Restaurant balcony

“Father, I’m thirsty and want to drink water. Wait for me here. I’ll be up soon.” Amy put the long sword aside and turned to run downstairs.

“Little Brat.” Mag smiled and reached out to wipe the sweat from his forehead. Now practicing sword is also one of his daily activities. Practicing an hour before going to bed every night is of great benefit to the skill of the sword.

“But after practicing for an hour, I was a bit thirsty.” Mag put the long sword aside and went downstairs. He was still a bit uneasy to ask Amy to pick up water to drink.

Mag walked to the first floor stairway entrance, was about to go out, but kept his feet down, and looked sideways carefully towards the doorway.

Amy, who was supposed to drink water, grabbed her neck with one hand and dragged two 2 ducklings towards the door. The small appearance seemed to make Mag funny and distressed, and she wondered in her heart: “Amy, what is this?”

“Meow meow ~”

Ugly Duckling followed behind, screaming in anxiety, eyes full of worry.

“Shh, Ugly Duckling, shut up!” Amy glanced back at Ugly Duckling, then glanced toward the stairway, whispering: “If Father can find it, it’s not good.”

“Meow.” Ugly Duckling yelled weakly and didn’t dare to squeak anymore.

“Can’t you find me yet?” Mag leaned his head back again, looking curiously at Amy who had come to the door. Little Brat avoided him deliberately, dragging 2 3 ducks. Where is this going?

Amy put down 2 3 ducks, and the 2 3 ducks who were holding their necks by their lives panted heavily, panicking a little in fear, trying to stay away from Amy.

“Don’t run!” Amy grabbed the necks of the two ducks again, then lifted her toes and tried to reach the doorknob. The fingertips did not easily touch the handle. Ka-cha opened the door lock and exposed a seam.

“Hu.” Amy exhaled softly, and looked back with some guilty conscience and looked at 2 eyes, looking at the 2 3 ducks that were struggling and struggling, quickly released his hands to let them breathe, and then snorted again. Walk around the door lightly with their necks.

Mag leaned his head and looked out, only to see Amy holding the two ducks back, but not at all went away, but he put down two ducks at the door, as if to say something to them, and then in his hands A flame appeared.

“Are you going to bake it straight?” Mag raised an eyebrow and went silently to the door, looking sideways.

The two 2 ducklings looked at Amy in horror, and Ugly Duckling on the side was anxiously blocking in front of the two ducks, but looking at the flame in Amy’s hands, there was a bit of fear in his eyes.

Amy looked at the Red crown three flowered duck, slowly crouched down, and looked expectantly, “This fat ugly duck must be delicious when roasted, just like the roast goose shop on the square, roasted into golden yellow. , Eating one leg and eating it must be super happy. “

“Gā gā gā !!!”

Two 2 flower ducks fluttered their wings in horror, trying to stay away from the devil, but their legs were tied and tied together, they couldn’t move for half a minute, they just watched the flame slowly approaching, Feeling the terrible heat.

“Well, I wanted to eat you, but it ’s so pathetic to see Ugly Duckling, so I decided to let you go. You ca n’t let Ugly Duckling experience the pain of losing parents from a young age.” Amy sighed, the flame in his hand suddenly shrank Small Accomplishment One chopstick is the size of a pair of two duck ducks, and the rope tied to their feet is reduced to ashes.

Feeling the heat of the 2 and 3 ducklings stunned to the ground, his face was bewildered, he didn’t seem to understand what happened, and even forgot to escape.

“If you don’t leave again, I will regret it. Father is going to make you a roast duck tomorrow.” Amy’s eyes started to move again.

“Ga ga !!!”

Two Red crown three flowered duck seemed to come back to his senses, fluttered with wings and flew towards the square, one of them nearly hit the tree due to excessive panic, and fell off. Dead leaves in one place disappear into the sky as 2 black spots.

“Meow meow!”

Ugly Duckling looked at Fei Yuan’s 3 ducklings with excitement, then turned to look at Amy, and stomped her feet with a tiny head bag.

“I was afraid of Ugly Duckling.” Mag shook the head with a smile, and Little Brat was still very kind.

“Okay, I know you’re happy.” Amy touched Ugly Duckling’s head, looked at the expression on his face, and smiled. “But have you ever heard of my father’s debt?”


Ugly Duckling looked at Amy in puzzlement.

“It’s okay, you will understand it later.” Amy took Ugly Duckling with a smile, glanced at the sky again, turned into the restaurant, and whispered with some remorse: “It looks really nice to watch the 2 duck ducks fly away. Feeling sad, but how should I tell Father? It took him a day to catch them … “

Mag quietly disappeared from the staircase. Little Brat must be worried that he didn’t agree, so he secretly let go of the two ducks, but he was curious about what reason Little Brat would tell him about it.

“Father, please drink water.”

Mag waited for a while on the balcony, and Amy cautiously walked out with a cup in his hands, struggling to raise his hand to Mag.

“Well, thank you Amy.” Mag smiled and took a drink and took a sip, and Little Brat also knew to honor him first.

Amy looked up at Mag and looked sorry, “Sorry, Father, I let go of the two ugly ducks, because I think Ugly Duckling would be sad.”

“It’s okay, being able to understand the feelings of friends is something to be encouraged.” Mag shook her head with a smile, looking at Amy’s eyes full of admiration.

Not only because Little Brat knows how to be considerate of friends, but more importantly, he doesn’t try to lie, but is frank with him, which is very important to him.

With a smile on Amy’s face, nodded said, “Well, it doesn’t matter. Although they let them go, their child is still in my hands, and one day it will return.”

Mag laughed helplessly, then touched Amy’s head and said, “Then let’s practice the sword again and go back to sleep.”

“Uh-huh.” Amy nodded, picked up the long sword set aside, and then followed Mag to practice it.


2nd day In the morning, Yabei Mia watched Mag, who had just gone out for breakfast, and was curiously asked, “Boss, what exactly is Stinky tofu?”

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