When the merry-go-round ended, both men suddenly fell silent.

Like a migratory bird that has lost its direction, wandering around the forest of the playground, not knowing what to do.

Seeing that the time is not early, it is better to go home.

Lu You broke the silence: "It's not too early, why don't we go back?"

An Yu raised his head to look at the sky, only to find that the snow-white clouds had been trimmed with gold.

"You had fun today, didn't you?

Lu You nodded: "Well, I've never been so happy, thank you."

Ann smiled happily after hearing this, as if this was the first time she had laughed since playing the merry-go-round.

"Classmate Lu, what was in your envelope yesterday?"

Why did you suddenly ask this?

Lu You thought for a moment and said simply, "Love letter."

An Yu turned his head to look at Lu You with a stunned face, and probably didn't expect him to answer directly.

"Love letters? Who's it for, or is it someone else giving it to you?"

An Yu kept looking at Lu You, expecting his answer.

Lu You took out a neatly folded letter from his pocket, and in an instant, his eyes were actually a little red, and he squeezed out an ugly smile:

"It's a love letter I wrote to youth, do you want to see it?"

An Yu's eyes were full of confusion, she stared at Lu You, and nodded after two seconds.


"Then I'll give it to you when you get home."

Won't open the letter in person, An Yu seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and nodded as if the chicken pecked rice.

She seemed to know that when the letter was opened, there would be some embarrassing situations.

The two quickly walked out of the playground.

"Are you hungry? I'll ask you what you want to eat.

An Yan shook his head: "Next time, I'll have to go home first when it's late."

Lu You nodded, stretched out his hand to stop a taxi: "Then you go back early, don't let your family worry."

Lu You opened the car door, motioned for An Yu to go up, and then said to the driver in front: "Master, go to Yujingwan."

An Yu looked at Lu You in surprise: "Do you know where my home is?" "

How could I not know? Where is your home, which dormitory in the university has the number of beds, what do you like to eat, which celebrity you like, and even what your roommate likes to eat.

I thought back to the past, but Lu You said: "I saw it when the class filled in the information, go home early, and tell me when you get home safely."

An Yu nodded, and Lu You prepared to close the door.

"Hey, wait!" As

soon as An Yu wanted to talk about the love letter, Lu You reached out and handed her the letter.

"Open it when you can't see me.

An Yu took the note, bit her lip and nodded, but did not speak.


Lu You waved his hand and watched the taxi start.

He saw through the back window that Ann also turned around and waved to him, and she waved for a long time, as if in a deep goodbye, until the whole car disappeared from view, and they stopped looking at each other from a distance.

"It's finally over.

Lu You took a deep breath, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.

The past is like a mirror behind him, he can always see himself embarrassed when he looks back, but now there is also a mirror in front of him, and when he looks at it, he is full of joy...

He suddenly felt so tired that he had to let his brain empty and walk home like an unconscious toy.


In the taxi, Ann Yu is devastated that she seems to have found something, but regrets that she once missed something.

She was very nervous at the moment.

This love letter, she had read it ten years ago...

Although she couldn't remember the contents, she remembered the style of the letterhead, which had a small iris pattern

, the flower language of irises, which was sacred.

An Yu clutched the letter paper until the car stopped at the entrance of the community and did not open it.

An Yu was about to pay, but the driver took the lead in handing over a few pieces of change:

"Okay, it's here, girl, I'm looking for you forty-two, take your things, open the door and pay attention to the back." "

Looking for me?"

"The young man who gave you just now gave me a hundred, and said that the rest will be given to you, and you can just keep it."

An Yu seemed to feel more uncomfortable, and whispered thanks to the driver.

"Oh, thank you. She

got out of the car with the change she was looking for.

Money in one hand and letter in the other.

An Yu stood at the door of the community at a loss.

Fate seemed to play a joke on her, and she wondered if she was wrong, or God was wrong, to give her such a chance to be reborn.

She wanted to read the letter that she hadn't read carefully, a letter that contained all the boys' youth.

After a long time, she opened the letter.

