Hada, who was about to put her jacket on Rachel’s body, froze instantly. Looking at Rachel with tears in her eyes, her voice asked hoarsely: “Rachel, what do you say?”

“I said you father came to you, idiot. I saw the revelation he posted, and it looks like you. He really came to you.” Rachel laughed while wiping her tears.

Hada shook her head and took a step back, with a hint of confusion in the expression: “How could that be, after so many years, how could he still be looking for me, you must have read it wrong, it could not be me”

“Why did I read it wrong? The search notice said that there was a mole on the left eyebrow and a meniscus-shaped scar on the back of the head, which you all have.” Rachel stepped forward and grabbed Hada’s hand, looking His eye said: “Moreover, he came from Luodu, and the child was lost 25 years ago. Didn’t you say that you remember your home in Luodu? Bazel is your last name, and you remember it correctly, Your name is Baker Bazel. He’s really your father. He’s here for you. “

Hada’s pupils trembled, and her body began to tremble, and the blue veins on her forehead exploded.

“Hada? Hada, are you okay?” Rachel looked at Hada, stepped back a little timidly, and now Hada looks terrifying, not like the idiot who only smirked at her in memory.

“No, he’s not my father! I father has died long ago! I don’t have father, and I’m not from Lotto, I’m not Baker Bazel, I’m Hada, I only have Master without father.” Hada grabbed her hair, Roared in pain and sorrow.

“Hada” Rachel looked at Hada, rushed forward, hugged Hada tightly, and burst into tears, sobbing and crying.

When Hada heard Rachel’s cry, her expression calmed down gradually, and she looked at Rachel, who had wet her clothes with tears on her chest. Her energy was as if she had been drained suddenly, and she sat on the ground with her buttocks. , His eyes choked, “Why, why did he come to me now? Why did he think of coming to me 25 years later? If he came to me earlier, my fingers would not be cut off by me, mine Their legs will not be interrupted by them. If he comes to me earlier, I am not a handicapped, I can just and honorable like your dad, why is it now? “

Rachel hugged like a child Hada who was crying tightly, and she couldn’t stop crying. When he was calmer, he held his face and looked at his eye. “Idiot, no matter what you look like, as long as you Propose to my dad, and I will definitely marry you, whether he agrees or not. “

Hada looked at Rachel, tears twitching in her eyes, harder held Rachel tightly in her arms and choked, “I’m sorry, Rachel, I’m sorry. I just want to honor the Master well, it’s the second time his old man gave me Life, i should stay with him “

“It’s okay, if you really don’t want to see him, then it’s gone, I respect your choice.” Rachel shook her head, she could feel his pain and the hopelessness once, if you replaced her, it might not be this time. Know how to face that father.

“Why don’t you see him? At our age, if you can’t even see your own son on the last side, it’s dead and you can’t close your eyes.” The old blacksmith in cotton jackets did not know when he appeared At the door, watching Hada’s voice sank slightly.

“Master, me,” Hada looked up, looking at the old blacksmith.

“Hada, I know you are filial, but he has always been your father, and in the past 25 years, how do you know that he is not looking for you? Nolan continent is so vast, he is an ordinary person, how do you know that you have been brought to you by a trafficker? Chaos city? “The old blacksmith interrupted Hada.” Why not go and see him again, and ask him? “

Hada’s expression became hesitant.

“Go and see him tomorrow. Even if you find father, I’m still your Master. If you still want to inherit this smithy, it’s still yours. When I die, you have to bury me. “The old blacksmith waved his hand, glanced at Rachel, and smiled,” Like a man, mother-in-law’s. “After turning, he turned directly into the door.

Hadabi sat in place.

“Hada, would you like to see him?” Rachel asked softly.

Hada’s eyes suddenly recovered, hesitating for a while, and nodded: “Well, I’ll go.”

“Okay, I’ll go with you tomorrow.” Rachel smiled on her face, then couldn’t help sneezing.

“You sweat a lot, and the wind blows when it blows. I’ll send it to your home first.” Hada quickly draped the cotton-padded jacket from Rachel’s body, then stood up holding the door frame, and held Rachel to the distance. Go to the small courtyard.

“I’m okay, it’s just a sneeze. I just changed my clothes and slept.” Rachel shook her head, said with a smile.

“No, I’ll cook ginger soup for you in a while, drink and sleep.” Hada said firmly, shaking her head.

“Today I and my father work the night shift and are not at home”

“That’s very good, I can send you to the house, and then I will cook ginger soup for you at home.”


“You are really a piece of wood.” The old blacksmith looked at Hada, who was holding an empty bowl, also sighed.

After a day of fermentation, the tracing notice attracted a lot of attention in Chaos city, and Mag didn’t expect that this kind-hearted action inadvertently advertised a citywide advertisement for Mamy Restaurant, which increased the number of guests queuing in front of the restaurant in the morning. Doubled.

This also caused Mag to have to make a magnified version of the menu stand up directly at the entrance of the restaurant, and let some people just curious to see the lively people retreat.

The price on the menu has a strong filtering effect.

Of course, this also raises the enthusiasm of people to find out more.

There is no limit to one meal for two people, how can you have a 10000 Copper Coin? This is no small temptation.

Benjamin ended the night shift, walked quickly towards his small courtyard, and said to himself, “Rachel this girl, why didn’t you come all night? Is it because the body is uncomfortable?”

As soon as the door was ready to be opened, the door was pushed open from the inside.

“Father!” Rachel watched as Benjamin standing at the door was also frightened, and then ran away sideways from Benjamin, “I’ll go out.”

“This girl!” Benjamin looked at Rachel disappearing at the corner of the alley, stomped angrily, opened the door and entered the yard.

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