A War Between Spies

Chapter 1102: Surround them

The completely unexpected answer made Yang Yi the whole person.

Aaron is not even disguised, but why should he pick up the phone? If he really wants to kill Yang Yi, why bother to go through it, and it’s easier to save a bomb in his car.

"It seems that your news of going to Brazil has leaked away, I am sorry."

Aaron finally spoke again, and then Yang Yi was more confused.

"This is a test to test whether someone chooses loyalty or money. It seems that he chose the former. Sorry, things are more urgent than sending the right people, but since someone has made a choice, you let go. Let's do it."

Yang Yi did not say anything, but Aaron continued to faintly said: "Let me see your ability."

The phone hangs.

Ok, now it is OK, Aaron is deliberate, but he does not want to kill Yang Yi, he just used Yang Yi as a bait, as an experimental product, to test the loyalty of someone under his hand, As for Yang Yi’s life and death, he is not very concerned.

Of course, Aaron can also test Yang Yi’s ability by the way. If Yang Yi died, it will die. But if Yang Yi can escape in this situation, and even can reverse Nicholas, it can explain Yang Yi. Whether the value is reflected in his ability or in his relationship.

In short, Yang Yide reassessed his weight in Aaron's mind.

Yang Yi always thought that his weight was very heavy, but now it seems that if he dies, then it is really not even a sacrifice, just a piece that can be abandoned at any time.

But after Yang Yi just thought about it, my heart was moving again.

No, things are not that simple.

Not that the weight is too light, but Aaron may have to reuse Yang Yi more, so he has to look at Yang Yi in the end.

If it is necessary, it will be important. If it is not used, it will be abandoned. As for Yang Yi, what is important to Aaron?

Not important, not at all important.

After thinking about it, Yang Yi’s heart will have a bottom.

Temporarily compared to the edge, and then must kill Nicholas, this is indeed a test, but mainly used to test him.

"Where are you going?"

Yang Yi’s heart is a bit guilty.

If you are unfamiliar with the city of São Paulo, there is no one who can ask for help. If you want to avoid Nicholas's pursuit or attack, you really need to work hard.

As for anti-killing, let's save it first.

Yang Yi had an idea in his heart, so he said loudly: "Kate, help me out the gun."

Kate quickly smashed Yang Yi’s gun out of the box, and then Yang Yi Shen said: “Give them a position, tell Anton and Paul where we are, then tell them, I will set a place here. In the ambush position, no matter how many people chase us, kill them!"

Escape or escape in this strange city is not the best choice. Use the chaotic period to knock out Nicholas's minions and create a safe period before you can think about what to do next.

If you have been chased by many people, it is really unhappy to escape.

Kate said loudly: "The positioning has been sent to them. What are you going to say?"

Yang Yi extended her hand and Kate put a walkie-talkie in his hand.

"Get rid of everyone!"

Yang Yi is awkward. Although he is a spy, he should try to avoid direct fighting. But he is not a soft persimmon that is allowed to be kneaded. When he needs to start playing, he and the water organization are not afraid of any opponent when they must start playing. .

"right here!"

Yang Yi threw the walkie-talkie over, then he braked and turned the car to a junction.

From the car, Yang Yi opened the rear door and picked up the gun from Kate's hand. Shen Sheng said: "We are here, no matter how many enemies there are, kill them."

Bonnie was still silent, but Kate picked up a submachine gun, and then Yang Yiwei was on the front of the car, and Kate was at the rear of the car.

After waiting for a moment, Xiao Yu and Paul arrived. They were not far from Yang Yi, and they did not get angry with the enemy.

Until now, only the stone is like a person to exchange fire with the enemy.

Xiao Yu and Paul's car stopped on the other side of the road, and then Xiao Yu took her gun and got off the car, and also squatted in the car.

After a while, Yang Yi could hear the faint gunshots.

Soon, the cars of Anton and the stone statues rushed over, and they didn’t even have a car to turn around.

Yang Yi loudly: "Get rid of all of them!"

Almost the voice just fell, Xiao Yu shot.

The enemy caught up, and then the car just turned, Xiao Yu fired.

One shot hit the driver, then the second shot hit the co-pilot, two consecutive shots let the chase's first car immediately out of control.

Anton's car drove through Yang Yi's middle, and the speed was very fast, and did not stop, but Anton drove the car and rushed to the next intersection, but turned again at the next intersection.

I didn’t say hello, the car didn’t stop, I didn’t know what Anton was going to do.

Yang Yi's eyes are placed behind the scope. Frankly speaking, it is easy to shoot a fast-moving car with a semi-automatic rifle, but it is really difficult to hit the person on the car, so it is better to save some bullets.

Even Paul didn't shoot, only Xiao Yu was on his own.

When was Xiao Yu so powerful?

Yang Yi is extremely surprised, because Xiao Xiao smiles as if he is not the same as his impression. It is not the same. It is mainly because she is playing too much.

The opportunity to not give back to the enemy at all is really a shot, although the distance is not very far, but after all, the enemy is driving a car.

A pickup truck rushed over, and behind the car was driving a machine gun. This time, Xiao Yu directly shot the machine gun shooter from the car. www.NovelMTL.com~ The opportunity to shoot the enemy completely.

When did Xiao Yu become so fierce?

Yang Yi felt a little embarrassed. Already four cars, Xiao Yu hit four cars and stopped all. The success rate was 100%.

Finally, the second car that was stopped was down, and then waited for the man to make any action, that is, just got out of the car, and Paul shot it.

Xiao Yu and Paul's division of labor is clear, Xiao Yu taxi, Paul hit people, they do not interfere with each other, are each playing, but everyone can get off the car.

Finally, someone shot directly in the car, trying to change the fate of being killed, but it was useless.

Yang Yi did not open a shot, Kate did not open a shot, they both looked at Xiao Yu and Paul's performance.

At this moment, the voice of Anton was heard in the walkie-talkie around Yang Yi.

"We are going around, attacking from behind, encircling them, and not letting an enemy go."

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