But the long essay of thousands of words in my memory is gone.

On the empty stationery, only the word "Eucalyptus" remained, written underneath the irises...

How could this be

? Why did this happen

? Did it make him change it?

Ann Yu began to choke up, and she crouched on the ground and buried her head in the crook of her arm.

Slowly, the whimpering turned into crying.

She cried, tears soaking through her shirt and dripping down her cheeks.

Passers-by looked at her and didn't understand what kind of sad things she had encountered at such a good age.

Only she knows how emotional it is to find someone who loves her deeply and has a bright future after experiencing emotional betrayal.

Those who have been burdened with pain will be rewarded with results.

An Yu cried loudly, and her grievances overflowed with tears.

And the night was also in her crying, unscrupulously engulfing the entire Hangnan.


The street lights are on.

Lu You's blank brain realized that he couldn't go home by walking, so he found a nearby subway station to take the subway.

On the subway, he turned on his phone and saw a message sent to him by An Yu: "I'm home."

She didn't mention the love letter that had been dropped.

"It's good to be home, I'm tired today, rest early.

An Yu replied: "Well, you too."

Lu You put away his mobile phone after reading it, but as soon as the mobile phone was put in his pocket, it sounded again.

He turned on his phone again and saw that it was still a message from An Yu.

He clicked on it and looked:

"Lu You"?"

Lu You replied with a question mark.

He thought that An Yu had asked him to say something, so he quietly looked at his phone and waited for her reply.

turned out to receive a message he had never thought of:

"This can also be a love letter to youth, right?"

Lu You was silent...

He seemed to see the result of ten years of hard work in his previous life, but this result was destined to become a tragedy in this life.


You looked at the billboard flashing outside the window, and felt that life was really a game without order, he never gave you a chance to prepare, and before you could see a person clearly, he had already missed it.


At half past eight in the evening, Lu You arrived at the gate of the community, and he ate a bowl of beef noodles downstairs before going home.

Because he knew that there would be no one at home at this time.

When I got home, sure enough, it was dark and there was no movement.

Lu You opened the door with the key and plunged into the sofa of his house.

He prefers to lie on the soft sofa in his house rather than the hard bed.

Lu You still didn't reply to An Yu in the end, he wanted to put this matter aside for the time being.

He opened QQ, intending to take a look at the group messages of the class group and the group of four.

The class group is discussing some things about the evaluation and class gatherings, and there are a few girls who are chattering, and the group news is hard to 99+

Lu You didn't look closely, he knew that the party was the afternoon after tomorrow, in a party hall called "indulgence" on Minfu Road.

This year, the party hall has just started to become popular, and the young and young have a sense of freshness.

Lu You didn't look at the parents in the class group anymore, and turned to open their "Four Heavenly Kings" group.

Wang Xin: "@吕悠, where did you fucking die all day

?" "What did you do to my goddess?"

Wang Xin: "I'll fuck you!" Maybe she just used Lao Lu as a spare tire, and An Yu will have to come to me when the time comes.

Yu Zhiwen: "Looking for you to change the tire?"

Zhang Wei: "Hahahaha, Wang Xin, you don't talk much recently, you can't take advantage of anything, and it's all for your brother's fun."

Wang Xin: "¥#@@......%¥&......%*

" Lu You also wanted to ease his mood, so he sent a message in the group:

"Didn't you go to Baotian?

Wang Xin: "@吕悠, you're alive, what are you doing with An Yu today?


Wang Xin"?

" Yu Zhiwen made a shake of his head, and then followed: "Hey~ The brain is not bright, and you can suffer a lot less damage." "

Wang Xin:"?"

"What do you mean? What kind of riddler should you be?"

Zhang Wei made a gesture of touching his head.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Zhiwen also followed and touched his head.

Lu You sighed, and then also touched his head, and explained by the way: "I'm talking about it, don't take it seriously, nothing happened, just went shopping." "

Wang Xin:"?"

"What are you talking about?" does it have anything to do with what I asked?"

Lu You was amused across the screen.

"This sand sculpture is so silly cute. "


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