They asked for two more draft beers and drank them until about four o'clock in the afternoon.

After eating, several people came to the park next to the school drunk.

There are not many people in the park, and the environment is very good.

The green stream meanders through it, and the sound of the rushing water is very healing.

Several teenagers lay on the grass on their backs, watching the distant white clouds swaying and turning in the sky.

They understand that eventually, they too will merge into the great river and into the ocean, just like this stream.

From an enviable scenery to an ocean that no one cares about.

Ordinary is a generalization of most people's lives.

Several people lay on the grass, suddenly feeling lost about the future.

"Lao Yu, what do you want to do in the future?" Wang Xin raised his arm to block the sun.

"I don't know, when the results come out, let's discuss with my parents what school and major to apply for. What about you?

Zhang Wei sat up from the grass, looked at the stream covered with gravel in front of him, and sighed: "Who knows, with my grades, I can't find a good job in any major, you see that so many college students are grabbing jobs now, who knows what it will be like in the future, maybe they will start a business."

Wang Xin immediately retorted: "Come on, you still learn from others to start a business, how many eldest sons does your family have?

In fact, Wang Xin is right, entrepreneurial failure is a devastating blow to ordinary families.

But what is the way out for ordinary people?

Ordinary people go to college, then find an ordinary job, and then work overtime...

Until he became a social animal.

Even a person like Lu You who has a unique vision and dares to fight and dare to break through still relies on Zhang Qixin's father's investment to do it.

If he hadn't met Zhang Qixin, his road would have been farther and more difficult, even a dead end.

"What about you, Lao Lu?"

"A rich woman."

Lu You brought a dog's tail and put it in his mouth, as chic and happy as a freshly picked flower thief.

"I said, old Lu, why is your mouth getting more and more unscored?"

Lu You looked at them with a very serious expression: "You are young and don't know how to be a rich woman, let me tell you... Forget it, you don't have that potential.

Wang Xin immediately jumped up when he heard this: "Tell me, those two eggs can't work, I can do it."

Yu Zhiwen sneered: "Come on, there is no chance of a rich woman in your size." "

I'll fuck you!"


The setting sun shone on the eighteen-year-old clouds, and the golden light shone on their faces through the branches and leaves of the camphor tree, and in the light and shadow, they seemed to see the picture of laughing, fighting, and howling together in the past...

At that time, the people who were called teenagers in the picture were enjoying the happiest happiness in the world.

But this happiness is short-lived, and it may even start to be nostalgic from tomorrow.


It was almost dark, and the dark blue clouds pressed against the sky, making the whole city thick.

Several people were almost sober, and after a brief goodbye, they went home.

Lu You walked to the bus stop, got on the No. 53 bus, and returned to the home he remembered.

Shengyue Courtyard 12 buildings with three units 302

This is an old and dilapidated small community, and it is also a rented house.

Housing prices in Hangnan City are very high, and even the old and dilapidated are not something his family can afford.

Lu You's parents were a small foreman of a construction site team with five or six workers under them.

Although others shout at the boss, they are actually not as good as the workers under them to make money.

Anyway, their wages can be paid, and their family's project money has been arguing with the company.

When encountering those difficult ones, Lu You's mother will even use some special debt collection methods, such as sitting in the manager's office every day and not leaving, blocking the door of the leader's car, etc., and even climbing the window when she is in a hurry, and every time she is scolded by the most ugly to get back the money that belongs to her.

It wasn't until the "malicious salary" rule finally came out that the Lu You family didn't even have the means to ask for money at the bottom of the box, so they could only stretch the front and grind it slowly.

So Lu You's parents always told him that if he could find a stable class, don't be like them and live worse than a dog every day.

At that time, Lu You's temperament was a little restrictive, and some of the reasons were the lack of confidence brought by the family.

It's home....

Lu You knocked on the old iron door with anticipation.


knock~" did not respond.

"Oh, there's no one at home. Lu

You forgot that there would be no one in his house until eight or nine o'clock in the evening, and his parents were leading the workers to work at the construction site.

