The upgrade of the restaurant was carried out silently, and the appearance seemed almost unchanged, but no one knew that there was a creepy cannon tube hidden in the chimney.

System installed the first equipment in the restaurant that can attack attackers, but the starting conditions are still after the attack.

Mag doesn’t have much opinion on this, and his strength has now reached Tier-7, but it is not easy to use on the bright side. If any guy with short eyes forcibly operates the restaurant, these anti-aircraft missiles are enough Let them eat a pot.

Of course, Mag has some expectations for the next upgrade of the restaurant, because System said that after the restaurant reaches lv8, it will open the sky garden restaurant permissions.

Although not described in detail, the four words of the sky garden alone are attractive enough.

As for the opportunity for upgrading, Mag intends to stay for a while, but does not plan to use it for a while.

Chaos School, Principal Room.

A government office teacher looked at Novan sitting behind the table and hesitated: “Principal, the new school building has been completely constructed in accordance with the requirements, and teachers who need to be added have also begun to enter the public recruitment stage, but regarding the allocation of new school buildings, some Teachers have different ideas. They think that new children and teachers should start to familiarize themselves with the campus from the old school building. “

“The money to build the new school building was funded by the foundation of Luna Teacher, and this foundation was established to give children who have no chance to attend school the opportunity to sit in the classroom. Who do you think should sit in the new school?” Novan looked up. The Teacher asked, his eyes were as sharp as 2 knives.

The Teacher was shocked and said quickly: “It’s those children.”

Novan continued: “Since the school building has been completed, the recruitment of Teachers should be carried out as soon as possible, but the review mechanism and process must be strictly controlled, and I will be the examiner in the final interview. I must find responsible teachers for children . “

“Okay.” The Teacher was nodded again.

“Also, your administration office is in charge of docking with Luna Teacher’s Foundation. You must do a good job of assisting Luna Teacher to count the number and needs of children. It is your task to enable each child to come to Chaos School.”

“Yes.” The Teacher nodded and exited the Principal room.

“These Old Guys, don’t study the science well, and start to study the old and new of the school building.” Novan shook the head, took out a Teacher’s roster from the shelf behind him and rummaged.

City Lord’s mansion, Luna took out a folded registration form from her and handed it to Vivian, smiling: “Vivian, Chaos School’s new round of Teacher recruitment has begun to register, I brought you the registration form, You fill it out quickly, and then hand it over to the registration point. Maybe this year you can become a school teacher! “

“Really?” Vivian’s eye lit up, took a closer look at the registration form, hugged Luna, smiled and said, “very good! Luna, I will be the Teacher of Chaos School in the future!”

Luna clicked Vivian’s head and smiled helplessly: “But don’t, this is just an application form, not an admission notice. You have to pass the test, and then pass the interview which is personally controlled by Principal Novan. To be a real Teacher. “

“It doesn’t matter. With my strength, there is definitely no problem in passing the exam, and Principal Novan is very good to me. There must be no problem in passing the interview. Anyway, after getting this registration form, I am the teacher of Chaos School. Run! “Vivian smiled confidently, and looked at Luna with some curiosity:” But Luna, didn’t Chaos School start recruiting new teachers after the holidays at the end of next year? Why did you advance that many this year? “

“Because the school ’s new school building has been built, as long as they recruit the right teachers, children can learn a little bit before entering school this year, which will also have many benefits for them to integrate into Chaos School.

“That’s the way it is.” Vivian looking thoughtful of the nodded, and smiled again: “The students I teach in the future are children you have helped, aren’t you envious?”

“You still take the time to look at the test questions. If the written test fails, you don’t have to think about being a Teacher.” Luna said without a happy saying with a smile, and said with a serious expression: “Also, although Principal Novan is always good to you, but he is super principled in choosing Teacher. If he thinks that he cannot teach the child well, no matter who you are, you will definitely not pass the interview. You better first I want to know if I’m ready to be a teacher. “

Vivian watched Luna silent for a while, took a smile on her face, and nodded seriously, “Since my body started to recover, I have been thinking about what I can do, and finally think about it, I still I want to spend time with children. For the past ten years or so, I have hardly felt vitality and happiness, but with children, I may be able to find things that I have lost from them. I think this is a thing Happy and interesting things. “

“Very well, you should prepare for a written test.” Luna said with a smile, then pulled out a stack of papers from a bag, and blinked: “This is a real problem in the past, but most people ca n’t get it. You take it They did it all and asked me if they didn’t understand anything. “

“Ah, although you are good for me, but you are treating me as your student, right? You asked me to do all of them in this big stack of papers? I hate you” Vivian looked at Luna with a sad look .

“Without today’s effort, how can there be tomorrow’s floral fragrance, come on, you are the fattest.” Luna encouraged with a small fist.

Vivian turned her head and looked at Luna with great interest and asked, “The last time, Boss Mag went to Luodu with you. The long journey was long, so nothing romantic happened. Your grandfather was not very satisfied with him. Didn’t he say anything to you? “

“That many people were sitting on the flying magic beast, and they were in Luodu in less than a day. What can happen.” Luna’s face was calm.

“Tsk tsk, how can I listen to feel a little sorry?”


“Ha ha ha i was wrong, i was wrong don’t bother ha ha ha”

“Ma’am, are we really going to execute Plan S this time? Isn’t this great?”

“What’s wrong, in order to make this perfect s plan, Gloria Young Lady was included in the bag, but I spent a full time in the castle, and now the plan is complete, it is time to implement.”

Under the night, a huge bat slowly slid into Chaos city, and a voice wearing a black robe followed her silently, talking softly.

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