at this moment, neither Xiao Yixian nor Qing Lin had accepted the so-called test except for him.

"From now on, the token in your hand has been bound to you, and it will represent your identity in the future. Of course, in addition to this, this token also has the function of purifying vindictiveness, and it is also for you. A good treasure."

The token contains the breath of Emperor Smaug's Golden Emperor Burning Sky. The holder can use this breath to temper his fighting spirit through the token, and anyone below Dou Huang can use it.

Hearing this, the three of Xiao Yan looked at the tokens in their hands with a strange light flashing in their eyes. They had received systematic training, and all three of them knew the importance of fighting spirit quality to the fighting master.

Seeing the thoughtful little guy in front of him, Medusa paused and continued to speak.

"As new beginners of the outer sect, you will have the opportunity to go to the real sect resident to practice with great concentration for one year. Remember, this opportunity is very important to you, and it is likely to be related to your future achievements.

At this point, Medusa's expression became rare and solemn, allowing people to clearly feel the seriousness of what she said.

Hearing this and perceiving Medusa's admonition, the three of Xiao Yan glanced at each other and bowed to Medusa at the same time.

"My disciple, please follow the instructions of the deacon."

After bowing to the end, the attitudes of the three of them all seemed very sincere. Although their hearts were confused at this moment, they believed that Medusa would not aimlessly.

"Well, in that case, let's go."

With a wave of her big sleeve, Medusa got up from the seat.

Roar, like a long roar, as Medusa pointed out, the space shattered, and a portal of nothingness quietly opened in the garden.

Jiucai’s fighting spirit rushed out like a horse training, protecting the three of Xiao Yan. Medusa stepped into the portal. Only she and Xiao Yan were able to go to the residence of the Gate of Eternal Life this time, like Hai Walking outside the door like Bo Dong and handymen like Ayu are not qualified at all.

The space changes. Following the space road signs left by Sean, Medusa and his team came to the Zongmen residence of the Gate of Eternal Life from the Snake King City in the Northwest Territory.

Tianwaitian, Xiao En's new name for the small world, after a year of development, it has been very different here.

The red sun surveyed the sky, the golden sun was hanging down, and the entire small world shining brightly. There are no real stars in the small world. All the stars here are the projections of the world of fighting spirit.

"Is this place our sect?"

Passing through the long emptiness, Xiao Yan and the three of them couldn't help sighing as soon as they entered the outer sky and saw the foreground.

The ancient forests are verdant, the mountain peaks overlap, the clouds are misty, half-covered, and a long river spans the sky, hanging from the clouds, vast and mighty. All these together constitute a peaceful outside world.

"This is the condensation of heaven and earth's vitality?"

Looking at the big waterfall, he caught a little splashing water drop, and felt it carefully. Xiao Yan was stunned, because this is not a real drop of water, but a liquefied heaven and earth vitality, in other words the big river across the sky It is a river of vitality.

"Let's go, you will have more time to understand here in the future."

Not paying attention to the gaffe of the three little guys, Medusa took the lead and walked forward. When she first came here, she was no less surprised than the three little guys.

As they walked along, the mist formed by the concentration of vitality drifted and remained. Looking at the surrounding scenes, the three of Xiao Yan fell into silence.

"Contains tobacco, coot flowers, cedar fruit, yellow lichen..."

As an alchemist, even if he is only a first-timer, but with the cultivation of old medicine, Xiao Yan's knowledge is extraordinary. Seeing that the treasured medicinal materials that can be encountered in ordinary times are like weeds growing on the side of the road, Xiao Yan's His heart trembled, but what made him feel strange was that since he came to the residence of the Gate of Eternal Life, Yao Lao seemed to have fallen into silence, no matter how he communicated, there was no response, which made him feel a little worried inexplicably.

At this moment, Yaochen had already isolated the inside and outside and fell into a deep sleep like death, converging his own breath to the extreme.

As a member of the ancient medicine clan of the eight tribes, Yaochen noticed something wrong as soon as he entered the outer sky, because the nature of this place is similar to the clan land of the medicine clan, and it is a small world independent of the battle qi continent. , Which is the Doudi Space in the mouth of the ancients.

With such a place as the residence of the sect, Yao Chen understood that the gate of eternal life was deeper than he had expected. In the past years, there must have been a strong person of Doudi level in this gate, and in such a secret sect. As long as the Middle Kingdom hasn't completely fallen, Dou Sheng is basically inevitable. In such a situation, in order to prevent himself from discovering, Yao Chen used a secret method in the first place to plunge himself into a deep sleep.

Passing through the dense forest, the smoke gradually became dense.

People come and go or play, or take care of the medicinal field, or dig a mountain, chisel rocks, or breathe vitality, amidst the colorful colors, a grotesque scene imprinted the eyes of the three of Xiao Yan, because These people are not real people, and they even look strange.

"These people are all spirits enlightened by the sect's predecessors, or turned into spirits from earth and stone, or turned into spirits from plants and trees, collectively referred to as powerful men. They are handymen in the sect and are responsible for all the chores of the sect. In the following days You can tell them to deal with anything you have here."

Perceiving the suspicion in the hearts of the three of Xiao Yan, Medusa explained. In fact, these so-called spirits are all Hormitz created by Sean with the power of soul fruit. It is precisely because of their existence that the sky is beyond the sky. This small world, which has only been opened for a year, can appear in such a prosperous scene.

"Here we are."

Passing through the fields of medicine, before a towering mountain, Medusa stopped.

Upon hearing this, the three of Xiao Yan raised their heads and looked at the mountain not far away.


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