In the first year of Xinhuo, the ninja world, which was based on love, hatred, and hatred, and decorated with warfare, was finally settled. In this year, the ninja village system formulated by the former **** of the ninja world, Senjuzuma, completely withdrew from the stage of history. The antagonism was also broken, and the first unified country appeared in the Ninja World. The name of this country was Xinhuo.

During the Blood Moon War, the five powers formed an alliance to deal with the evil Otsuki Kaguya. In this battle, the blood of the ninjas stained the earth, and the bones piled up like mountains. Fortunately, these sacrifices were worthwhile, and countless people ignored their lives and deaths. Under the circumstances, the evil Datongmu Huiye was finally beheaded by the coalition forces. Since then, the darkness has ceased, and the sky of the Ninja World has turned blue again.

"Finally finished."

Looking at the yellow halo in the void, Xiao En's face showed a smile.

After killing Datongmu Huiye, after spending a lot of effort, he finally locked the Origin Sea of ​​the Naruto World and successfully attracted the power of the door. At this time, Xiao En could choose to return to the Boya World, but Sean chose to stay, because Sean saw more value in this world.

"From now on you will shine on the world instead of the moon."

Om, as Xiao En's words fell, the sphere floating in the void like a meteorite emits a stronger light, reflecting the surroundings.

On the original moon, the big tube wood clan finally created a special reincarnation eye by accumulating countless white eyes. After solving the big tube wood clan on the moon, Sean used this reincarnation eye as the material to refine He created a special strange thing, the eye of the moon in front of him. This will be the most important thing he stays in this world. It will replace the moon to illuminate the world, and it will also become the one hanging above everyone’s head. A sharp sword.

Three years ago, during the unlimited monthly reading, the five-nation coalition was annihilated, and 90% of the elite ninjas in the ninja world were wiped out. At this time, the well-prepared Shimura Danzo fought against the war and called for The slogan of peace and building a beautiful country together, he was first ordered to become a new generation of Naruto under the recommendation of his subordinates, and then for the benefit of Shinobu, he started negotiations with the daimyo of the country of fire and broke the Shinobu system first. , Let the ninja return to the country, and finally, in the eyes of everyone in the country of fire, he became the first person to serve as both Naruto and the daimyo at the same time. At this time, he had a new name, that is, the monarch.

The reform of the Fire Nation shook the whole world, and other countries have uttered condemnations, but the land has already been swept away by Sean. Now they have no power at all and can only verbally condemn it. At the same time, the Fire Nation’s political reform It also allows ninjas in other countries to see another possibility, that is, they can also become the masters of the country.

The chaos began, but although the power of ninjas surpassed ordinary people, at this moment, the remaining ninjas of various countries are basically just small characters. Not only do they have no strong, but there are not even full-scale troops, so ninjas from various countries imitate the fire. The reform of the country did not go smoothly, because the big names of the countries are not fools, and through various means, they also have some ninjas in their hands.

Assassinations, wars, and under the temptation of profit, the blood-colored flames gradually flourished. For a time, except for the country of fire, the rest of the Ninja World was plunged into chaos, and no hundreds of people were displaced.

Under such circumstances, for the sake of peace in the world of Ninja, Shimura Danzo, the king of the country of fire, stood up and called on everyone to stop the war and not to let the innocent people lose their blood.

However, at this moment, the various forces have been red eyes, how can he stop it with a word, desperately, for the peace of the whole world, Shimura Danzo issued a war mobilization order in the name of the monarch of the fire country, and The slogan is to build a beautiful country and liberate the world.

The war has brought too much pain to the world. After the country of fire expressed its will, the response was like a cloud for a while, and then the three-year war of liberation began. The country continues to conquer other forces, rescue the people, help the people resume production, let them have houses to live in, clothes to wear, and food to eat. In the process, an organization called the Church of the Holy Oak began to show its prowess. The army of China advances together, often distributing food for free, treating the sick, and constantly preaching doctrines, so that the needy people who have just escaped from the war can have a spiritual sustenance, that is, at this time a thing called faith begins to take root in the hearts of the people.

In fact, with the power of Shimura Danzo, the war of liberation did not need to last three years, because there was no one in the ninja world that could fight, and all the top powerhouses died in the battle of the blood moon. They are just some small characters who are not on the stage. The reason why the war took three years is actually the result of the deliberate control of the country of fire. Using these three years, the faith of the Holy Oak Church has been thoroughly spread in the world of Shinobi. At the same time, the people's mind, and the nation of fire also used the mode of war to search for a large amount of resources, eliminate a large number of old forces, and leave enough vacancies in the interests of the new ruling class.

Three years later, the War of Liberation ended and the world of Ninja was unified. Under the gaze of all expectations, the Xinhuo Kingdom was established. Shimura Danzo received the coronation of the first Pope Xiaonan of the Holy Oak Church in Xinhuo City and became a member of the Xinhuo Kingdom. The first king has since reached the pinnacle of his life, from a shady shadow in the dark to a king beloved by countless people in the sun.

The former site of the original wood leaf village is now the holy city of the Sacred Oak Church.

The canopy of the tree covered the sky, and the pale golden leaves exuded the sacred aura of Ruoyuowu. Standing under the oak tree he planted by himself, Xiao En's heart was quiet.

This oak tree was catalyzed by breaking off the branches from the oak tree in the Ark World. After being watered by faith for thousands of years, the oak tree in the Ark World has undergone some wonderful changes.

"I'm leaving soon, I will need you to bother here in the future."

Looking at Xiao Nan in the emerald pope robe, Sean spoke.

"My lord, please rest assured, I will not let you down. I will let the faith of the Father of Oak cover the world."

Raising his head and looking directly at Xiao En, Xiao Nan made his promise.

"This scepter will be handed over to you today. Take it to herd the world for me."

With words Sean handed a brown oak scepter to Xiaonan.

This scepter is very ordinary, except for its hard material and a little sacred atmosphere, it has no other effect. It is only ordinary in appearance, but it is the most terrifying weapon in the world, because Sean is in it. It leaves its own mark on it. Through that mark, the person holding the scepter can control the eye of the moon in the sky. That is the power belonging to the ceiling of the Ninja World. Under the brilliance of the reincarnation eye, all beings are equal.

The upper limit of this extraordinary road of Chakra is actually not as high as it shows. In the past years, some powerful people comparable to Tier 6 have been born on this road of Chakra, such as the Six Ways of Immortals, such as Qianshou. Between the pillars, but in the final analysis, the source of these people’s power is the big tube tree. In other words, those in the Ninja World who break the boundaries and become the sixth-order powerhouse are actually a family. Except for them, the fifth-order is actually The culmination of this road in Chakra.

And without the sixth order, all people are equal in the face of the brilliance of the reincarnated eye.

Without speaking, he fell to his knees, Xiao Nan stretched out his hands to take the scepter, and then crawled to the ground.


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