"Well, come and see my little house, it's nostalgic.

Lu You took out the key from his pocket and opened the iron door with a clanging bell.

The old house of yesteryear is re-enshrined in a faint musty smell.

In June, Hangnan is very humid, and most of the old and small lighting and ventilation are not very good, so there will be some musty smell.

Lu You walked around the house and flipped through the old objects from the past.

It's full of nostalgia, which is really nice.

Lu You lay on the sofa, feeling the warmth brought by the small room, and this feeling was no longer after living on the big flat floor.

It seems that this tight sense of envelopment makes him more comfortable.

Lu You lay down, just fell asleep, in the haze, he couldn't tell which side was real, as if today was a dream, he woke up, and returned to the bright lights of 2023.

At about nine o'clock in the evening, the sound of the iron gate woke Lu You, his parents came back, Lu opened his eyes, looked at the dim light, and was convinced that everything was real.

"Yo, how can our champion sleep on the sofa?

Lu You's mother, Wang Xiaomian, couldn't care about it, so she came over first and pinched her baby son's face.

"How's the test? Can you open a separate page on the genealogy of the old Lu family?"

Lu You's father, Lu Xingguo, came in with a big bag of food, and like Lu You's mother, he also likes to joke.

His family atmosphere is still good, but his parents are too busy and their time together is really limited.

When Lu You was very young, his parents didn't worry about leaving him at home, so they took him to the construction site.

Later, when he was older, he was at home by himself, and every night it was dark to see his parents come back.

Therefore, his parents felt that they owed him a lot, but Lu You was also very sensible and never complained about anything.

Looking at his parents who were much younger, Lu You couldn't help but sigh that time is really a murderous knife.

After just ten years, his mother will cry out about back pain and leg pain all day long, his father will cough incessantly every day, and the hair of both people will become gray, and wrinkles will spread all over his cheeks like a handful of oiled paper.

Lu You also joked: "That's really uncertain, why don't you ask your grandfather for the family tree first?"

"Stinky boy, is it really fake? Which of the top students did you copy it?"

Lao Lu opened the plastic bag and took out the packaged meals, fruits, and a packaged carton.

Lu You knew that there was a mobile phone inside.


" "In order to celebrate my family's champion written into the family tree in advance, my parents will give you a big gift first!" Lao

Lu took out the gift box, there were still stains left in the cracks of his chapped skin, and the exquisite packaging box looked out of place in his hand.

Although more than ten years have passed, now revisiting this moment, Lu You is still very moved, and his nose is sour.

But he still has to pretend that he doesn't know anything like in his previous life, full of emotion but pretending to be ridiculous: "Shouldn't I put an official seal and let me be the champion?"


Lu's eyebrows are high, and he directly hints at it.

"You said that you charged the phone bill, could it be a mobile phone?" Lu You reached out to get the box, and Lao Lu protected it.

"Hehe, it's not my son, it's as smart as my father, so guess what kind of mobile phone it is, and if you guess right, Dad will give you another 200 pocket money."

Lu You looked at Lao Lu, who was playing treasure, and felt funny and happy, if time went more slowly, it would be better, Lao Lu would not have to become an old man who "cough, cough, cough".

"You asked like this, could it be

..."Lu You pointed to the gift box and raised his eyebrows, and Lao Lu followed: "Maybe it should be..."

"Thank you, Dad! Thank you, Mom!"

Lu You hugged his father and mother hard, and then opened the gift box as excitedly as he did back then.

Nokia N9, he told his dad, it was the phone of his dreams.

Although they were very economical, they still bought it for him as a graduation gift.

Lu You couldn't help but sigh that it was good that the dreams of childhood could be maintained by parents.

Unlike adults, they are always sacrificing themselves to maintain the upper and lower generations.

Lu You put away his new mobile phone and had a warm dinner with his parents.

They talked late until the lights in the neighborhood went out, and then they went back to sleep.

This is the end of the first day of rebirth.

Lu You was satisfied.


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